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Astroid Base

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Here is an astroid base i made using the large structural components mod and asteroids mod. It has 2 nuclear generators and 4 smaller generators. has a lot of room for crew to be sent to it. has a docking/main power building, fuel/research/light power generation area, Living area. use hyper-edit to put this base in space were ever you want it. has a part count of 302.

living area


light power generators


the base


docking and power building


research and light power generator area


i have the fuel lines there because it looks cool and if you guys want the craft file just post a comment.


Edited by brobel
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It looks pretty cool I must say, how did you make the yellow fuel line run across the surface like that?

If you look closely there are some other small parts placed along the surface that the fuel lines are connected between. I must say, it's a great idea and looks awesome!

Oh, and by the way: there has to be a way to download the craft. This is the Spacecraft Exchange. :wink:

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Oh, and by the way: there has to be a way to download the craft. This is the Spacecraft Exchange. :wink:

that is a great point :)

What mod is that asteroid from?

look up on spaceport asteroid and it will come up

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Is hyperedit required for the craft? If not, could you place a version that does not have hyperedit required?

not required but i don't know how your going to get a giant 200m astroid into space any other way.

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