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Do you talk about space?


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Okay, first of all I've had a few drinks today but I want to share this story with you despite my drunkiness.

I love space and the exploration thereof. I receive the SpotTheStation notifications about 12 hours preceding the fly over.

And today was such a day, it was the best day for a ISS flyover since I was working on a open air festival in my hometown Harderwijk :)

Because of open air we had to end the music at 23:30. And there was a fly over at 23:46. I like to share the beauty of the ISS with my fellow men so I told security not to clean the terrain till 23:55. So we sat there... With maybe 20 people staring upwards.. Till some guest yelled "That one moves!" I started yelling, more people started watching... And from this little local festival, at least 200 people where looking upwards at the miracle called the ISS. Ive got a few photos made by hipsters where the ISS trail is al shaken and stuff, when I receive them I'll share them :) .

But this was my first space talk exprience. I had a lot of people asking me simple questions about orbital mechanics and life support, and I was happy answering them... But how about you? Do you share space with others?

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But how about you? Do you share space with others?

When they let me... I'm afraid my friends and family already know better than to let me talk about it, unless they are ready for a long talk.:D

Rune. Though I think I have managed to grab a lady's attention or two with that kind of speech... at least once. Out of many. But it's something. ^^'

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A couple of my friends hold a similar interest and I've discussed it with them before, when it occurs under the influence can be particularly fun :). Most other people probably don't have the attention span to hear me go. However my dad can run circles around my knowledge of space, especially considering he used to work in the space industry.

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My dad tolerates hearing me talk about semi major axes, orbital inclination, exoplanets, I can't talk about space with other 15 year olds, seeing as they seem to dislike it, and I just end talking about space with my two Hard SF fan science teachers

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Not really, because most other 14 year olds I know are too obsessed with video games, masturbation, and music videos. Apparently we like Kate Upton's "hot bod" and Black Ops II more than exploring new worlds and going where no man has gone before.

Edited by AstronautGeologist
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My god, I try and show off as much as I can.

My neighbor Jerry has huge telescopes, and everyone once and a while me and my family go down to look at the stars with him. Its beautiful.

One night I got to answer a whole ton of geeky questions about space, including correcting Jerry's friends, who were much more experienced than me.

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Oh yes... I do... I am well known as a very nerdy guy, and it has been like that since my childhood! As the time passed by I managed to make my spontaneous science talk outbursts into humorous situation, ending them with either mad face hitting myself in the head saying "I told You not to do it in front of other people", or guilty face saying "sorry, it is not me, it is a geek inside of me" or "yes, I know, I am nerd"... Ladies usually dig it.

Of course, there are situations when I am just to excited about certain stuff to control or make comedy about it. And it is mostly space science oriented.

I remember when Curiosity landed on Mars, I got up in the middle of night to wait for THE moment until early dawn (in Serbia). After it landed, I was cheering and glowing with happiness, and I eventually got late to work because I wanted to see every scene that was broadcasted at that moment, waited for my father to wake up to tell him all the details and observe repeated videos with him (he is also space enthusiast), and when I finally got to work I gathered everybody to explain them in detail how it was done (with my hands vividly performing entire launching, interplanetary trip, descending and "skycraning" with lowering and crashing). They all stared at me for a while, looked at each other and silently dispersed, leaving only one colleague (older guy, veeery intelligent, ex hippie) who stared at me with undivided attention in silence for two more minutes, and he finally said "I don't know who is more crazy, You or them (nasa)"...

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I try but for some reason most folk I encounter are either interested in synthetic marketing culture or sports.

Even folk who can talk about cars for hours seem to have no interest in truly powerful engineering.

I also wave my hands around a lot when I get enthused about whatever monologue I'm engaged in, it's now been dubbed "science hands" by anyone patient enough to tolerate it.

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I love talking about space, flight, even politics. :D But i'm afraid that speaking about such things even to my friends may make them think i'm ''Einstein''. Some of my friends get pissed very easily.

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  • 5 months later...

I'm so happy im not alone!


I think they are Still Homo Erectus.

I even can't think about it if i say Duna they say: what a spoon in an as*?!

So im bored if i say inclination they say BORING!

No one likes it.

But it's not strange because they and me are 11 or 12. And they only talk about *******(Uh i mean puberty things)

I'm bored and i have friend old 14 years and he is the only one in his class to know who is Stephen Hawking or Michio Kaku.

Bad life

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I love talking about space, flight, even politics. :D But i'm afraid that speaking about such things even to my friends may make them think i'm ''Einstein''. Some of my friends get pissed very easily.

Don't be afraid my friends even my best friend call me a walking book.

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Oh yes... I do... I am well known as a very nerdy guy, and it has been like that since my childhood! As the time passed by I managed to make my spontaneous science talk outbursts into humorous situation, ending them with either mad face hitting myself in the head saying "I told You not to do it in front of other people", or guilty face saying "sorry, it is not me, it is a geek inside of me" or "yes, I know, I am nerd"... Ladies usually dig it.

Of course, there are situations when I am just to excited about certain stuff to control or make comedy about it. And it is mostly space science oriented.

I remember when Curiosity landed on Mars, I got up in the middle of night to wait for THE moment until early dawn (in Serbia). After it landed, I was cheering and glowing with happiness, and I eventually got late to work because I wanted to see every scene that was broadcasted at that moment, waited for my father to wake up to tell him all the details and observe repeated videos with him (he is also space enthusiast), and when I finally got to work I gathered everybody to explain them in detail how it was done (with my hands vividly performing entire launching, interplanetary trip, descending and "skycraning" with lowering and crashing). They all stared at me for a while, looked at each other and silently dispersed, leaving only one colleague (older guy, veeery intelligent, ex hippie) who stared at me with undivided attention in silence for two more minutes, and he finally said "I don't know who is more crazy, You or them (nasa)"...

Ćuti dobro ti je dok ti u Å¡kolu ne donose rad iz hemije u kome piÅ¡e Co na kvadrat ili maketu sunÄÂevog sistema sa plutonom na mjestu Venera a Jupitera na mjestu Sunca.

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Okay, first of all I've had a few drinks today but I want to share this story with you despite my drunkiness.

I love space and the exploration thereof. I receive the SpotTheStation notifications about 12 hours preceding the fly over.

And today was such a day, it was the best day for a ISS flyover since I was working on a open air festival in my hometown Harderwijk :)

Because of open air we had to end the music at 23:30. And there was a fly over at 23:46. I like to share the beauty of the ISS with my fellow men so I told security not to clean the terrain till 23:55. So we sat there... With maybe 20 people staring upwards.. Till some guest yelled "That one moves!" I started yelling, more people started watching... And from this little local festival, at least 200 people where looking upwards at the miracle called the ISS. Ive got a few photos made by hipsters where the ISS trail is al shaken and stuff, when I receive them I'll share them :) .

But this was my first space talk exprience. I had a lot of people asking me simple questions about orbital mechanics and life support, and I was happy answering them... But how about you? Do you share space with others?

Spotthestation? What's that?

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Not really, because most other 14 year olds I know are too obsessed with video games, masturbation, and music videos. Apparently we like Kate Upton's "hot bod" and Black Ops II more than exploring new worlds and going where no man has gone before.

A healthy human being should be able to enjoy all those things.

I myself talk about space and things that interest me from time to time but most often i listen and participate in the life of others.

Just keep it balanced and watch that you don't concentrate to much on your own interests when you are around others or else you might even make them more uninterested.

Edited by Canopus
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I don't really.

In my studies (gamedev), everyone knows about me modding KSP and they can't wait to punch in some jokes. They are just interested cause it's a game, but not in the space-scientific sense like most of us here are.

But I had a birthday a few days ago and as I have a projector I usually play some music videos or concerts when I hold house parties, and I played some chill music at the end and thought how cool it would be to play

in the background. A girl on the party started asking questions like "are there people inside?" "how do rockets work?" and stuff like that I excitingly started explaining! =) ..and then there was the footage of Challenger and I told her that in this one there actually were people.. She remembered "Challenger, right? There was a teacher on board right? Oh no..." I was amazed she knew. (I'm not from US, people here know very little bout space) And she couldn't look at the explosion.

Other than that I very rarely get space questions, but a lot of people ask me scientific questions in general which I love explaining =)

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