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BLOC: a game of geopolitics


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glad to anounce that my country the U.S.K is improving ,and buying lots of oil to meet demands ,and create growth.(I might be the one nation that is buying so much oil prices rises)

Just com me on bloc if you need some troops ,or some money.

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just focus on increasing growth ,and watch out for the Goons ,and Facepunch alliance there are a very powerful alliance.

Edit:I would do something with that reputation as that can make nations attack you ,or if you get axis of evil well your pretty much screwed.

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declaring war against a country with a green rep lowers your rep ,or doing actions like smuggling drugs to the US or blood diamonds.Raise it by doing humanitarian aid funding ,and building schools might work.

For Hotmailcompany you need to foucs first on your economy ,then start spending on schools that will improve quality of life ,and might generate some growth.then focus on your military it takes a few clicks on buying lee-enfields to get world war 1 surplus 40 for WWII.

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BTW, my nation name is Populina.

Some guy declared war on me but he's getting owned by my military might! Haha!

I'm a dictator but somehow people really like me. (free housing, hospitals, schools but still, forced labor and such)

No rebel treat, calm stability and approval is liked!

If anyone know how to find oil post here please I need oil to fuel my airforce, tried prospecting but no success.

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