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My Agency = NASA?


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It's been a while. A while since the last Kerbal has left Low-Kerbin-Orbit. A while since the Kerbal's have reached out, to conquer the stars. That was thirty years ago. Today, the Agency is dead, almost dead in the human spaceflight sector. If anyone looked at the timeline of manned spaceflight acievements, they would see a massive gap.

1967- Moonshot lands Kerbals on the Mun.

1975- Moonshot 5 takes off, the last expedition to the lunar surface.

1975- First Space-Station.

2024- First Kerbal's land on Minmus, using an modifed Moonshot rocket

2025- A asteroid is pulled into Orbit through the use of NERVA's, and a base is built on it by Kerbals.


2026- Funding for the Kerbal Spaceflight sector is sliced in half, due to stagnating interest. My probes...however....

Laythe ; One drilling robot

Jool ; One Orbiter

Eeloo ; One Orbiter

Duna ; One Orbiter, One Rover, One Lander, One Sample-Return

Eve ; One Lander

Dres ; One Orbiter

Luna ; One Orbiter

Minmus ; One Orbiter

Kerbin ; Fifteen Satellites, One Asteroid.

Asteroid ASDF2013 ; One manned base.

So, should I cut the manned program altoghter and stick with probes and the little rock, or should I keep expanding? I'm pretty bored right now, and the funding is at an all-time low. My rockets all have massive safety precautions. But I have no interest.

Any mission suggestions? (Please keep them realistic.) :)

And, oddly in enough, as a crude pun, I intended my agency to be like NASA. Well...I take that back.

Edited by NASAFanboy
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The next logical and NASA ish thing to do would be to send a manned return mission to Duna, at least to orbit and back which will peak interest and hopefully funding.

Followed by a base mission to the moon (mining most likely). From there would be a good time to plant first kerbal on Duna if haven't already (peaking interest again) and then possibly a space station in orbit around Duna to serve as a depot for further exploration.

Maybe not perfect, but possible way to get things going again.

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well if you wanted it to be like NASA you should scrap the space program altogether and focus on real life issues like Global Warming.....because that's a thing....

yes, and making Muslims feel good about themselves...

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