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Just to say hi, and toss a new idea


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Hi my name is André and im from Portugal, just here to say i LOVE this game, great work to all the team of KSP and Squad.

Just 1 more thing, i know you guys probably hear a bunch of ideas in this forum to add stuff in game, and im sorry to give you 1 more, but here goes. Is it possible to put just a few animals in game to serve the great kerbal space program, like there was in the old days, with the Russian dog Laika or the american chimps they used on unmanned orbiters, they dont have to look just like they do in real life, they could be more kerbalised :P, and even is possible have a few in capsule animations like our astronauts, the dog could for example lick the camera or the chimps could pick their nose , etc etc.

Again tks for this great game, love it.

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  • 7 months later...

Looks like a good idea for a mod.

I'd make a large "probe" module (allow remote control of the spacecraft and rocket) that contains a special Kerbin animal, and you see an image of it during flight similar to the Kerbonauts. However EVAs would not be possible. Thoughts?

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Guys, this thread is 6 months old. Please remember to check the dates on things before posting. If it's more than a month or so old, think twice. If it's more than three months, it's generally best to not revive it at all. This thread will now be primed for closure. Good day.

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