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So I have been playing for a while now, built stations, Laythe Bases, huge multi-docked interplanetary vehicles and what not, but what I really want is SCIENCE! I have looked around for any news concerning new science parts, as I was a little disappointed that none were added in the last update. Has there been any talk about the future of that aspect of the parts? And are there any mods that are science heavy? I have always played pure stock, I mean no Sub-assembly or nothing (not that I think that there is anything wrong with it) but I would be willing to install a science mod. Anything out there?

Thanks, Brax

Singularity Aerospace Innovations

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Depends what you define as science. My science tab has three mods stored in it: One is ISA MapSat, which adds satellite dishes and GPS units for mapping planet terrain and it comes out with a heightmap (for example, see the Laythe map at the bottom). Then there's Kethane. which adds... well, Kethane, to planets, which can be detected from satellites in orbit, then mined via drills on the planet's surface, then converted into fuel. And finally there's the Lazor mod, which comes with a whole bunch of things like advanced targeting, scanning, resource transfer, afterburner for engines, tractor beams and hover modes, laser-guided flight, and various nice things like that.

Anyhoo, a heightmap from ISA MapSat.


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I'd recommend RemoteTech, adds dishes/antennas and remote control/command parts. It actually forces you to set up satellite networks to be able to have communication for unmanned stuff, manned stuff works the same as always and doesn't need communications equipment as such.

I've also previously nabbed the Kethane mod mentioned by Sapphire, mapping kethane deposits as we speak. Have yet to start mining but have some mining rigs in the works. Would recommend it though since you're looking for something more sciency.

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Sorry I could not read the posts accurately due to spoilers...this is my gameplay...>

I am a science nut as well, so...our Kerbal Engineers go off and explore, when they find things, they reverse engineer, or research, design, simulate, build, test, and produce...all of these functions, processes, and etc, are created and done as I create them, and when it is appropriate for the Kerbals to learn and do that particular stage.

Like characters in mMORPGs learning skills; in fact I seen skill tables loomin about; I need to figure that out too and design my Kerbals' skill trees.

We have to produce our own science for them to find, learn, and do; they also have to gt out there and find these thing; or research them.

I am building actual building where Kerbals study science, communications, navigation, etc...they have to be small and few parts cause of game lagg...I am providing these opportunities for them.

It is roleplay at it's best - for me anyways - and I even LIVESTREAM it all ! It is proving to be alot of work; but I have time and cant do much of anything else these days; I also write music on the side but that has been awash.

So get out there and give the Kerbals Science Opportunities - for example how you would go about having them discover Kethane - I been learning KSP for about a few months now; am just getting in to the game and ready to do real missions; so it is a long road for sure; this game has re-opened up the badly needed creativity in my life; it can for you too !

(EDIT - AND (!!) - As I am an amateur astronomer, with a 10" SCT, I plan on doing ARG's (<llok it up haha!) using real astronomy - IE, Kerbin is now a real place in the Universe; I havnt picked out the location yet as the Kerbals dont know their place; err I dont know yet LOL..but they do know about Orion; just not the ZR system...by the way even tho I am technically lost in space, I am still here haha!)

Cdr Zeta :cool:

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