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What kind government are the kerbals?


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They became democratic after finding a crashed human starship in the Desert, that contained a bunch of manuals and such for rockets. That is how they got all their tech.

And they also got exposed to democracy and capitalism.

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Fortunately, Kerbin does not seem to be in any sort of peril due to the construction of an intergalactic bypass

It's coming. They've only just buried the paperwork on Vogon for the second time.

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Puppet government. They technically have a Congress, but it actually has no real power. Luckily for Kerbalkind, all the President wants to do is put Kerbals everywhere in the universe, in every different way imaginable, so they don't have to worry about having their civil rights and all taken away. In any case, I always thought of all the players of KSP as the directors or CEO's of different space agencies and companies, and that they can interact, share ideas, technology and stories.

That's how I think of it, anyway. :)

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Kerbals are a Unity. They are all naturally imprinted with 3 Laws of Kerbotics and no known understanding of common sense. They have no goals, targets, direction or a sense of self-preservation. They simply oblige to their natural pursuit of an adrenaline kick in whatever they do and they just happen to have a stockpile of rocket parts ^^

Thus they have no government. They do no concern themselves with something as trivial as leadership or politics - what matters the most is the fun they have :)

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