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Advice on getting this to Duna?

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I built and tested a really awesome modular lander system for landing on Duna but there's only 1 snag... I can't work out how to fly it there :S


The core part (pod and engines/fuel) is too large for a 3.75m expanded fairing and I don't have any 5m parts to hand.

If I could fly it in 3 parts it'd not be a problem, the outside pods certainly could certainly be flown up on a tug and docked onto the core with little modification (they already attach using docking ports), then I can attach dock it to a nuke booster stage (the one from my MTV would do fine) and burn it out to Duna that way.

Suggestions welcome!

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I would try building a sturdy rectangular frame around the entire modular landing craft (MLC?), then adding boosters around the frame to get it into orbit or even to Duna. Just an idea though. Awesome vehicle design @MDBenson !

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Nice design. :)

What you could do is have the six radial engines attach to the core pod with docking ports and quantum struts. Launch them with the pod on top and the engines packed in a cluster underneath then assemble in orbit with a tug. If you do that it will all fit inside a 3.75 meter expanded fairing.

|||= engines

O = command pod








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Yeah I am looking at replacing the 6 engines with radials and/or a centre main engine, that would help a load, but it's hard to get enough fuel in there to make a successful landing. The last version I tried ran out at about 5000m altitude while decelerating! (splat) :D IT would get rid of the nightmare of cross-feed fuel lines to ensure the tanks drain evenly though, I suppose :D

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Well! I did it... almost :\

This is v2.0 of the habitat lander:


I have a problem here too though, not with getting it to Duna (I am using HyperEdit to run 'simulation' runs on Duna) but the Solar panels keep disappearing after I return to the craft!!


Landed beautifully from 100km orbit with 10s of fuel left. Was cutting it a bit fine so I added more fuel to the strap-on tanks. I also added decouplers spo the strap on tanks can be jettisoned to improve the landing weight, but it resulted in this:

Without decouplers it fits beautifully:


With decouplers... hmm. Frustrating! :S


I am waiting for BobCat's Ares V or some KW Rocketry 5m parts/fairings to see if it will work with those. Sadly the 5m Parts in NovaPunch don't hold together well enough because of how they are built.

Edited by MDBenson
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