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[WIP] Star Trek pack


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Also you need to consider that KSP is not made with ships like this in mind. Its very VERY hard to get a non-symmetrical ship to fly right, even in space.

I have had issues with multi-probe vehicles in the past. And the probes were a mere 2.6tons each, 6 of em arranged around a orange tank. The first one I deployed ruined the whole mission, because the ship wouldn't handle at all. If a 2.6tone weight difference off-sets a rocket that much, then you can see the problem with the Federation ships.

khaos this guy managed to get it to work. I said this in the 1st post.

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khaos this guy managed to get it to work. I said this in the 1st post.

Have you actually tried to fly the enterprise from spaceport? All that guy did was add propulsion to a crap model.....

Being a huge Star Trek fan I downloaded that the second I saw it. Deleted it in under 10min...its damn near worthless as a ship.

If you want to make these ships AND have them work properly with KSP physics your gonna have to figure out 2 things the way I see it.

1)The CoM needs to be somehow centralized, despite the shape of the ship

2)Any thrust created will also have to be balanced to the ships CoM

the one on spaceport does neither of these things, and that's why it flys like a wet dog poo

Hope you put a little more effort into this than the fella on spaceport.

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Have you actually tried to fly the enterprise from spaceport? All that guy did was add propulsion to a crap model.....

Being a huge Star Trek fan I downloaded that the second I saw it. Deleted it in under 10min...its damn near worthless as a ship.

If you want to make these ships AND have them work properly with KSP physics your gonna have to figure out 2 things the way I see it.

1)The CoM needs to be somehow centralized, despite the shape of the ship

2)Any thrust created will also have to be balanced to the ships CoM

the one on spaceport does neither of these things, and that's why it flys like a wet dog poo

Hope you put a little more effort into this than the fella on spaceport.

Are you referring to the Enterprise or the Stargazer cause if you're referring to the stargazer than I agree. the Enterprise flew quite nicely! for me anyway.

as to stabilization... I do have some Ideas Like

1) RCS ports that have different thrust ratios like say it tends to lean forward when horizontal then the bottom ports will have higher thrust then the upper ports.

2) I can just balance the weight. make it so that the center of mass is in the center of gravity.

but since these things will be built in dry dock (Opps my bad :P:sealed: ) aerodynamics should not be problematic. (I will make it able to fly in atmosphere though)

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I play Star Trek Online, so for me, no.
As do I, and I second Devo's notion.

so do i I just think It would be fun! :huh: honestly IDK why you guys are SOOOO against this. I'm making it and that's final its my mod!

The phoenix would be the easier for people to actually get into space, just put in on top of a standard launcher and just do it like in the movie. I mean they did use an ICBM to launch it after all!

Well I need to contact frizzac about using his Titan II. but yes You're right :D

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so do i I just think It would be fun! :huh: honestly IDK why you guys are SOOOO against this. I'm making it and that's final its my mod!

Well I need to contact frizzac about using his Titan II. but yes You're right :D

I'm not against it at all, if you want to undertake it then no one is stopping you my friend. I just already have an armada at my disposal in STO that if I feel the need, I go fly there, mainly because I can interact with other ships and players in multi-player rather than recounting every single event in the forum of a forum post describing a single player game, it is refreshing sometimes. I'm a pretty big Star Trek fan, and have been since about 1979... so unless it's a faithful recreation It wouldn't hold my interest for very long, and in KSP the physics engine is just not built for something like Star Trek vessels without serious work, and even then it feels off.

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unless it's a faithful recreation

I would make a faithful recreation I feel the same I love star trek so It would feel wrong if i screwed with it.

plus how can anyone do anything without actually working on it. i have all summer (minus vacations) to work on this it will give me something to do.

I really want to do this ksp just needs it.

now question, what do you think of the pack being modular or being able to kit bash? I think it may be interesting, but What do you guys think??

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If you want to get a warp-field sort of setup, Us over at PuffinTech have been working (Slowly) on a plugin that lets you simulate the effect, in a way. No FTL yet but when it's done our frameshift engines would be like your warp engines, and the module should be simple enough to transfer over.

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If you want to get a warp-field sort of setup, Us over at PuffinTech have been working (Slowly) on a plugin that lets you simulate the effect, in a way. No FTL yet but when it's done our frameshift engines would be like your warp engines, and the module should be simple enough to transfer over.

ohhhh..... sounds good to me I just hope that squad can give us other stars to go to...

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Not so far. The idea is that frameshifting places the craft in a semi-permeable 'reality bubble', and then space bends around the bubble, similar to the warp effect. However, as the bubble is semi-permeable, light-speed is not possible (Also because the kraken takes exception to FTL movement- I was able to use the frameshift engines currently usable to get to the speed of light, and then the kraken decided to take exception). The Idea is that the plugin will apply the force equally to all parts, so that no matter the shape of the ship, or the strutting, the parts will not experience a difference in acceleration effects, eliminating wobble on larger ships.


There is a game, called "A Slower Speed of Light", that would allow for relativistic effects, if the tools were used, but I have no idea how that plugin is supposed to work, so I cannot really comment on if that can be added. However, I doubt that the warp star effects will be implemented until we get more than one star system to access.

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Not so far. The idea is that frameshifting places the craft in a semi-permeable 'reality bubble', and then space bends around the bubble, similar to the warp effect. However, as the bubble is semi-permeable, light-speed is not possible (Also because the kraken takes exception to FTL movement- I was able to use the frameshift engines currently usable to get to the speed of light, and then the kraken decided to take exception). The Idea is that the plugin will apply the force equally to all parts, so that no matter the shape of the ship, or the strutting, the parts will not experience a difference in acceleration effects, eliminating wobble on larger ships.


There is a game, called "A Slower Speed of Light", that would allow for relativistic effects, if the tools were used, but I have no idea how that plugin is supposed to work, so I cannot really comment on if that can be added. However, I doubt that the warp star effects will be implemented until we get more than one star system to access.

yeah i figured as much but if they do give us other stars to go to that would be AWESOME!!

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Yes. Yes it would. However, we would need to change the plugin to accommodate the extra stars as KSP evolves, and the usual method of interstellar travel, so The plugin should take care of it.

(Hopefully KSP will include time-and-space dilation effects at higher and higher speeds as well in future versions)

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Yes. Yes it would. However, we would need to change the plugin to accommodate the extra stars as KSP evolves, and the usual method of interstellar travel, so The plugin should take care of it.

(Hopefully KSP will include time-and-space dilation effects at higher and higher speeds as well in future versions)

in Star Trek there was no dilation when they broke the light speed barrier and wen faster than light dilation stopped (that's my theory)

also this is what it looked like to jump to warp from the inside of the ship in Star Trek

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This is not criticism, but merely an observation - it seems that you are more interested in the effects(or the "shiny stuff"), rather than modeling the ships and flying them.

Most of the things you want are hard to achieve in Unity, if not impossible. However your enthusiasm seems to be quite big. I wish you all the best in your modeling.

P.S.: Have you tried playing Star Trek Online?

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This is not criticism, but merely an observation - it seems that you are more interested in the effects(or the "shiny stuff"), rather than modeling the ships and flying them.

Most of the things you want are hard to achieve in Unity, if not impossible. However your enthusiasm seems to be quite big. I wish you all the best in your modeling.

P.S.: Have you tried playing Star Trek Online?

lol no i'm just investigating this offer about that plugin but yes i have played STO (I'm a commander) I will still get this modeling stuff don't worry :)

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also as a note Production on this mod has not yet started (as in i'm not doing any modeling or coding ex.) I have just gotten off from school and I NEED *twitch* to unwind. production how ever is going to start soon. I'm in the "research" stage so i'm just looking around for tuts, models, etc. UPDATE: I have installed unity and I'm going to look into modding test parts into ksp.

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