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[0.20.2] Mission Controller v0.10 (06/24/2013) [ALPHA]


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Someone help me. I see the MC icon at the bottom of the screen, but I don't see any missions to select when I click on the icon. I also added the mission packs made by malkuth and don't see those as well. These are not my first mod/add-on install. Dragged everything into the GameDate folder. Any ideas?

Edit: Never mind... the window was too low, once I moved it up, I was able to select missions.

Edited by boa3532
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Someone help me. I see the MC icon at the bottom of the screen, but I don't see any missions to select when I click on the icon. I also added the mission packs made by malkuth and don't see those as well. These are not my first mod/add-on install. Dragged everything into the GameDate folder. Any ideas?

The Mission Files should be in


The Mission Controller File needs to be in (which opens up the folders above.)


Also when you click on the icon you have to select "Select Mission Packet".. Its in the lower part of the window with "Open browser window". This will open up another window and allow you to open up the packs.

Edited by malkuth
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I`ve quite enjoyed looking up some of my past designs and seeing what it would cost to launch them. My established shuttle for kerbin-minmus-mun duty, with launcher was 2 and a quarter million kerbones to launch :) That`s a lot of tv satellites hah!

Yes! All my shuttle designs will have to wait for quite awhile after starting a fresh campaign. They may be theoretically cost-effective in the long run because they recycle the most expensive engines, but they cost so freaking much to build, I can't afford to risk damaging a vehicle; it would shut down my whole space program.

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The PluginData file keeps logging all these ships which I can't finish the missions with. I really don't know what I'm doing wrong. All the mission objectives were complete, but once landed I can't complete the mission. Maybe do I need to land near KSC?

id = Mun I__PART1
vesselGuid = 5f6ffb8e-92e5-4376-a765-b586fedf0938
repeatable = False
id = Mun I__PART1
vesselGuid = e261563a-b02f-4f6b-939f-4b98545e16e9
repeatable = False
id = Mun I__PART1
vesselGuid = 55c94fdc-4c85-45e4-ae3e-5b5fa1fc2406
repeatable = False
id = Mun I__PART1
vesselGuid = 4411b3ba-ce8d-48be-9d3a-fae78a1dbf32
repeatable = False
id = Mun I__PART1
vesselGuid = 9d997d51-eed1-45cd-acb5-35e6ed950e43
repeatable = False

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This is a default mission from the mod Author but it only has these objectives

body = Mun

minPeA = 10000
maxApA = 900000

body = Kerbin

Which means you have to orbit the Mun at Min PE of 10000 And Max of 900000 (which gives you all kinds of room for error..)

And landing back at kerbin.. No longitude objectives at all. Did you already finish the mission because its not repeatable.

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Which means you have to orbit the Mun at Min PE of 10000 And Max of 900000 (which gives you all kinds of room for error..)

And landing back at kerbin.. No longitude objectives at all. Did you already finish the mission because its not repeatable.

Both objectives were green every time, but when landed it does not give me the option to complete the mission. Only salvage the ship I'm in.

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If you can, I'll take a look at your Mission controller save file. You can post it with the code tags in this thread.. Or send it too me.

Its located in your \KSP_win\GameData\MissionController\Plugins\PluginData Its usual saved as yoursavefilename(sandbox).sp

Can't promise I can figure it out. (not the mod author) but I will try.

Also make sure you have not disabled the mod with the option in the config tab.. That would cause this problem too.. Sometimes its easy to forget you disabled it. ;) And yes you still get the option to Reuse landed vessels with the mod turned off in the options. (don't know why)

Edited by malkuth
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is there a better way to make this work well with remote-tech?

What do you mean.. Mission wise? I have not messed with Remote-tech all that much but if you need certain kind of missions what would they be?

I could throw together a quick pack that would have a bunch of generic missions set for Remote Tech.. But to be honest I have no idea what you would need other then launch satellites around orbital bodies.. And as far as I know all packs come with missions like that.

I know I have seen a lot of videos online of people using manned pods to deliver a bunch of Satellites at once.. Are you looking for things like that? Suggestions would help. :)

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It has been a while. Currently I don't have the time to develop the plugin, sorry for that.


The docking causes issues. KSP does not handle it correctly, from my point of view:

Say we have two ships, ship A and ship B. Each ship has its own ID. When we dock ship A to ship B, it creates a new vessel with the ID from ship B.

If we then undock ship A again, we have a new vessel with a completely new ID. *THIS* causes the behaviour you described, because the plugin uses the IDs to identify ships and save the mission status.

Try to reload the mission and you will see that you did not finish the first mission goal with the undocked vessel.

About the balancing issues:

It has been a while and what do you think about the current balancing? Is it ok?

About the current development:

I am still thinking about the research points and how they should increase the costs for high tech parts. Also I am in contact with the developer from RemoteTech, we will figure it out sooner or later :).

Besides that I implemented an event goal, that allows other developers to fire events for my plugin (like "mapped 90% of Kerbin" from MapSat).

The EventGoal would look like this:

description = Map at least 90% of Kerbins surface.
eventID = mapsat:Kerbin:90

But it requires other developers to cooperate.

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What do you mean.. Mission wise? I have not messed with Remote-tech all that much but if you need certain kind of missions what would they be?

I could throw together a quick pack that would have a bunch of generic missions set for Remote Tech.. But to be honest I have no idea what you would need other then launch satellites around orbital bodies.. And as far as I know all packs come with missions like that.

I know I have seen a lot of videos online of people using manned pods to deliver a bunch of Satellites at once.. Are you looking for things like that? Suggestions would help. :)

One thing that makes the first few missions hard is landing everything. Not only is it difficult to land where there is control, but you lose a valuable asset (a satellite) when doing so. Another thought is some geostationary and/or ground station missions before the space ones (ie. land a vehicle with 3 crew x degrees of longitude away from KSC). An optional side mission could be putting unmanned relays on some of the mountains about the place (maybe a repeatable mission for landing something above 2000m, they won't have much coverage, but every little bit helps).

I started writing a mission pack, but the rewards need tweaking (mostly increasing). Note that I haven't required any specific antennae/dishes/etc because I like the variety of being able to choose your own depending on available mods/aesthetic/etc.

name = RemoteTech Starter Missions
description = Some of our scientists have noticed that unmanned missions are a bit tricky if you can't control any of the probes.

name = Ground Control
description = Controlling probes is a bit tricky with a planet in the way. Get some Kerbals over the horizon so they can take over mission control when KSC loses sight. We suggest eastward and near the equator to make things easy later.
reward = 15000
category = LANDING

crewCount = 3
description = Land somewhere away from KSC's longitude. Don't forget a remoteCommand and comms of some kind so the crew can take control. Which ones are up to you.
body = Kerbin
minLongitude = -60
maxLongitude = 90

name = Baby Steps
description = We need to check our models against some measurements from the upper atmosphere. Get a probe out of the atmosphere; you don't need to bring it back once we get what we need.
reward = 8000
category = ORBIT
requiresMission = Ground Control

description = Exit the atmosphere.

body = Kerbin
minAltitude = 70000
minSeconds = TIME(2h)

partName = sensorBarometer
partCount = 1

partName = sensorGravimeter
partCount = 1

partName = sensorThermometer
partCount = 1

reward = 4000
optional = true
description = Land at Kerbin
body = Kerbin

name = Beep beep beep
description = We're not quite ready to put up a communication network yet. We still need more data. Get a satellite into a decaying orbit.
reward = 10000
category = ORBIT
requiresMission = Baby Steps

description = Orbit

body = Kerbin
minPeA = 40000
maxPeA = 70000
minSeconds = TIME(40m)

partName = sensorBarometer
partCount = 1

partName = sensorGravimeter
partCount = 1

partName = sensorThermometer
partCount = 1

reward = 10000
optional = true
description = Land at Kerbin
body = Kerbin

name = Talk the talk
description = Get a sattelite up to improve our comms network. You probably won't break even with the funding we've managed to acquire for this, but the improved infrastructure will help.
reward = 5000
repeatable = true
category = ORBIT
requiresMission = Beep beep beep

description = Orbit

body = Kerbin
minPeA = 70000
minApA = 200000


name = Connection troubles
description = Low orbit satellites are all very well and good, but let's get something a bit more reliable. Put a satellite in a synchronous orbit over the KSC.
reward = 25000
category = ORBIT
requiresMission = Talk the talk

description = Get into a synchronous orbit over KSC.

minOrbitalPeriod = 5h 59m 50s
maxOrbitalPeriod = 6h 10s
body = Kerbin


name = Stepping Stones
description = Good coverage of the Kerbin system will help keep your probes in contact.
reward = 14000
category = ORBIT
requiresMission = Talk the talk

description = Get a relay into a high orbit over Kerbin.

minPeA = 5000000
body = Kerbin


name = Over the Mun
description = We're almost ready for some unmanned exploration further afield. Put a relay in a high polar orbit over the mun
reward = 25000
category = ORBIT
requiresMission = Talk the talk

description = Orbit

minPeA = 50000
minInclination = 70
body = Mun


Feature request: It'd be nice if we could add costs for our own resources. I like using H2/LOX/etc from the modular fuel tanks but at the moment there is no cost (although fuel is rather a drop in the bucket so it's not too bad).

Possible balance note: Planes seem to be a tad on the expensive side. I have trouble building a 3 seater under about 20k (it's more like 50k if you want it to look plane-ish)

Edited by SchroedingersHat
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About the balancing issues:

It has been a while and what do you think about the current balancing? Is it ok?

IMO the charging by mass thing could do with some improvement. One idea that was suggested was to still charge by mass but to use different cost/kg ratios for different types of parts.

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...the plugin uses the IDs to identify ships and save the mission status.

Thank you! This is the confirmation I needed. I'll change my rocket designs for now. :)

I don't mind leaving things at that, but I think we can work around this Ship-ID issue. If the Ship ID is volatile/unreliable, we could track a custom property instead that keeps a log of the Ship-IDs.


* Upon launch, add a custom 'mission' property to all docking ports and command parts.

* The custom property contains a code representing this mission. This could be made completely unique to ensure completion with only one rocket. e.g. a list {"Mission-ID"}

* Mission Controller stores the first index of this Mission-ID within the mission profile (in the .sp file).

* The first index of this property remains static across all undocked parts and we can now track all components of the original ship.

* Finally, we ensure the mission property contains the current Ship-ID. e.g. {"Mission-ID", "Original-Ship-ID"}


* When a new Ship-ID is loaded via switching ships, undocking, or decoupling, scan for the 'mission' property.

* If the first index matches an existing mission profile, but the Ship-ID is not in the profile, add it.

* At the same time, ensure the mission property contains the current Ship-ID. e.g. {"Mission-ID", "Original-Ship-ID", "New-Ship-ID"}


* Mission objectives are still associated with a Ship-ID, but verified relevant to a particular mission using the first index of the mission property.

* Completed objectives of each undocked component are tracked independently in the mission profile.

* Completed missions are determined cumulatively by adding up the individual exploits of all relevant Ship IDs, and confirmed agaist the list in the mission property.

I'm not certain if this solves all possible cases, but at least it seems to solve the volatile nature of the Ship-ID and allows docking/undocking, and avoids exploits by not only tracking the mission related crafts, but also which components complete objectives.

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I'm having a bit of trouble with the Sputnik II mission. The minimal time is in red and is counting UPWARDS instead of DOWNWARDS. Have I goofed somehow?

Everything else is green. I have all the necessary equipment, am in the right orbital range. Only thing I could think of is that I run out of power on the darkside for a little while, does that matter?

Edit, I'm an idiot! Ignore this. My problem was reading the format that the time is in.

I thought it said:

Minimal time: 04h:23m:45s counting up.

It's actually

Minimal time: 04h: :23m:45s with the second grouping counting up to the 04h mark.

Thanks anyway.

Edited by WoodenBiplane
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Ahem, yes been having A LOT of fun with this mod, even written my own to add to it (more on the way), if anyones interested here it is:

name = Duna II
description = It looks like Duna may have once supported life, but without eye's on the ground we will never be able to tell! Obviously it would be a bad idea to send pilots to a still unknown world so we want you to send the space programs first rover, remember it needs a power source and instruments to record data from the surface.

reward = 175000
category = LANDING

requiresMission = Duna I
packageOrder = 14

description = Land on Duna with an unmanned rover using the parts below.

body = Duna

partName = roverwheel2
partCount = 4

partName = sensorAccelerometer
partCount = 1

partName = sensorBarometer
partCount = 1

partName = sensorGravimeter
partCount = 1

partName = sensorThermometer
partCount = 1

partName = LongAntenna
partCount = 1

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Is there any way to disable the mod on a per sandbox basis? I have two sandboxes, one which is for MC one is free play. It'd be nice if when I disabled the plugin in the free play sandbox it didn't disable it in the MC dedicated one.


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Ok, so I edited Malkuths Civilian Space Program mission pack because his grammar and spelling mistakes were annoying me, and now the package won't load.

(PS: Sorry malkuth, its a good package of missions, but some of the English needed some work :) )

I've gone through, and checked all the {} still line up, and afaik I didn't change anything except the 'description' sections.

I'm not getting any information from the game about why it isn't loading either.

Is there any way to bug check the packages?

Here's the edited file, if anyone wants to look at it.


Ok, I was going through the file one mission at a time and found it. I'd put a line break (pressed enter) in the description of the GPS system.


Fixed now.

Here's the (fixed) file, if anyone wants it

Edited by kahlzun
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I am currently running V 0.20.2 and have attempted to install this mod with no success. I put the "Mission Controller" folder in its entirety in the "Gamedata" folder and the icon is not showing up at the space center. Any ideas?

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Hey guys, I can't finish Docked missions, I am using Malkuth's pack but for some reason Docked never changes to True, I've done this with loads of vessels, and it used to work in the past for other packs I've tried?

Malkuth, the mission is the first one of the Commercial branch, I am able to attempt it but I can't see the mission status anywhere in the .sp file for my current save (just default.sp I am looking at). All other missions are noted that I have done, and the file is being updated each time I close out, but nothing for "01 - The Start of a Great Friendship". Is there any current issue with running two packs at the same time in one save or am I barking up the wrong tree here?

I've scanned through the thread and noticed there were issues with docking and the IDs used for ships, but I am launching one without the mission selected, leaving it up there and then launching another with the mission selected. I did switch focus to align ships, but did the actual docking with the mission-launched ship. Could that possibly upset it?

Not sure if this would be MC or Malkuth's pack, so just posting here - otherwise I amloving the mod nobody44, and the pack Malkuth ;D

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Ill give it a look.. Docking can be kinda wonkee, for some reason.

Looking over the mission again it has some Requirments

For instance has to have 2 crew

Docking Clamp

2 of the long antenna

must be above 200,000 Meters.

After these are met.. The timer will start to count for 1 day.

When this is finished this part will be done and all you have to do is land with 2 crew.

I have a feeling that either 1 of these is not met yet in your game.. Most likely the crew.. Since it is an odd count compared to some of the actual pods out there.. :)

Edited by malkuth
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Ok, so I edited Malkuths Civilian Space Program mission pack because his grammar and spelling mistakes were annoying me, and now the package won't load.

(PS: Sorry malkuth, its a good package of missions, but some of the English needed some work :) )

I've gone through, and checked all the {} still line up, and afaik I didn't change anything except the 'description' sections.

I'm not getting any information from the game about why it isn't loading either.

Is there any way to bug check the packages?

Here's the edited file, if anyone wants to look at it.


Ok, I was going through the file one mission at a time and found it. I'd put a line break (pressed enter) in the description of the GPS system.


Fixed now.

Here's the (fixed) file, if anyone wants it

Ya Im pretty stinky with spelling.. I was hoping the spell checking in my ++ editor would do the trick but.. Guess not. :)

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Nopey, I definitely have two - lander can used, 2 longantenna, dockingport2 (normal size), all reqs are green. The mpkg file has it so the crew count and time requirements are within the docking goal section, I tried moving them out to see if it made a difference, the timer instead started to count down as soon as I got to the required orbit but Docked still never went to true before or after the timer was complete. Very odd...

Is it the .sp file that current missions are stored? It says I have to do all of the first pack, but I've only done up to 21, after which it allowed me to select the first mission in the next pack, presumably this shouldn't make a difference? I've tried disabling the mod and re-enabling, no effect.

I got a feeling this is gonna be like fighting a rock, might just try to config edit the mission to "completed" in the .sp file (without a value in ship guid, a fake one or is a real one needed?) and bypass this mission. Would I need to add it to both sections, missionstatus and goalstatus? Just curious what each section does/what is required.

Its a big pack nonetheless! I like the tight orbit requirements, makes you more precise with the maneuver nodes! M when are you planning on doing the fabled Government and Kerbal Special Institute pack? :D

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That mission requires the mission The Grand Tour to be completed from the first pack. If you want to remove it for you can just play it all you have to do is remove this line from the first mission.

requiresMission = 21 - Kerbal X Space Travel Agency The Grand Tour Package

After that all the next missions require the previous missions to run.

I will take a look at the mission and see if I have problems finishing it again.

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