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What happened when you first landed on the Mun?


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At the time, my Munlander was severely overengineered. So overengineered, in fact, that I quickly discovered that when it landed, one of the thrusters would clip into its tank and blow the whole thing up. My second attempt was nominal, however, and I safely landed the trio, goofed around with SAS a bit, and then sent them back up to their command module.

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I didn't really rush to the Mun. I did manned flybys of Eve, Duna, and Jool before I actually sent my first lander down on the Mun. So it was pretty uneventful- I landed my rocket rover/lander, drove it to a Mun arch, then took off and flew back to the High Kerbin space station, transferred the Kerbal to a return vehicle that was waiting there, and landed him back on Kerbin. So I wasn't really a noob anymore when I began my manned landings program, and hence, I didn't really have any issues.

Edited by |Velocity|
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My first moon landing happened pretty quickly. Like, 600+ m/s quickly. This was in my "Pre-understanding-retroburning" days.

My first landing that did NOT result in a rapidly expanding cloud of gas has pretty uneventful for the ship - I was so strung up and tense that I about pooped myself relaxing after I touched down!

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  stnylan said:
First time I landed on the Mun ... which was yesterday, so also the only time ... I realised my lander legs were pointing the right way - but didn't clear the engine. The probe actually ended up landing on the engine directly, wobbled, two lander legs touched the surface and then the lander gently rebounded and settled entirely on the engine exhaust, no probe legs touching the ground.

Just about to try a probe landing on Minmus, hoping I got the legs sorted :)

What about sending a capsule to minmus,and using EVA to land,and take off? :)

By the way,when I first landed on mun...Nothing :D I actually enjoy when I see a planet,but I feel neutral when I land,jump around,and take off ^^

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I nailed my first landing, all stock. What I did not do was successfully re-dock with the orbiter, used up all my fuel, and crashed my lander right back into the Mun... =p But that was my greatest accomplishment in KSP, because I bailed Jeb out mid-crash and used his jetpack to land him safely. He did tumble on the munar surface for a solid 2 minutes though!

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Landed on an, er, slight slope. Jeb got out, planted his flag, took a much-needed whiz, and headed back to the Futility II. When he grabbed the ladder, the ship tipped over, landing on it's side. Having left the jack in Futility I's trunk, Jeb figured it was time to start walking... to somewhere slightly flatter. Bob, better get the Futility III warmed up!


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The first time I landed on the moon I forgot it had no atmosphere and tried parachutes; I managed to save myself but just barley because I had a lot of sideways velocity so I did a few flips before coming to a stop.

At least I didn't blow up though XD

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I took two one-man rovers with me. I landed just fine, got the kerbals out and F5'd. I jettisoned a rover. It proceeded to suddenly become disinterested in everything and then rolled to the bottom of a crater, unkerballed and with no friends. Reload. I put Jeb in the way to stop it rolling. He was crushed. Reload. Jettison the rover on the uphill side this time. It landed nicely and parked itself against the engine! I rushed Jeb over to go for a drive... and I had the seat on upside down. Oh well, drive anyway. The badly-designed deathtrap flipped instantly, and tumbled... to the bottom of the crater, and then exploded. Jeb bailed, returned to the rocket, and tried to plant a flag in Bill, to no avail. I then returned to Kerbin with 3/4 fuel.

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I had the demo, so I never really had anything, I was doing the whole flight path wrong (no orbit around Kerbin, then transfer to the mun, then orbit to the Mun). I did a straight flight path to the mun (Managed 80% to actually hit the orbit of it though!)

did a giant burn to slow me down, stop horizontal movement, then try to get a soft landing (I always ran out of fuel before hand, so I used RCS). Long story short, Never really managed to get the lander to land, but I could get the Kerbal to jump out and "softly" land.

Now I use mechjeb... and cheats...

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My first munar landing included most of the common fails.

A big brain derp trying to use parachutes, a not so good landing after it where the ship end landed on it's side, and a final great break dance show starred by the munar lander, trying to get into a possition that could put it vertically when re-extending the landing legs. After 8 minutes of that ridiculous ship spinning and jumping, out of RCS fuel and with half of the external equip broken (solar panels, antennas... insurance was crying), I got it to sit vertically on it's legs. Without fuel to get in orbit, as well. But they could wait for rescue (some years later) in a much better way than lying on their side.

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After countless encounters and sling shots from coming in to fast. I finally built a stable and pretty efficient lander. Enough delta v for a couple of landings and a return home. I came down to fast and still moving sideways. I fired the main engine and stopped my downward motion enough to land. But I couldn't cancel out the sidways motion before hitting the surface and destroying everything but the pod. The kerbals did survive the impact. So I planted a flag and called it a success! I Still felt pretty damn good about it. And after that, Mun landings became pretty easy.

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