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Uranus - Heavy Duty Lift Launch Vehicle [Image Heavy]

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Ok, no more failed launches if the Craft is clipped into the VAB ground.*

Works only to 99%, misuse of our product will void warranty.

I just added 50 extra struts on the main body, along with 100 or so on the payload (the decoupler kept breaking so it has ~40 to hold it together, most of the rest are to stabalize nose cones)

Then it fixed itself (although stopping clipping did fix 99% of all of the lower problems, the rest coming from my payload...

I'm letting Mechjeb fly it (210 ton load)...

First time I have used this functionality of mechjeb...

Sometimes I wish I had fewer cores and each one just more powerful (like now... 8 processors aren't the best with KSP :()

Edit: Worked :D :D

4 full Orange tanks more than I meant to bring up too :D

Edited by Windchild
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This thing is crazy awesome. I have been unsuccessful in coming up with any large launch vehicles, which is really hindering my refueling capacity. I'm going to learn from your rediculous amount of struts and try to add more space duct-tape from now on.

P.S. Before the forum crash some guy, whose name I forgot, posted a thread after Temstar released his Nova 100 ton lifter saying he was working on 250-600 ton lifters. Was that you by chance?

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This thing is crazy awesome. I have been unsuccessful in coming up with any large launch vehicles, which is really hindering my refueling capacity. I'm going to learn from your rediculous amount of struts and try to add more space duct-tape from now on.

P.S. Before the forum crash some guy, whose name I forgot, posted a thread after Temstar released his Nova 100 ton lifter saying he was working on 250-600 ton lifters. Was that you by chance?

Nope definitely not me, I joined after the Kraken devoured the Forum :)

Also it seems Uranus is capable of lifting up to 500 Tons, but I have to add more struts to prevent random failure. My test lifter (with custom struts with ridiculous strength) could get 500t into orbit.

Maybe I will upload Uranus 2 in a few days.:D

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