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Mason's Space Art


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A brand-new picture, Celestial Haven. A considerable amount of effort went into this one; do you have any idea how hard it is to draw starships with just a mouse?? IT'S NIGH ON IMPOSSIBLE! I am, however, happy with this one; I am definitely making progress :)


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  • 6 months later...

Right, I decided to completely redo that old blue giant one, so here:


The planet Isus, now with 100% more stormy-ness, 100% more rings and 200% more moons!

I actually managed to pull off rings... dayum.

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Thanks, I do like the way this one came out :)

Quick question about you picture "Red Giant": how did you export that satellite from KSP so well? Even with Gimp I struggle to export spacecraft from snapshots.

That would be the Paths Tool. You trace your path around the object you want (by clicking a lot as you go along the perimeter) until the start and end points are really close together (zoom right in and place them as close as possible to each other). Then you click 'Selection from path', and whatever you've selected will become copy-able, paste-able, and edit-able without affecting the surrounding region. A very handy tool.

I also used it in the Jool picture I did with the Swiftwind ship.

Hope that helps :)

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