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The devil inside Kerbal Space Program?


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I was playing Kerbal Space Program, and I just touchdown on Kerbin after a manned mission to Mun. As a kerbal was climbing out of the lander can, the screen went dark and his altimeter went absolutely chaotic. When it finished turning, it landed on 666666m.

I hit escape and returned to the space center. I clicked on the tracking station and found that the entire solar system was missing. I couldn't see any planets, missions, orbital trajectories or anything. It did however show what missions I still had present on the left of my screen. I decided to click on a familiar satellite I named "Derp." And it homed in on a piece of debris of the satellite, a stage that decoupled and was still orbiting Kerbin. However, I could not find the Kerbin.

I restarted, and the solar system had returned. However, the mission that contained the two pilots and the lander were gone. The only thing that remains is the staging for the lander which remains on the surface of Mun.

Here is a screenshot I took of Jonsey Kerman, when the altimeter settled.

Someone call an exorcist.


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This is just a bug. A common one too, in fact; its more of a glitch if you ask me. This happens if you collide with the ground in a certain way (the wrong way) or if you hit the ground on 4x physwarp. Also, with this amount of physwarp, it occurs with a kerbal on EVA on Jool too; so if you mush land on jool with a kerbal on 4x physwarp, just dont try to get him to stand up, or this glitch happens.

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I had a same sort of thing happen but not exact. I was using hyper edit to get a lander within Duna's orbit, I didn't want to use the landing engines to do a de-orbit burn so I used hyper edits velocity option to lower my velocity 100m/s. I go to the map to check my peri and the planets gone... All the planets, I go back to staging view and see it so I resumed decent. Once I touched down craft blew up planet exploded into this sun looking thing and soon after game crashed haha. It was an experience to say the least!

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