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Was there a way to put mod parts in a separate tab in the construction building?


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I could have sworn I read for 0.20 that there'd be the option to put modded items in separate tabs relative to the rest of the vanilla parts, like instead of going in Structural they'd be in a custom folder. If this is true, could someone please tell me how to do so? I have a lot of crap that needs sorting out.

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I don't recall this ever being mentioned, but I did think they were going to filter out parts lists. If you remember the part name, type it in, and it'd just show those items. It isn't in the game yet, but I heard rumors that its supposed to be there soon.

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I think this might be based on a slight misunderstanding and second-hand information

parts are still sorted by function which needs to be defined in the part.cfg file (or rather there's a "category" line in the Part.cfg file that defines where the part pops up in game)

how ever the stock parts are now sorted by type inside the installation sub folder Gamedata/Squad/Parts/"Part type" (command, structural and so on) rather then being jumbled up in one big folder called Parts like they were before (the in game sorting still seems to be based on the Part.cfg file though so it's purely cosmetic from what can tell)

beyond that there's a second parts folder in the base game directory for custom parts (or so I assume since I current haven't tried installing mods in post 0.20)

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