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RTG Module

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alright, I want to use the RTG module with some form of consumption module (Like the probe consuming electricity) so I can have it create liquid fuel and oxidizer at the cost of electricity. I want to actually have a reason to put large solar arrays on my space station :D

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You could ask the guys who made the Kethane mod. They have experience with creating fuel from electricity and kethane. I am pretty sure they can tell you how they did it.

Will do

(gotta love dat 10 characters)

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Sounds like taking a long way around to what effectively would be toggling on infinite fuel, what you're basically proposing is making fuel out of nearly nothing. To balance it out so it doesn't ruin gameplay you'd have to make it really inefficient/slow, like comparing to ion engines, drains heaps of power to generate a tiny bit of thrust but can go for ages on a small tank.

I'd rather just advice you to get the Kethane mod and mine for fuel, if you're really just out to have easy quick access to heaps of fuel with no effort, toggle infinite fuel from the debug menu.

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