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Faster Speed in Jools Sphere of Influence!?

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Hey there!

So I am making a space station in Joolian orbit and while transporting one of the parts, I noticed that (during an aerocapture maneuver) I could get a very high speed close to Jools atmosphere! SO I decided to make a challenge. Hehehee....


1) You must travel, inside Jools sphere of influence at least at 15000m/s (does not have to be an orbit).

2) Stock parts ONLY.

3) This is obvious, but don't modify the save file or any crafty wizardry like that.

3) You must provide at least one screenshot of the speed (zoomed in) and at least one screenshot of the ship/probe and Jool. It is advised to take one screenshot and then simply copy and crop it to get the speed screenshot.


Top score is determined by speed reached in m/s, and will be updated on this thread every 24 hours or so, with the high-scorers username!


- It is advised not to go into the atmosphere before taking the screenshot as this will slow you down, but still taking the screenshot as close as you can to Jool for maximum speed.

- Using a Joolian moon and/or lots of trust can increase your speed (doing a bit of mathematics can help also).



Here is a probe I got to 15344.9m/s, as it started to enter Jools atmosphere:




Good luck everyone!

Edited by douglabe
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Let's see... approach Jool in retrograde transfer (so as you get closer, Jool is not behind you - it's smack in front of you and closing you from the other direction) and hope for a suitable moon gravity sling or two (with some adjustments, if needed)...

Carry lot of fuel for some bonus delta-V.

Another variant of this might be "how fast can you get Jool to sling ya out of the Kerbin system after the closest (peak speed) approach? :D

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