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Please, look, very important! Read before posting any challenges!

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If you have concerns or problems with a thread, your best bet is to talk to a moderator. I understand your point and it annoys me too, but normal users aren't in position to make such posts.

This is likely to be considered as backseat moderation, which is forbidden by the official forum rules, making your thread kind of ironic.

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Has anyone noticed that more than EVERY OTHER challenge follows NONE of the guidelines in the Challenge Submission Guidelines sticky locked thread? Yes. Probably EVERYONE except the people who post these bad challenges!

PLEASE, PLEASE please please PLEEEZ:confused: do us all a favor, and STOP posting these horrible trashy challenges!

And all of you who did this (yes, you know who you are), just READ THE GUIDELINES. It's THAT SIMPLE. Is it THAT HARD to READ a SHORT POST? No! So, PLEASE! Ermagherd.


I think there are just too many of these challenges IMO, some of them require me to be unemployed and have nothing to do for 18 hours a day other than play KSP.

Edited by shadowsutekh
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Not only that, they are Guidelines not rules.

When I posted my 18 orange tanks to space challenge I knew it didn't have score system. So? I didn't want one.

But people want to give flak over it anyway. So, If I can't post the challenge the way I want it, then I won't bother posting any at all and you all can just have those dumb ones all day long.

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I think there are just too many of these challenges IMO, some of them require me to be unemployed and have nothing to do for 18 hours a day other than play KSP.

And now we know the Developers' real mission... create a vast army of unemployed unpaid testers! Diabolical! And just as soon as I complete this challenge to get a 10,000 part non-modded space station to Jool using only RCS thrusters I'll lodge a formal protest.

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Hi-ho, what is this? Backseat moderation? No sir.

I'll leave this here as a warning as this thread sinks to the bottom of the forums. If you're going to preach the rules, first read the rules.

And, as stated, they are not rules, they are highly encouraged guidelines. Not following them is not against the rules, but it is frowned upon.

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