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Three Solid Rocket Boosters and You're Past Mun Orbit


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Does it seem logical that three solid rocket boosters, when staged, can take you past Mun Orbit? I've been scratching my head at this one. I seem to get an AP well past Mun orbit when I launch straight up with only a OKTO 2 module and a nosecone and three staged solid rocket boosters. I wonder if it might then be worthy of a Challenge: 1. Impact the Mun using solid fuel rockets all the way, 2. Orbit the Mun using solid fuel rockets all the way, and 3. Land on the moon using solid fuel rockets all the way.

Maybe to see if the Kerbinese from several thousand years ago could have done it with solid fuel rocket technology! :D

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You have a near zero payload.

With "Zero Payload" and infinite staging... you can go anywhere with any type of engine that has an engine TWR > 1 (just to get through launch, that is).

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  Fel said:
You have a near zero payload.


SRBs have fairly good mass ratios currently, and this is further enhanced with the staging. Assuming you had 1 OKTO, 2 stack decouplers, and 3 RT-10s, your 'payload' (the probe core) was ~0.35% of the mass of the rocket on the pad. If you used a BACC, the probe body was an even smaller part of the overall mass.

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Serious piloting skills.

Anyway it does not take much to get an probe into orbit.

This is true in real world to, think the Pegasus rocket is 20 ton and it carries 500kg. Granted its lifted to the edge of the atmosphere.

For something real lightweight use an 180 liter tank, two radial orange engines, jet engine below, decopler between and drag fuel line to the jet engine, ram intake on top.

On flameout shut down and drop jet, close ram intake and fire up the rockets. This weight less than 4 ton and you should be able to reach minmus with it.

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