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International Space Station Tracker.

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Hey guys,

It's quite possible you all know about this tracker but i thought i'd share what i found, it's a website that tracks the position of the ISS, i found it just now though so i don't know if it's a safe site or not, i never heard of it till now but it's pretty cool, right now it's passed South America and on it's way across the North Atlantic ocean heading for the North of France, i wonder who's up there looking down right now :)


Edited by Custard Donut (In Space)
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Because that'd require plane changes to anything launched to it, as neither the US or Russia operates equtorial launch centres. From Russia in particular (main launch site is at nearly 50°), it'd reduce useful payload to nearly nothing.

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  • 1 year later...

If anybody is interested in making visual of ISS in the night sky as it passes over or near your location I actually downloaded an iPhone app the other day that makes this quite easy. The app is free and it's called GoISSWatch. It will go off of your location and show you where ISS is in realtime. It also has a 3D map mode which utilizes your phone's compass and gyro to allow you to point your phone directly at ISS. I was able to confirm this just a few minutes ago and was delighted to note that it was actually quite bright in the night sky and was visible for around 50 seconds from where I stood. I was out in the courtyard where I work and the walls are pretty high so needless to say if you are someplace out in the open and perhaps higher up, you will be able to see it for a longer period of time. I'm curious if it will be possible also to spot ATV-5 as it gets closer to docking with ISS.

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