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Rovers using RCS?

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I've been messing around on Minmus a lot and after accidentally hurling Jeb a whole kilometer from his spaceship due to sneezing while on EVA, I got to thinking; due to Minmus's really low gravity, is it conceivable to use a rover solely powered using RCS on it?

I am relatively new to the game so I apologize if this seeps with noob stench. Thank you!

Edited by LittleItaly
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Of course it is, RCS isn't very powerful, though.

It's even possible to do it with ion engines to power it.

Ion engines will get you further for the rover, but can't really push up hills, so you need to move pretty fast to have momentum.

RCS powered rovers are less efficient but can more easily get power due to how easy it is to place light little RCS thrusters where you need them.

To make either of them worthwhile, you'll want to not use the standard rover wheels, as those pop at certain speeds and won't satisfy your leadfoot ;)

Just use the landing gear for the airplanes, and put on some kind of propulsion system.

This is actually the way we used to have to build rovers in the old days before .19.0 came in with the rover parts, so yes, it's more than possible.

Ion rovers are the way I'd go though, but the power supply is something to consider..

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