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[0.25] PartCatalog 3.0 RC8 (2014-10-08)


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Feature request: would it be possible to disable a particular part entirely so that it isn't loaded next time the game is run? It'd be handy to be able to go through all the parts I don't need as a result of some mod overlap and simply disable them, freeing up some memory and reducing clutter

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Great work on the new update, I'm loving it. One minor annoyance I noticed however is that when I combine some mods or parts under the one tag they still generate a new tag when pressing "AutoTag". Previously once mod was added to a tag, it would no longer generate a new tag when autotag was pressed. This was handy for combining mods that are only one or two parts, because I may add another mod later and when pressing autotag all my combined tags pop back up.

I hope this makes sense. As I said though, I love this mod and keep up the good work.


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Well my shortcuts suddenly stopped working. I don't believe it was the update, either. Any ideas? (Yes, I've got shortcuts turned on!)

Edit: fixed itself randomly after I reinstalled the mod. Dunno what could have caused it or how to repeat it.

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Hmm... I'm having tabs for tags continue to appear after the tag is set to "Visibility: None"... but that aside, it seems to be working quite well. :)

Noted, will be looked into, I got a few bugs to squash anyways.

Feature request: would it be possible to disable a particular part entirely so that it isn't loaded next time the game is run? It'd be handy to be able to go through all the parts I don't need as a result of some mod overlap and simply disable them, freeing up some memory and reducing clutter

Disabling them entirely and not loading them is pretty much out of the scope of this mod, but I'll have a look into it how it could be implemented.

Great work on the new update, I'm loving it. One minor annoyance I noticed however is that when I combine some mods or parts under the one tag they still generate a new tag when pressing "AutoTag". Previously once mod was added to a tag, it would no longer generate a new tag when autotag was pressed. This was handy for combining mods that are only one or two parts, because I may add another mod later and when pressing autotag all my combined tags pop back up.

I hope this makes sense. As I said though, I love this mod and keep up the good work.

Makes perfectly sense I sadly had to ditch that feature when I updated to autotagging to include subcategories etc as it would be quite the hazzle to check all those sub categories for the proper groups etc. This will change with the next big version as I'm working on a more dynamic approach to applying the categorization rules allowing for support of new mods categories and parts using new partmodules without having to update the main catalog code for each.

Well my shortcuts suddenly stopped working. I don't believe it was the update, either. Any ideas? (Yes, I've got shortcuts turned on!)

Edit: fixed itself randomly after I reinstalled the mod. Dunno what could have caused it or how to repeat it.

Make sure you get rid of both the catalog.txt and config.xml before updating to this new version.

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Love this have spent many an hour just trying to find a part and now its just a matter of seconds :)

Just wondering if you will be adding more icons for popular mods or if you will add support for us to import are own icons?

You can actually import your own icons somewhere in the first pages there were I think two icon packs with quite some mods included. Either name the icon the same your mod folder is called or select the icon with the edit icon button in the editor

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You can actually import your own icons somewhere in the first pages there were I think two icon packs with quite some mods included. Either name the icon the same your mod folder is called or select the icon with the edit icon button in the editor

Really no I feel dumb lmao thanks man

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Uh... Is there a way to make this work like the old version? I mean whenever I click a category, I want to see all of the parts there, not just the top group of it. I checked settings etc... but I must be missing something. At the moment, I am ctrl+clicking all of the groups, and this is killing the usefulness of this mod for me.

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Causes some major FPS lag in the VAB/SPH when the toolbar is displayed, and I'm not short on processing power (i5-3570K + 2x GTX 550 Ti). Has anyone else experienced this? Currently working around it by having the toolbar autohide.

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I can sort KW Rocketry parts by size now with the custom subtags. Building a 2.5m rocket? No problem! just click the 2.5m tag and it will only show the relevant KWR boosters, engines, decouplers and fairings without the guess and check!

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I'm great with numbers but absolutely rubbish at graphics. So, I was wondering if I could make an icon request?

I'd like sorting by type but I want a little more specifics so I want tag stuff up in the following catagories.

1 Tankage

2 Engines

3 Fins and things

4 Fairings and adapters

5 Trusses, struts & decouplers

6 Electrical Equipment

7 Gears and Wheels

8 Misc Equipment

Can anyone help me out with icons for these?

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I believe it creates a catalog at some point which indexes all parts by folder. If it's not in the folder when the index is made, it doesn't show up. You can delete the catalog.txt and config.xml and that should reload the whole thing the next time you start the game.

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I believe it creates a catalog at some point which indexes all parts by folder. If it's not in the folder when the index is made, it doesn't show up. You can delete the catalog.txt and config.xml and that should reload the whole thing the next time you start the game.

That's a bit of a pain if you have things rearranged a lot :) - it's a pity there couldn't be some sort of a refresh button where it would refresh the listing without altering any order/combinations that you have already setup.

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