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Just for fluffy bunnies and giggles.....


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Just for future reference so you don't get in trouble, the moderators don't like it when people post a simple reaction picture. :wink:

To OP: Can we have some more updates on this? Is it possible to actually get this to Eve? Lastly, you should PM the link of this thread to the guy who did all this math if you haven't already. He would enjoy this the most. :)

I couldn't get it to stay in one piece even with debug menu.......

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One thing I have always wondered.... What is the Kethane like on Eve. Is there anywhere that you can mine enough for a reasonable sized rocket.

Define a reasonable sized rocket. I had one kethane miner that mined 200t of kethane at a time. The larger deposits on Minmus did just fine, though I'd just about wipe them out, so that's probably the case anywhere.

Also, what about a mid-air launch? Use one of those helium airship things to lift you up and then fire your engines when you hit max altitude. These ones... http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/hooligan-labs-airship-parts-and-plugin/.

Works quite well on Eve. I haven't tried the newest part, it might be feasible on Kerbin or Laythe, but the previous ones didn't save enough delta-v to make Kerbin worth it, and didn't really save anything on Laythe.

Edited by Eric S
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Why not use stack decouplers on the "asparagus staged rockets" (attach decoupler to bottom of engine, tie decoupler to other tank with space tape)? And make them much closer to the other end rather than have a central pole of "amplified forces"

In short, you can stage it asparagus like if you want, but make it LOOK like 1 single stage.

This is a 1/30 launcher?

Edited by Fel
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