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Kerbal Airliner challenge

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This is your next BIG Trijet. This. is.

THE DC-10-30 RECON Model


I decided to build this plane as I wanted to fly as many kerbals around the world as I possibly could so I could "inhabit" the ISC. However, I found it good for Recon Missions and other commercial jetliner flights, so I entered it here.

As you can see, it is based off the DC-10 by the faithful aircraft designers at the now absorbed (into Boeing Aerospace) McDonnell Douglas Aircraft Company. See the resemblance?



It runs ENTIRELY upon B9 for 0.25 and stock parts. It is a reliable flyer, yet should be kept under close monitoring when using FAR and Deadly Reentry (Although I would wonder why someone would put it in orbit).

Here are a few achievement pictures:


I was able to fit AT LEAST 25+ Kerbals in this baby. It has a Jumbo Jet Double Decker style seating layout. 15 Points! (Good Start)

Here's another one:


(Safety First) I was able to stall this baby and keep it UNDER 2G's (BTW - My V/S Thing is screwed- that's why it doesn't look like Im stalling) - I'm assuming 25 Points for this one.

This thing is pretty stable UNDER DEFAULT KSP PHYSICS. Using FAR will render this plane's sturctural integrity USELESS unless you add like a million struts. I'd say a 9 for stability.

This thing does look considerably like a DC-10, So would it be a 20 for that?

Craft file (if anyone is interested) coming soon...


I am also planning to add in a S2 Fuselage based jetliner. Stay Tuned!

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  duncan1297 said:
You could add a new score board with mods and put this on it.:P:D


it uses B-9 aerospace and carries 20 kerbals including the 2 pilots.

50 points.

20 kerbals=20 points.

stable when trimmed=5 points.

electrical problem=25 points.

it might apply for being frugal because it only uses one of its tanks.

I remember this.

Good times.

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