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What happened when you first landed on the Mun?


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My first landing, Jeb and Bob got out, walked around a little, smiled a lot, got back in and then came home. It was all very uneventful.

On my first Almost Return Mission, I sent Jeb out for a look-see, and realized I hadn't put a ladder on the lander. I spent a few hours bouncing Jeb off the capsule using his jet pack, and frantically trying to get him to re-enter the capsule, until his pack ran out of fuel. I consider this one of my more spectacular successes, since I did manage to ram the capsule with Jeb several times.

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Isn't that the standard for KSP firsts?

My Mun landings are all still there. I was going to rescue them, but I got distracted.

I wouldn't say 'standard'. My first attempts had WAY more than enough fuel to get back. I so overbuilt the rocket it wasn't even funny. That's how I got some of the ones I tipped over back: even though it broke engines and tanks off, it was possible to jettison to the final stage and take off with that, even with it laying on its side, and still have plenty of fuel to get back. Not that it mattered. Every rocket had Jeb, Bill, and Bob, which was good, because rescue missions were impossible.

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The first Mun landing I made, lander legs were still 3rd-party parts, and I remember at one point just dropping the ship down on its engine bell. I also seem to recall that you couldn't save games yet, but I could be wrong. Meaning every trip was the only trip.

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The first time I landed was when I had 2 rovers attached to my lander so I could drive them about. Soon did I realize that I didn't have enough fuel to get my 3 Kerbals home. I sent a rescue ship to pick them up but landed too far away. I tried to drive the rover with the 3 Kerbals to the rescue ship but kept on flipping and crashing over the hilly surface. Those 3 Kerbals never returned but the rescue ship did, just a shame the rescue ship didn't actually rescue anything.

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My first l a n d i n g on the Mun was a small base, to provide a home for the 6 stranded Kerbals which got stuck there in previous attempts. Nothing much happened.

My first Kerbals on the Mun were survivors from an unplanned lithobraking event, when i proved that i can't land for ****. The second lot of Kerbals on the Mun were survivors from the rescue ship, when I pressed the wrong time warp button, and flew directly into the Mun.

Soon there will be a small base to commemorate the Mun landing disaster.

So the main thing that happened when i first landed on the Mun: No one died.

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Yeah my first non-lithobreaking landing got me very close to one of the archs' and being cocky i eva'ed over, I forgot about slowing poor Bill down before I was reminded to stop by the arch itself. every time I restart now, I plant a flag at that place. just as a reminder

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First time was with the Novapunch Orion lander with Jeb and Bill. Thee engine broke, ten rescue missions later, somehow nobody died (TAC Life support), B9 saved the day and trucked ~14 Kerbals back to kerbin "safely".

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First landing I crashed.

Whenever I got close to the ground, panic grasped me and I use too much retro and bounced back 300+ meters then I had to land again.. Long live quicksave finally I got it.

I dropped the 2 rovers on the surface - the tires blew up and needed fixing, and another one needed to be flipped over. Jeb jumped under the rover until it flipped.

But used so much damn fuel during landing it was almost impossible to get back to Kerbin. Quicksave helped me find the optimost strategy and I managed to get there. with 0.000 liters of fuel left.

Jeb said: "piece of cake! on to minimus!"

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Crashed, probably...

Next shot, insufficient fuel for return, et cetera; made all of the classic errors at this early stage in the game. First successful lander carried way too much fuel compared to how much I'd need now; my main problem was that I was unaware of the timeless "burn periapsis just barely above the surface and kill all lateral velocity at low altitude" technique, so i was trying to make a controlled deceleration and descent from some ridiculous height like 15 km. That's an awful lot of wasted ÃŽâ€v.

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The first time I landed on the Mun (Kerbal 1) I used the ship from the demo's "Mun 101" tutorial or whatever it was, because it said that it had plenty of fuel to land on the Mun. I wasn't able to get him back though.

The second time (Kerbal 2) I stranded landed another kerbal on the Mun.

The third (Kerbal 3) I tacked on an extra capsule on top to try and rescue him. I landed about 15 KM away, I believe. I EVA'd the crewmember of Kerbal 2 and tried to fly him over but he hit the ground and poofed after a few hundred meters.

Eventually I just savefile edited fuel into Kerbal 1's tanks. But don't worry, I remembered the parachutes. Or at least I think I did, anyway. But that's irrelevant.

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My first "landing" smashed into the ground horribly. There were no survivors.

My first proper landing, however, I almost jumped out of my seat with joy. Then I took screenshots, did the whole silly "jumping around in low gravity thing," etc. Then they flew back home. Fond memories :)

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My first landing was a horrid tale of screaming (me) and clawing back out of grave (Jeb); I came in for a beautiful touchdown, descent at 5m/s, legs deployed... and fuel ran out 5klicks up. I tried braking with RCS but didn't manage to slow down enough... so literally a second before the lander litho-braked, I separated the capsule with its dinky little return module, and manged to ascend from the fireball that was lander back to the Munar orbit. Return to Kerbin was totally uneventful, especially the part where I forgot the parachute.

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I managed to land near the arch... and when walking over to it, Jeb took a misstep and spent several minutes falling down the large crater wall next to it. He tried to recover his cool by returning with the RCS backpack, but managed to fling himself across the terrain in the other direction. It was a long walk back to the arch and lander.

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After few times I did have enough fuel for orbital burn -> flyed over...

It's actually pretty impressive first landing I think, some luck on the way :)


Now I regulary visit minmun & duna, have space station in kerbin orbit, flag on the mun and probe orbiting mun. Also Have permanent rover in duna. My latest project was to design "bullet proof" rescue rocket.

Now the fun part, I buyed KSP on last sunday, playtime KSP_played.jpg and counting. :confused:

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It took me three tries before I got there. The first I ran out of fuel and went into deep space. The second I crashed during the landing. The third was a broken gear leg but I managed to get back anyway.

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