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[WIP]United Launch Alliance Pack *V1.0RC1 Released*


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Interstage done, models smoothed out and set to correct shader (thanks for pointing out the smoothing BlazingAngel). Also added the Centaur forward adapter which acts as a decoupler and ASAS. Just fairings to go now, and may switch over to use an engine faring rather than the ISA.

That looks great, I've been looking tor an Atlas V mod for a while now, good job!

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Do you mean the CCB? There are a couple of different versions of the tank, some are a solid colour throughout, some have a silver finish on the top half. I wasn't sure which finish to go for, and in the end I went for the silver finish but it doesn't show up too well in ksp

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You didn't make a mistake :), some Atlas Vs do have an all orange tank like so


I just used this as my reference for most of the CCB work


Not sure why they use different tanks, unless they are fueld slightly differently

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If anyone would like to help test this then send me a PM, I might be able to get a test version out tomorrow, no promises. I have some kinks to work out first.

And with that, my last update of today. Payload Fairings!!! (they are a bit rushed because I wanted them done today)


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I'm not sure what the deal is with the more silvery radiator panels on the RBSP mission, but it's the only one like that. Even at that, depending on the lighting, it doesn't look as silvery.




All other launches show the more normal copper-colored radiator panel. The color is caused by the polyurethane insulation they use to insulate the aluminum body.

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I'm not sure what the deal is with the more silvery radiator panels on the RBSP mission, but it's the only one like that. Even at that, depending on the lighting, it doesn't look as silvery.




All other launches show the more normal copper-colored radiator panel. The color is caused by the polyurethane insulation they use to insulate the aluminum body.

I know, its a bit weird that one, why do the Van Allen probes get a different launcher. Also curiosity had the same grey/silver topped tank. Anyway it shouldn't be too hard to change the texture on the tank to solid orange


Thanks to those of you who messaged me about testing the Atlas, I should have a pack sent out to you soon. Also I have enough testers now thank-you :)

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Are your upper stages for the Delta 4 going to have the in-flight extending nozzles like the real life upper stages do? Just a little detail but would be cool to have.

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Are your upper stages for the Delta 4 going to have the in-flight extending nozzles like the real life upper stages do? Just a little detail but would be cool to have.

Trying to but having detail implementing. Right now it is just a cylinder with a nozzle for doing tests though as I am on vacation. When I get home I should be able to try it on the real model. Right now however there is no reason to extend the nozzle. The engine works fine without it. Does anyone know a way to tie ISP to an animation?

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I'm not sure, but would it be possible to set up 2 thrustTransforms in unity and name one of them thrustTransform2 and tie an engine module to each one. Then when you extend the nozzle you switch to the other engine module which has a higher isp. Just an idea

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Unfortunetly there is no way to set it up so that it cannot be throttled up unless it is deployed. I can use isoneshot=true but there is no animation trigger for stage activation. I *might* be able to set it up as a fairing and do a "deploy" animation. Nova sent me some great info on using unity to set this stuff up. Not sure I will have to try it when I get home to my main dev machine. In the mean time I am working on the Delta II and some web 2.0 icons for the mission control plugin

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The Atlas V is looking awesome, can't wait! Anyways, one question. Do you plan on making the 501 when you're done with the 401? The Atlas V 5_1's are my favorite rockets. :D Also, the mod looks awesome, I'm so happy someone is making a ULA mod! :D :D :D.

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I don't want to ask this but I will: Anyway you guys can make the proper fairings/adapters for Lionhead's MSL/Phoenix/MER addons? It wouldn't have to cover every little detail, just a single base adapter+proper sized fairings would be wonderful. Either way though, the project has got me excited!

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Well in reply to both rocketturtle and good_Apollo, I will be doing the 5 meter fairing and SRBs for the Atlas V, and MSL was launched atop an Atlas V 541, so when I make the 5m fairing I could put the MSL mission badge on it for you. I know that spirit and opportunity were launched on a delta II, as was Phoenix, so that is blazingangels department.

Oh and I will also try and make some payload adapters that will fit the stock parts so it will look a little better if you want to launch your own creations

To be honest, it was after trying to make the Atlas V and Delta II out of random parts for yoguis mods that made me want to do this pack in the first place :D

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Well in reply to both rocketturtle and good_Apollo, I will be doing the 5 meter fairing and SRBs for the Atlas V, and MSL was launched atop an Atlas V 541, so when I make the 5m fairing I could put the MSL mission badge on it for you. I know that spirit and opportunity were launched on a delta II, as was Phoenix, so that is blazingangels department.

Oh and I will also try and make some payload adapters that will fit the stock parts so it will look a little better if you want to launch your own creations

To be honest, it was after trying to make the Atlas V and Delta II out of random parts for yoguis mods that made me want to do this pack in the first place :D

YAY! I also made an Atlas V 541 with KW Rocketry, the current rocket looks better than these pics, but whatever: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/33721-Atlas-K-A-Kerbal-reproduction-of-the-Atlas-V-500-Series

The current rocket has the SRBs closer together and further down on the rocket.

Anyways, I want to ask this... but I also don't... well here it goes. So, after getting my 3D printed Jeb from shapeways, I've been pretty hooked on 3D printing, and I Googled like it meant my life but I couldn't find a free 3D models of an Atlas V... so... I was wondering if you had any free time, you could make a low detail, textureless, model of an Atlas V (400 or 500). Obviously, if you can do this it doesn't have to have much detail because I'm planning on making it only 3-ish cm so I can plate it in gold without busting my wallet. So I would be super thankful if you could do this (or anyone else reading this). I realize you're making a mod right now so I'm perfectly ok if you can't do it, and if you can, I don't want to rush you, you can take your time.

Well thanks, remember I'm fine if you can't make it.

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I'm pretty sure I could do that for you. I'll add all the current parts into a single project and make them into a single model. It will have to wait a bit though as I am on holiday this week and can't do much in the way of modeling :P I'll send you a PM when I get back and I'll sort a model out for you

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I'm pretty sure I could do that for you. I'll add all the current parts into a single project and make them into a single model. It will have to wait a bit though as I am on holiday this week and can't do much in the way of modeling :P I'll send you a PM when I get back and I'll sort a model out for you

Brace... Brace!... BRACE!...


Thank you! You're a life saver! I probably would've ended up dieing from Google, or loosing $210 on a Atlas V 501 over on TurboSquid...

EDIT: And anyways, I'm fine with waiting, It's not like I've got anything better to do considering school is over... :P

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