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Two Cute Company Chutes


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  • 3 months later...

Alright, lets get down do to it. I\'m bumping, I\'m gonna start updating more. Got it? Good.

Silliness aside, I decided to start updating this again and stop being lazy.

I\'m gonna add:

*Single Celestia Chute

*Triple Celestia Chute

Working on these starting now.

That\'s really all for now I guess.

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I\'ll be watching this thread, I\'d love to see the updates and any possible expansions you may have. I\'d suggest skins for rockets, but that\'s up to you!

Furthermore, a friendly warning to anyone who disagrees with the OP\'s creativity. I have no issue with anyone posting their disagreement, but if it becomes hateful, I will dish out warnings without a second thought. Just as I ensure you guys get fairly treated, fans of a show that you may not like will be equally fairly treated.

Understood? Good. Carry on.

(Also, quick question, how exactly do I install these? Newbish question, I know...)

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I\'d suggest skins for rockets, but that\'s up to you!

(Also, quick question, how exactly do I install these? Newbish question, I know...)

Same old same old install method.

The skins for rockets, seems like a good idea, but where do i start? hmm.

Make a Discord chute.


I\'ll have to see what to do on that one, maybe i\'ll put his head on it. I still need to make a Pinkie Chute as well.

Could I ask for a SPESS MEHWEENZ chute? :D

Ik it\'s not ponies, but it\'s Warhammer 40k. :D

Make a Tyranids one too!

Show me what they look like and i\'ll see what I can do.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Hey, can you fix the download links? They isnt working very well, ohh, if you can, make a parachute with applejack\'s face on it :D

First, please look at the dates of the last posts: last activity here was couple months ago, so it\'s very possible that this work is discontinued.

Second, the link in the OP seems to be OK (except a mistake in BBCode). http://dl.dropbox.com/u/52907821/TCC%20Chutes/Zips/MLP%20Chutes.zip

Grab it and don\'t necropost, please.

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First, please look at the dates of the last posts: last activity here was couple months ago, so it\'s very possible that this work is discontinued.

Second, the link in the OP seems to be OK (except a mistake in BBCode). http://dl.dropbox.com/u/52907821/TCC%20Chutes/Zips/MLP%20Chutes.zip

Grab it and don\'t necropost, please.

I might as well say thank you for that.

For the most part, this project is DEAD. I will try to keep the links up as long as possible.

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  • 1 month later...
This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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