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Starmade (Because search turned up a whole lot of nothing)


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Welcome to StarMade,

StarMade is a minecraft inspired 3D sandbox space shooter.

Explore: Explore space generated in real time around you

Design: design you own ship or space station.

Customize: create customized weapons, harvesting elements, shields and docking stations for your ship. Combine elements to groups to make your modules even more powerful.

Multiplayer: full multi player: share control of your ship or design a ship together

Destroy: destroy your enemies with your powerful weapons or just infiltrate an enemy ship. There already is a big arsenal of destructive modules: Missiles (normal, heat seeking and target chasing), Lasers, and Explosive modules that detonate on impact

Salvage: salvage the ships of your fallen enemies to gain credits

Physics: fully integrated modern physics engine for real box-on-box collisions

Stealth: use radar jamming and cloaking modules for a surprise attack.

Multiplatform: runs on windows, mac and linux

Share: save, import & export your own ships as blueprints. You can upload your blueprints to any multi player server

AI: fight your own creations alone or in coop mode

Tutorial: interactive tutorial to learn the basics

This is their main homepage.


It currently costs $3 USD, but does not require payment to be played.

The only server that generally has people is the North American Starmade Server(Or NASS)(the NASS is currently down for unknown reasons, as a massive lag spike forced people to leave.)

Please remember that this game is in a very early alpha test stage, so its bound to have billions of bugs, and only you can help Schema (lead dev) buy that bottle of RAID.

Edited by Galacticruler
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  • 3 weeks later...

If you've ever made a Minecraft server people can access across the internet then it's basically the same thing, just forward port 4242 instead of 25565 and find your external IP with some website like ipchicken.com or what have you. As soon as the server is turned on, people can put that IP (plus :4242 on the end) in on their starter and access the server. If you and the person you're playing with are on the same network, just get your network IP (192.168.#.##) and they can join in without any port forwarding, since Starmade single player runs a server for you to play on (like Minecraft... kinda). If you have any big questions then shoot me a PM and I'll help out to the best of my ability. :)

Anyway, LOVE THIS GAME! Found out about it via the Yogscast (although I wish they would do more stuff, not just building; they're so much funnier when they get exploded :evil: ), enjoying every minute of exploration and building. Have no fear, I will screenshot my ship as soon as I can get on again. :D

Edited by OrbitusII
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I literally just started a thread about this and nobody cared :(


Well I searched Starmade and it had no results, also try naming things more specifically about what they are about.

Minecraft in space! is pretty ambiguous and actually a description for a minecraft mod.

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  • 1 month later...
Destroyer, I'm afraid that if you did that then people would have issues leaving planets, and no one would use weapons.

Lol, thats not quite a good idea in general, as transitioning might be hard.

Not really, I am a KSP-Orbiter-Starmade player, and I found the transiton easy once I figured out how to use it.

Anyway, to revive this thread, have a screenshot of one of my older-ish (I've made it a bit bigger since then) Super-Massive-Permacloakandradarjammer-Missile-And_AMC_Battlecruiser


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