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I am familiar with Kerbal Space Program, but I have been reluctant to buy it since I had the freeware space sim "Orbiter". But now, I'm going to buy it this afternoon, so I can join in all the fun.

Can you guess who my favorite singer is?

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Hey, there Pipcard!

I'm Alex the worst ****ing KSP player ever. Happy to meet you, and welcome to the fourms!

And I'm guessing your favourite singer is Pipcard? xD is that even a Band...IDC and IDK but anyways, the community is feindly and you can add me on skype if ya wanna play together at all and I can atleast help you get into orbit, and make a small satellite :) :) :)



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No, Pipcard is a portmanteau of Piplup from Pokémon and Jean-Luc Picard from Star Trek. It's a moniker I made up a long time ago. But that's not who I meant by "favorite singer".

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Welcome to the forums! :)

I have a feeling the clue to the answer to your question is in your custom user title :wink:

Since you're a new player, I'd highly suggest that you check out the Drawing Board (link in my sig), which has a number of tutorials and other player aids. Feel free to also ask questions of some of our veteran players over in the How To section of the forums if you ever get stuck with anything in particular.

Happy landings!

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