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Launch Pad McQuack - "That's not the name of the song"

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The most interesting aspect of this Heavy Launch Vehicle is its Lander legs and Lateral Couplers attached to the center line tank, which help to keep this craft\'s center-line motor from contacting the launch pad.

The legs are attached with standard radial de-couplers and can be jettisoned right after liftoff. Another Idea to knock around the forum.

The 2m fairing is hiding a two module space station with a powered return capsule for the journey home.

My Favorite Features are the liquid boosters, which are attached with horizontal stack de-couplers, the tanks and motors are jettisoned when they run dry, and the stack de-couplers act as extra RCS fuel stores until the center line tank runs empty.

A Heavy Launch Vehicle for your large payload needs!!

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