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hey there everyone, im new to the game and was just figuring it all out using the great tutorials, that is until i got to the 'mun landing part 1' where i completed to hear gene say 'in the next part, i'll teach you how to land blah blah' so, where is the next part?? :confused:

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Hit up YouTube for "Kerbal Space Program" or "KSP" and you'll find a bunch. My fav is Scott Manley. He does do a lot of tutorials and has a few stories going. Its taken me about a month to catch up on all his material JUST for KSP start to finish.

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Hit up YouTube for "Kerbal Space Program" or "KSP" and you'll find a bunch. My fav is Scott Manley. He does do a lot of tutorials and has a few stories going. Its taken me about a month to catch up on all his material JUST for KSP start to finish.

I just wish he kept a chronological playlist of his KSP productions so I can follow his own learning curve, as in trying to figure out how he has setup his KSP, mods he personally uses, and how he manages his builds. A series really of all his episodes. .. but as he makes them.

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I use Chrome and installed an plugin called YouTube Video Deck. You log in with your google creds, and it looks at who you're subscribed to. You setup panels for the person/feed or groups of people/feeds and it'll sort it out chronologically, newest at the top, oldest at the bottom. Eliminates YouTubes idea of sorting entirely. A Kerbal seemed to have designed the new youtube scheme it seems.

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