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KVH-5 Pegasus, a VTOL SAR vehicle capable of retrieving 6 Kerbals from remote areas.

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KVH-5 Pegasus


Along with the 3 flight-crew members in the cockpit, the Pegasus safely carries 6 Kerbals slung below the fuselage with ladders on either side for boarding in the field.


Comes with enough fuel to loiter for awhile while searching for your downed pilots, or to deliver crews from one airstrip to another.


(Download .craft file here (MediaFire))

Performs like a heavier, less agile KV-2 Griffon, so please watch this video to figure out how to pilot either one. Just take it easy on the throttle.

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Wow, sorry, been a bit busy and didn't realize people were digging through my old threads to reply.

how much weight could you put under it? i have a idea for a little rover for my aircraft carrier but i dont have a way to get it there and i was hoping to use something like this.

Should be able to lift quite a bit, can't say I've really tested it though, you'd have to add a docking port right at the CoG though...

That's really nicely designed, I really like it! Great work.

Thank you! I wish I could clip the I-beams properly to make them appear shorter though :/

Added to my hangar. I'm amassing quite the VTOL collection... Mostly because I can't build them myself :P

Haha, it's ok, they're a bit of a pain to do honestly for anything with more than a fuel tank.

hey didnt you make a vtol "attack" one a while back that had two cockpits. could you post a link to that

It's in the link on my sig, down at the very bottom of that page (or you could head here). There's a youtube link that briefly explains how to fly it on the SpacePort info section.

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