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A quick warning to youtube viewers

The Destroyer

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If you get a message,

Nice work! I óust fÑ–nÑ–shed ÔÂatchinÉ¡ one of your videos (
) (or whatever URL is in there) ðnd have tο admit Ó€ wðs pretty Ñ–mÑ€ressõd.

ÃŽâ„¢ òanʹt Æ…elievõ tһðt your vidõo Ñ–snˈt getting mþrõ vÑ–ews, Ó€ mõan come on ÃÂõοplõ!

Ηοnestlу, уοu һðve some of thõ ƅõst vidõþs on Youâubõ. þðnÊ»t ƅõlÑ–evõ morõ people haven't found them.

âhank yþu so mucÒ» for making sοmetÒ»inÉ¡ I ðctuðllу enóοуed, itËŠs sþ hard to find that on YouTubõ.

YþuÊ»re vÑ–deþs truly ðre a refreshing tðke οn things. So many of tһõ Ñ€oÃÂular vÑ–deοs on ÃŽÂ¥ouTubõ just reÑ€eat tÒ»e sðmõ garbage as someone else.

GõttinÉ¡ views usõd to ƅõ a prοƅlõm for a frÑ–end οf mÑ–ne. ÃÂõ ÔÂas finðlly ablõ to start gõttÑ–ng tons of views when һõ fþund,

becomeviral . ò o m

Î’asically ÔÂhat hðpÃÂens Ñ–s they sõnd уοu ð tοn þf views tþ уþur vÑ–deþs. Thðt hõlÃÂs you gõt ranked in tһõ Î¥þuTube search engine wһіcÒ» Ñ–s wÒ»en уþur views cðn reðllу take off.

It's a scam basically, and violates the YT terms of service. Just warning.

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I got that Nigerian "Heir to the throne and millions of dollars" email and those messages on youtube(Got the youtube messages when i had like 2 videos that was like nothing) So i laughed and continued watching stuff.

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even more reason to be careful of youtube (or indeed any) links: there's now trojans that can be spread through youtube videos, embedded into the stream.

Maybe Adobe has fixed the security hole that allowed it, maybe not yet.

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I've had this message multiple times, make sure you don't click the link they're sending you.

It's always the same message, mine were coming from China...

Never trust anything that says, ''we can give you this, or that, views, or money!''

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