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EVA head landing

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I have long heard that an EVA'd kerbal can survive almost any impact so long as they land on their head. I have seen this in videos, but am still unsure how to rotate the kerbal head down, since they seem to only have directional rcs and the space bar only rotates them instead of flipping them. How does one achieve this?

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When I do it, it involves flying into a ladder, then the kerbal starts spinning, and then you can grab the ladder upside down. It's not really a reliable method I think, but it works (sometimes).

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I don't believe Danny2462 has a KSP Forum account, but I know for a fact that Kerbals can indeed pitch, yaw, and roll - there are just no keys bound to those actions. Thus, if one had an external controller, a head-down landing should be a cinch. I'll go test this theory immediately, and post the results.

EDIT: There are indeed bindings for pitching, yawing, and rolling the Kerbal, but they seem to do nothing in-atmosphere...

Edited by RandomGuy5040
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Nope, its really easy, just click the kerbal and drag upwards/downwards and it will rotate!

WHAT! oh mai gawd, how did this elude me, that changes a lot! brb!

edit: IT WORKS!

with EVA_ROTATE_ON_MOVE = false this will be great :). Thank you!

Edited by Nao
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  • 1 year later...

Well, I'll be... I tried it once from space and I turned a Kerbal into an itty puff of smoke, kind of like in a Roadrunner cartoon. I tried it again from 5k and bounced like a beach ball. This is a great fall-back if your radial chute rips off your back. (If you haven't tried it, KAS does let you grab a radial chute and use it to survive re-entry, but it can be a bit tricky hanging onto it when it deploys.)

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