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[WIP]United Launch Alliance Pack *V1.0RC1 Released*


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So, how's the work going on this pack? I've been thinking that it'd be really nice to see an Atlas III 1st stage. Since it's pretty much the only difference between Atlas III and V (aside from avionics changes), it wouldn't take much to include an Atlas III in the pack. It'd be a nice addition for the tech tree.

Also, when are GEM-60s for Delta IV coming out?

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I would be interested in helping with anything related to a realistic Delta IV Heavy to go with the Talisar Aerospace Large Upper Stage and Chaka Monkey systems currently under development. Remember EFT-1 is right around the corner and it would be neat if we had a believable replica in time.

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The Delta IV looks really good. Will you be making a 4m DCSS for it, or working with BlazingAngel on one? Also, there was a Delta IV variant which used Delta-K (the Delta II upper stage) as a second stage instead of DCSS. It's been cancelled, but it's a matter of making one adapter, now that you've made both Delta II and IV.

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I will, probably tomorrow...

Stuck sitting in a 3D CADD course. Making pulleys and stuff. Silently wishing that I could be at home, playing with blender...

@DarthVader, I will attempt it again with sketchfab, but I can't get the textures to import with it. That, and I'm not sure if you could see all the detail of it. I'll give it a shot later tonight.

(Edit) I'll also be, in the future, making an upper stage to mimic EFT-1, hopefully it'll match up well with Bobcat's Orion!

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Hey guys! I know I haven't been around in forever, but things haven't exactly been favorable so I haven't had any motivation for modding or playing. I will try and get round at some point to adding the Atlas V into the R + D system and updating any necessary things (I haven't played with the new science stuff yet so I will have to try it out first). In terms of additions/new models I don't plan on making any in the near future, although if I feel that I do want to some time in the future I may add some new things in.

Got to say, that new Delta IV model looks great. One concern though is the tri count. I was told not to go over 10k tris when making my Atlas V, and the whole system is probably around 5k. By comparison that Delta IV model you uploaded to sketchfab is 96k! I don't know how it will run in game now that things are updated, but I was told not to go too high because of the performance hit. Hopefully it shouldn't be too bad as I want to try this bad boy out! Just something to consider.

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I had never heard the 10k rule... But, 96k isn't THAT far over! (Note: Sarcasm) I'm not sure how it'll function, or how I could reduce the tri count without negatively impacting the model. It'll be something to look into tomorrow.

The textures, I believe are 1024x1024? I think.

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