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Shapeways 3D Printed Jebediah Model [IMAGES]


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Soooo... hi! :D. Well my Shapeways Jebediah just got here soo... look!

Taking my first pic... oh nice, thanks for photo bombing my picture DARN CAT! :mad:




Fine, moving on. The model is about 3.5 inches tall.


Here are his feet...


Ahh... Jeb, so enthusiastic about his own IMPENDING DOOM!




Other Side...


And... Finally, as I went to post these, I saw GIMP sitting there on my desktop... Hmm...



Well that's it... NOW BYE!

Edited by RocketTurtle
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You don't own your cat. Your cat owns you. Your cat can photo bomb as he/she pleases.

Also: I need this.

@duncan: look at his face: He's is perfectly fine and enthusiastic about his destruction.

He's also wearing orange and that narrows it down to, Bob, Bill, or Jebediah.

It's Jeb.

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WHOA PEOPLE, CALM DOWN! I'll go through these questions.

Price: $47

Sell them: The devs MADE them, I merely bought it. http://www.shapeways.com/search?q=kerbal

3D printer: http://www.shapeways.com/search?q=kerbal

Jeb: http://www.shapeways.com/search?q=kerbal or http://www.shapeways.com/model/1013413/jebediah-kerman-on-iva.html?li=productBox-search

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Yeah, I was a little decisive, but I wanted a 3D printed model anyways, just didn't know what to get, so when I saw this I said "Perfect!" I love KSP so it's great to have a real Jeb as I blow a virtual Jeb up. And anyways, it is limited edition. (Don't ask, I have no clue how a 3D model is limited edition.)

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sorry but all I could think when I saw the first photo was *KITTEH!* (I love cats deal with it :rolleyes:) and then I saw the look on jeb's face and partly suspected the same thing :P

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  deadshot462 said:
Yep, these models are pretty awesome:


Great quality, I will get the rest of the trio :)

*Pod papercraft can be found here:


Awesome! I hope they make a papercraft for the current Mk.1 pod. One thing, am I the only one who noticed that the height on the website is about 2 inches, but the real thing is about 3.5 inches?

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  Uocjat said:
sorry but all I could think when I saw the first photo was *KITTEH!* (I love cats deal with it :rolleyes:) and then I saw the look on jeb's face and partly suspected the same thing :P

Me too, I have 4 cats, they're pretty awesome, two boys and two girls, the one you saw is named Allie, quite obviously a girl :P.

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  RocketTurtle said:
Uh... I just realized something terribly wrong with the model... The throttle lever... Is at 0%... Jeb isn't NEARLY sane enough to even bring it down to 99%... Uh oh, something is wrong with Jeb guys...

*gasp* He's being possessed! Quick, we must perform an exorcism! Bring the Holy Laythian Water!

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