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Presenting Kerblab! - A Stock Skylab Analogue with launch vehicle.

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I've always loved the classic design of the original American Skylab station, and I went about attempting to recreate it in KSP with stock parts. After doing some photo research and with judicious application of struts, I believe I have been rather successful in that endeavor. So therefore, I present to you: Kerblab!







As stated earlier, it was created with all stock parts. I launched the craft using both MechJeb and manually - manually is a little difficult, as the quad solar array throws off the center of mass a little bit, but you should be able to compensate for it. The launch vehicle provides about 6300 delta V, so you should be able to place this thing anywhere in Kerbin orbit, or in the orbits of the Mun or Minmus if you're precise with your burns. I have attached the part file, sans Mechjeb, for your enjoyment. I always appreciate your comments, and I hope you find some enjoyment with this station. As seen in the above pictures, it has one docking port which means you should be able to replicate the classic Skylab with Apollo CSM look if you wish.

Craft file HERE

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Problem: Solved! Behold, the power of a small fuel tank. I've also added the second docking point opposite the telescope/

Pro: Looks good, matches the color scheme better.

Con: Its heavy, therefore reducing the total delta V to around 6000. It's still good enough for almost any Kerbin orbit, and perhaps you can get it into Munar orbit. If you want to get the old stats back, you can load the ship on the pad, then go and edit the persistence file to remove all the fuel from that small tank. I've updated the craft file here.

Pictures below:





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I'm gonna have to break one of the large solar panel arrays, specifically the one missing on the left side:


Well, alas, if we still had the launch tower, you could crash it into that on launch. Maybe you can attach a small decoupler there and blow it off at an appropriate time on launch. :P

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Still has mod parts, the KSPX large SAS module, could you perhaps remove that please? I suspect it's on the rocket, but I don't know because I can't load it :P

Edit: It is on the rocket, the second stage in fact. Could you please remove it?

Edited by Gojira
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And, two problems solved. Large SAS and ASAS modules removed. I replaced the small fuel tank with the stock SAS and ASAS modules. That should get the Delta V back to the original 6300 range and finally ensure we have nothing but stock parts. I've updated the craft file again - you can get it here. Two updated pics below.



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Also, to those who may be wondering, Skylab was originally supposed to have solar arrays on either side of the habitation module, but damage occurred during launch. The protective heat shield around the habitat ripped off and took one of the solar arrays with it, hence the emergency repairs that had to be conducted in orbit and the station's lopsided shape in reality.

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Hello again everyone. I hope those who have downloaded Kerblab are enjoying it. I thought I'd post a few shots of the station in operation. In these two pictures, you can see both the small CSM and large CSM docked with the station. While docked, the large CSM has two 1x6 solar arrays that supplement the station's own generation abilities. Both CSMs are also made entirely from stock parts.





If anyone is interested in either one of the CSM designs, let me know and I'll post the craft files. I used the recently released RCS balancer plugin mod to balance the RCS thrusters on both designs, so you should be able to easily translate them without any rotation.

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