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new Kerbal spaceman here


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Randomly came across this game. Don't even remenber where. It just popped up and I had to take a look. Downloaded the demo and got hooked. Recently got the full version and I'm super stoked to be playing it.

I have successfully landed on the Mun and walked around. Although I haven't learned how to do so with enough fuel to get home. Poor Kerbal Munwalk Team 1 is abandoned for now. Hopefully I'll get a return team up there to retrieve them eventually.

My plan now is to solve this and at the same time set up a Kerbal Orbitar Space Station ... FOR SCIENCE!

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Welcome to the forums! :) Sounds like a rescue mission is in order.

For tips on better spacecraft design and piloting, I'd like to recommend that you take a look at some of the tutorials and other guides available in the Drawing Board (link in my sig). You could also possibly start a topic in the How To thread with a screenshot of your craft and the launch vehicle and see what kind of advice you get from some of our more experienced players, if you ever get stuck on that design specifically. We also have a Mission Reports section if you want to keep us updated on your progress as you play. In general, just feel free to step into any conversation that piques your curiosity.

Happy landings!

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Is this game being marketed to schools? I'm 35 years old, and I've been HUGELY educated in a short amount of time. You want to talk about inspiring the future generations ... what better way than with this game? It is a phenomenal interractive education experience!

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Successfully landed on the Mun and returned home!!!

Although, it was barely .... barely had enough fuel to make it. I got a lucky break in that I was able to make a single manuver from liftoff off of Mun with a single manuver node able to trajectory shoot back toward Home. And then not enough fuel to make a pretty retrograde burn to land on Kerbin, but it was enough to get me into atmo and fall back. I litterally ran out of fuel trying to get it to line up, and almost started to cry. Then I realized that I was losing speed in atmosphere and falling, falling, falling. I popped parachutes and landed somewhere in the middle of the ocean. But, by kerbal, I was home!

Now ... I need to learn how to do this without so much luck involved. Landing on the Mun ... the landing part, was insane. I had to re-try it so many times (quicksave = F5, hold F9 to restore) because I kept crashing. I'm going to change my design of my lander and use both mini-rockets and RCS, I think. Hopefully this will give me some landing control.

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Welcome mellojoe!

For Mun landings I find it works well for me to land like this:

Achieve stable mun orbit

retro burn at Ap until your Pe is 0

set up a node at 10,000m that kills most lateral velocity

point engines towards ground and keep your speed under 100m/s

closer you get to the surface, lower speed until touchdown

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Is this game being marketed to schools? I'm 35 years old, and I've been HUGELY educated in a short amount of time. You want to talk about inspiring the future generations ... what better way than with this game? It is a phenomenal interractive education experience!

SQUAD does work with educators to provide special licenses for schools, although they prefer to let the teacher contact them first. Some teachers have come up with quite clever ways to encourage class participation.

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