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[1.0.X - Experimental] [On Hold] FusTek Station Parts (WIPs on GitHub)


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A quick message to fans and users of the FusTek Station Parts

I've recently moved to Christchurch to start a new job, and this means that instead of my usual dev PC, I'm now using my (old) laptop. I can make models and paint textures in Blender just fine, but can't test them out in-game, since said laptop's specs are pretty outdated.

I plan on buying myself a better laptop so that I can run KSP with all of my add-ons without the game turning into one massive slideshow, but until then, sit tight.

(I'll still do my best to answer support questions, though)

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Good to hear! Good luck with your new job, and if you still are working on your masters degree then I hope it goes well! My modlist soup wouldn't be complete without some sweet station parts! That said I'm confused as to how this mod interacts with remotetech. I think that you wrote it does interact with the mod, but I'm not sure how. I believe the utility module has something to do with remotetech integration, but even when I looked at the files to find a MM config for remotetech I couldn't find anything. If I'm missing something, figuratively or literally, any clarification/fixes are awesome to have!

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Good to hear! Good luck with your new job, and if you still are working on your masters degree then I hope it goes well!

My modlist soup wouldn't be complete without some sweet station parts!

Thank you for your wishes! Yes, I am still finishing up my degree, although I'll have to schedule that around my day job / KSP add-on authoring activites now.

That said I'm confused as to how this mod interacts with remotetech. I think that you wrote it does interact with the mod, but I'm not sure how. I believe the utility module has something to do with remotetech integration, but even when I looked at the files to find a MM config for remotetech I couldn't find anything. If I'm missing something, figuratively or literally, any clarification/fixes are awesome to have!

I completely removed RemoteTech support a long time ago, when RT changed hands between developers and (to my knowledge) many things about the add-on changed, so I wasn't confident in supporting a feature that I didn't fully understand myself.

That being said, re-including RT support is definitely possible in the very near future -my intention is that the Utilities modules (which act as a space station / outpost's command centre), should have some RemoteTech capability. We'll have to figure out the details as we go along.

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Well whatever you do for the utilities module I will wholeheartedly support! If it were possible I think it would be cool to give it a dual antenna, one "dish" for long range comms and a short range omni, like 25km range for autonomous construction/drone control of stuff around the base/station. Also, how is the FLEXrack coming along?

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Well whatever you do for the utilities module I will wholeheartedly support! If it were possible I think it would be cool to give it a dual antenna, one "dish" for long range comms and a short range omni, like 25km range for autonomous construction/drone control of stuff around the base/station.

I thought about that for some time. Ultimately, I'll probably just re-add RT support to the Utilities modules themselves, and let people choose what stock / add-on antennae they want to surface-attach to their space station / outpost.

Also, how is the FLEXrack coming along?

Short answer: Not much progress made.

Long answer: The FLEXracks you've seen in the dev threads are currently just static props for the IVAs. The same models (or an adapted version) would be included in a separate FLEXracks add-on powered by KAS's EVA grab & place system (tentative plans detailed on my blog)

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first of all, great mod, been waiting for months for a update especially regarding to the IVA :)

second, am i doing something wrong? the modules from the dev build from github doesn't seem to have windows... last time i tried, a few months back, they were transparent, and now it's grey, that doesn't happen in the stable one whatsoever

also, how heavy are they/are they supposed to be? i seem to be getting low fps when using any module, with the harmony nodes lagging the most

TIA and good luck with your degree! :)

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am i doing something wrong? the modules from the dev build from github doesn't seem to have windows... last time i tried, a few months back, they were transparent, and now it's grey, that doesn't happen in the stable one whatsoever

You've done nothing wrong. It's a bug I've been struggling with for a very long time.

- The windows (powered by JSITransparentPod) are still transparent, so usually, one should be able to see inside the modules from outside.

- The IVA prop for the window frames come with animated window shutters (JSIActionGroupSwitch), which are closed by default, but are designed to be toggleable.

- The problem, as I've described in detail in the dev thread, is that not all of the shutters work. I defined the window frame/shutter prop only once in my Props folder, with the intention of reusing this asset throughout all my modules. Apparently, RasterPropMonitor (which provides the JSIActionGroupSwitch functionality) doesn't like multiple instances of the same prop with identical animation configurations, and so what happens is that only the very last instance of the window shutter defined in a module's Internals.CFG file is toggleable (i.e. if you had a FusTek module with six viewports, only viewport #6 can be toggled right now)

To see what I mean:

- Take the Habitation module

- Fill it with four Kerbals

- In IVA, switch to one of the three Kerbals in the galley area, and try to get him to click on the dummy grey cuboid to the bottom right of the window (nothing will happen)

- While still in IVA, switch to the fourth Kerbal, who is hiding alone inside one of the sleep stations, and once again toggle the viewport there (that one viewport will open properly)

I wish I could fix that right now, but right now I only have access to an outdated laptop that can't run KSP, so until I buy a new computer, I won't be able to debug/investigate this issue further :(

also, how heavy are they/are they supposed to be? i seem to be getting low fps when using any module, with the harmony nodes lagging the most

Back when I still had access to a decent computer, I ran FusTek in a heavily-modded install (80+ add-ons) with no noticeable lag.

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that's a neat feature, however, if JSI doesn't like the way you're doing the animation now (and i totally see why you want to re-use the prop), why don't you make a module-specific window prop? might not be as cool as choosing which windows to open or close, nor save memory and time, but it would have all windows working :) (if you're already planning this, or has a alternative plan, i'm sorry, it's that i didn't check every page in the dev thread or this one :blush:)

as for the lag, it's not massive though, but it's a noticeable fps decrease when looking at the Harmony node (if i have it on the vessel in the VAB and don't look at it, there's no lag, if i do, then there is some noticeable lag), my GFX, a GTX 650, might not be a top one, but it can handle FarCry 4 on High :huh:

hope you can sort everything in RL and can focus on this great mod! :)

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that's a neat feature, however, if JSI doesn't like the way you're doing the animation now (and i totally see why you want to re-use the prop), why don't you make a module-specific window prop? might not be as cool as choosing which windows to open or close, nor save memory and time, but it would have all windows working :) (if you're already planning this, or has a alternative plan, i'm sorry, it's that i didn't check every page in the dev thread or this one :blush:)

I think I understand what you mean, and that might be a decent compromise.

Ideally, I would still prefer individually toggleable viewports, plus a per-module master open/close all shutters switch.

as for the lag, it's not massive though, but it's a noticeable fps decrease when looking at the Harmony node (if i have it on the vessel in the VAB and don't look at it, there's no lag, if i do, then there is some noticeable lag), my GFX, a GTX 650, might not be a top one, but it can handle FarCry 4 on High :huh:

That's peculiar - the Karmony nodes don't have internals, JSITransparentPod windows or any animations, and so should be the least likely to cause lag.

The on reproducable lag I've noticed is when starting up the VAB/SPH editor for the first time, when leaving the parts list browser on the page with the FusTek resupply module causes editor lag (which goes away when switching to a different page or category - I'm suspecting it has something to do with the Firespitter texture swtiching feature, since Fustek makes use of large common texture atlases for each panel paint scheme.

I am aware that my common textures atlases have huge dimensions and lots of unused spaces, but my justiffication for this arrangement is that:

- Texture switching works best if you only have to references one or two files, so in this case putting the common textures into one big image per scheme is better than having fstextureSwitch try to try down severl smaller files (in fact, I dno't think fsTextureSwitch will allow you to do that)

- The extra unused space is for future expansion (textures for new parts will be defined there).

Edited by sumghai
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i'm not sure about textures being the cause though... i've forgot to mention this before, but i've converted the textures to dds using DDS4KSP (works better than ATM, i totally dropped ATM out after noticing that i was having better textures, i could choose to not mess with the icons and still save more ram with it than with ATM), it, theoretically, does not cause any issue (and i've had years dealing with dds textures for FSX, even making FS9 planes which used bmp to use dds instead, never had a problem with dds textures once i figured how they worked) and it should make save more ram and make it lighter... however i might be incredibly wrong (i had experience with FSX dds textures, i'm just starting to mess with KSP textures, so they might act different, which it doesn't seem like it so far, as i have been able to re-texture KOSMOS TKS just like if it was a FSX plane...)

if this helps, the warehouse has no lag at all, modules with windows get a little laggy but something you can live with, and the karmony node was the main module causing lag, i made a vessel in the VAB just to test it out, i literally put a warehouse as the first part, then a habitat module on top of it, and on top of the hab module i put the smallest karmony node, if i moved the camera up to the karmony (sometimes hiding the hab module) i had a noticeable lag, if i pointed the camera just to the warehouse i had no lag at all

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i'm not sure about textures being the cause though... i've forgot to mention this before, but i've converted the textures to dds using DDS4KSP (works better than ATM, i totally dropped ATM out after noticing that i was having better textures, i could choose to not mess with the icons and still save more ram with it than with ATM), it, theoretically, does not cause any issue (and i've had years dealing with dds textures for FSX, even making FS9 planes which used bmp to use dds instead, never had a problem with dds textures once i figured how they worked) and it should make save more ram and make it lighter... however i might be incredibly wrong (i had experience with FSX dds textures, i'm just starting to mess with KSP textures, so they might act different, which it doesn't seem like it so far, as i have been able to re-texture KOSMOS TKS just like if it was a FSX plane...)

I've heard of DDS Loader before.

On one hand, speeding up texture load times definitely sounds nice; on the flipside, I'm not too well versed on the DDS texture formats, and in addition to my fear of breaking transparency / normal maps, I'm reluctant to add yet another dependency to FusTek (believe me, even after all this time I still get people hassling me to take out dependencies because they're not comfortable with, say, stripping out the Firespitter parts and leaving just the plugin need for Fustek).

That said, it's definitely good to hear that textures and fsTextureSwitch aren't necessary the main cause of editor lag.

if this helps, the warehouse has no lag at all, modules with windows get a little laggy but something you can live with, and the karmony node was the main module causing lag, i made a vessel in the VAB just to test it out, i literally put a warehouse as the first part, then a habitat module on top of it, and on top of the hab module i put the smallest karmony node, if i moved the camera up to the karmony (sometimes hiding the hab module) i had a noticeable lag, if i pointed the camera just to the warehouse i had no lag at all

The small lag increase from using a Hab instead of a Warehouse / Payload Bay is understandable, but I'm still mystified by your report that the Karmony nodes cause the lag. I've always felt that the Kupola and its numerous animated shutters causes people's frame rates to drop the most.

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as far as DDS converting breaking modules, i haven't noticed anything so far, i didn't notice any downside from converting textures to DDS using DDS4KSP at all, especially after i noticed that it does get the full texture (i've got transparent mbm textures when editing them, however the same texture using this tool does get the full texture from it), i've only found the good stuff i said in my previous post, but i could have been lucky...

as for dependencies, i'm on both sides, i also don't like having to use many modules to run a single mod, even though i do remove the parts i don't want, but sometimes i have to download these plugins for other mods (JSI, Gimball and Firespitter in my case), or to make my game better (TACLS, in which case i deleted every single part from it and added it to a few stations, modules and ships instead), so i don't mind most of the time... that said, part of me suggests that it is a good idea to convert to dds textures (not only Fustek, but all mods who have textures, even stock), but part of me also thinks that it might make it worse the complaining for adding one more dependency (worth it though, idk why the devs haven't set native ksp dds support...)

oh, and when they say faster loading, they mean a insane change, i have a ton of mods (around 20 part mods, including FASA, Community ISS, Bobcat's Mir, Raidernick's Skylab, Soyuz, R7 and Salyut, Nertea's MkIV and NearFutureSolar, KOSMOS, KW, OLDD Proton, Horizon's Zenit and many other), and my game used to take more than 7 minutes to finish loading using ATM, now it takes around 1 minute with more mods than before without ATM, that's one of the reasons i say DDS is worth it... try it yourself when you can and see what you think, i recommend DDS4KSP to convert your textures

btw, i'm sorry if i sound confusing in this post, but it's 1:40AM here in Rio and i'm almost using my keyboard as a pillow :P

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as far as DDS converting breaking modules, i haven't noticed anything so far, i didn't notice any downside from converting textures to DDS using DDS4KSP at all, especially after i noticed that it does get the full texture (i've got transparent mbm textures when editing them, however the same texture using this tool does get the full texture from it), i've only found the good stuff i said in my previous post, but i could have been lucky...

I've heard conflicting reports that DDS conversion of certain textures causes image artifacts / black areas where transparent / specular shaders would be applied. Since I don't understand DDS texture conversion well enough, I think I'll err on the side of caution and not convert my textures right away.

as for dependencies, i'm on both sides, i also don't like having to use many modules to run a single mod, even though i do remove the parts i don't want, but sometimes i have to download these plugins for other mods (JSI, Gimball and Firespitter in my case), or to make my game better (TACLS, in which case i deleted every single part from it and added it to a few stations, modules and ships instead), so i don't mind most of the time... that said, part of me suggests that it is a good idea to convert to dds textures (not only Fustek, but all mods who have textures, even stock), but part of me also thinks that it might make it worse the complaining for adding one more dependency (worth it though, idk why the devs haven't set native ksp dds support...)

Dependency bloat used to be a fair bit of a problem for most users in the past, although FusTek generally uses popular plugins that other add-on require.

Also, CKAN makes add-on installation a snap, as it automatically detects which dependencies you need for a given add-on and installs/updates just the missing/outdated ones.

oh, and when they say faster loading, they mean a insane change, i have a ton of mods (around 20 part mods, including FASA, Community ISS, Bobcat's Mir, Raidernick's Skylab, Soyuz, R7 and Salyut, Nertea's MkIV and NearFutureSolar, KOSMOS, KW, OLDD Proton, Horizon's Zenit and many other), and my game used to take more than 7 minutes to finish loading using ATM, now it takes around 1 minute with more mods than before without ATM, that's one of the reasons i say DDS is worth it... try it yourself when you can and see what you think, i recommend DDS4KSP to convert your textures

No doubt there are time savings to using DDS textures.

In addition to my previous point, I'm sticking with PNG because it would allow users to examine and derivate custom texture packs.

btw, i'm sorry if i sound confusing in this post, but it's 1:40AM here in Rio and i'm almost using my keyboard as a pillow :P

Heh, no worries.

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that can happen if you convert the textures to DDS manually, or using one of the methods i saw for mbm textures, however dds4ksp converts the full texture automatically, if you open the converted dds texture you'll notice that the alphas are all correct, and the texture file isn't transparent. you're right to be cautious to converting right away, but you don't have to make it right away, try using dds4ksp to make a simple conversion in a separate install, you'll just need to install dds loader and run dds4ksp to convert the gamedata folder (it still converts icons, so i'd suggest to let it make a backup just so you can revert the icons)

sorry if i sound confusing again, or made any typo, this time it's not the time's fault, it's worse, when i was coming back from my work i lost control of my bike and fell off it, i'm all hurt, with one hand hurt, but working, and the other 100% ok, but i can't use it for typing, as i broke my left clavicle ;.; but i can still type and play ksp with the other hand (the one hurt) :P

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that can happen if you convert the textures to DDS manually, or using one of the methods i saw for mbm textures, however dds4ksp converts the full texture automatically, if you open the converted dds texture you'll notice that the alphas are all correct, and the texture file isn't transparent. you're right to be cautious to converting right away, but you don't have to make it right away, try using dds4ksp to make a simple conversion in a separate install, you'll just need to install dds loader and run dds4ksp to convert the gamedata folder (it still converts icons, so i'd suggest to let it make a backup just so you can revert the icons)

Ah okay, I see.

I'll probably still stick with PNGs, mainly for ease of moddability, at least until KSP officially switches to DDS textures (or the game implements a better asset management system).

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  • 1 month later...
Hate to be dumb in posting this but is the latest dev build .90 compatible?
Yes works good have at it :)

Yes, the experimental stuff on GitHub is 0.90 compatible, as development currently takes place there.

Someone put a texture pack out too but sadly, I can't found it change for more looks.

EDIT- Found it http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/113116

I'm actually negotiating with InsaneDruid on integrating that officially into FusTek's texture switcher patch.

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I downloaded the latest build from the github in order to use the Insulation Blankets texture pack, but now I'm getting this graphical bug where the windows don't seem to have any textures. This issue occurs with or without the Insulation textures installed when using the latest github version. I'm testing on my Linux install with only Fustek, Firespitter .DLL and MM installed.


Also, the hatches in the KSO textures are broken in the github version. I suspect it's because of the changed UV mapping as you mentioned.


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I downloaded the latest build from the github in order to use the Insulation Blankets texture pack, but now I'm getting this graphical bug where the windows don't seem to have any textures. This issue occurs with or without the Insulation textures installed when using the latest github version. I'm testing on my Linux install with only Fustek, Firespitter .DLL and MM installed.


You'll need JSI RasterPropMonitor, since future releases of the station modules will use RPM for computer displays and the transparent window pods.

Also, the hatches in the KSO textures are broken in the github version. I suspect it's because of the changed UV mapping as you mentioned.



I'm thinking about taking out KSO textures for now, and SippyFrog can fix it after the R0.04a release (when all the UV maps for the models have been finalized).

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glad to see you are still going at it.

I was hopinh to play another game of KSP, and your github build is missing the structural parts.

I mean the grey triangular strut-sections I used in my last large station project you can see here: http://imgur.com/a/fmy2p#46

Have you stopped support on them? Which is cool :D Just wondering if they are still available somewhere.

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glad to see you are still going at it.

I was hopinh to play another game of KSP, and your github build is missing the structural parts.

I mean the grey triangular strut-sections I used in my last large station project you can see here: http://imgur.com/a/fmy2p#46

Have you stopped support on them? Which is cool :D Just wondering if they are still available somewhere.

I never supported those structural parts because, well, they're actually not part of FusTek in the first place - the trusses were from THSS.

I do plan on making my own trusses, but that's for R0.06a.

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