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Atlas K - A Kerbal reproduction of the Atlas V 500 Series

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Hey guys! :D I decided to replicate the Atlas V, I wanted it to look something like the Curiosity rocket. The one I made can't make it to Duna or anything, just a simple orbit, but I was just doing this for the reproduction. I decided to put a satellite into orbit. I used KW Rocketry and MechJeb, 'cause without Mechjeb it's like trying to control a bear or something. On drugs...

Anyyyyways... here are some pics, let me know if you have any tips!

On the launchpad, main engine ignition.




Just after SRB separation, hard to see them, the rocket was going too fast...


After gravity turn...


Staging for my orbital burn.


Orbital brun.


Satellite in orbit!


K-Mobile? AK&K? Kerizon?


Well thanks for looking and feel free to give me tips on how to do this and that or whatever.

Bye! :D

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Nice! Those are some nice rockets you've got there! I was going to make them stock, but I wanted it as realistic as possible, and KW Rocketry had everything I needed, the nose cone fairings, the SRB's, and the fuel tanks, so I used it.

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