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Help please i just started


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OK i just started playing KSP literally 2 days ago after starting the demo 3 days before that and so far i got one satellite into orbit and a prototype space station but i am trying to send a better one up but for some reason the engines would either spin out or the spare one that i require to create a orbit would fall off so can anyone please help i am really getting mad over this and i am not exactly sure how i can get a screen shot to simplify i am stuck even after i added strut after strut to try to fix the crap out of it so please help:confused::sealed::confused: ok all break downs aside just help a beginner.

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yeah i know but in fact i based my heavy lifter off some videos i saw but i added more engines for my more than 50 ton space station after i tested with the prototype i call Skylab and i know about Scott Manley because i also watch his videos.

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If something falls off, the joint has broken because of too much stress. That's either bumping into something, or torque from acceleration.

Not sure what you mean by engines "spinning out", but I think it sounds like boosters not strutted correctly. I've noticed it sometimes helps to start the strut closer to the root part and finish the strut on the outer part.

Screenshots are very useful, especially for troubleshooting. Here's how:

• press F1, this puts an image in your /screenshots folder;

• use Paint or something to edit and compress the file if you want;

• upload the image to DropBox, ImageShack, or whatever;

• get the URL of the uploaded image;

• put that URL into a forum post with the "Insert Image" button.

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depends would the stress be brought on by the fact that it is essentially covered in struts or the massive acceleration brought by the 4 main sail engines and 12 BACC boosters per stage but in action they always accelerate slowly due to massive weight brought by fuel for them to work. Also i just need stability and sturdiness because the rocket overall does work.

also for some reason KSP didn't include a screenshot folder when i downloaded so yeah

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A screenshot of your lifter would be useful (KSP creates a screenshot directory when you take the first screenshot). I suspect you're using too much thrust if you're using multiple quad-mainsail stages (plus solid rockets) for a 50 tonne load. You're likely carrying a lot of excess fuel too which only makes things worse.

Check out vids of "asparagus staging" to get an idea of one rather good way of doing it. You can put 50t in orbit using 7 of the orange tanks and less thrust total than a quad-mainsail stage. No solid rockets required :D

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depend how muchless thrust are you saying and also again no screenshots folder and also again on thrust when i tried using skippers it did not work and i could not even reach past 20000 m OK so the quad is necessary. i should also mentioned that today i fixed the problem with the sturdiness and the stability and i all i have to worry about now is sustaining a orbit due to the spare engine not being enough

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Suggestion - this is the tough way, but -

Build the payload.

Then add the maneuver engine for after you're in space. As you know, you don't need much there.

Then build a stage that can lift THAT much. NOT TO ORBIT, just enough to burn and accellerate that load.

Then build a stage that can lift THAT. . .

And so on, until the aggregate can get to orbit. It sounds like you're making your upper stages too large, I was having that problem on my most recent booster. I'm not quite up to "standardized booster designs" yet, but I'm getting there.

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OK just one question i have but one problem now because i tried reaching but i would always run out of fuel before i can achieve orbit so i wonder should i add more fuel or lessen it to reach orbit?

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On some windows computers, especially laptops the function keys double up with other commands, you may have to press and hold the Fn key, which should be near the bottom left of your keyboard, then press F1 to take a screenshot.

Edited by Pursuedtank
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depend how muchless thrust are you saying and also again no screenshots folder and also again on thrust when i tried using skippers it did not work and i could not even reach past 20000 m OK so the quad is necessary. i should also mentioned that today i fixed the problem with the sturdiness and the stability and i all i have to worry about now is sustaining a orbit due to the spare engine not being enough

Sorry for the late reply, been in work all day.

By "less thrust" I mean a combined output, of every single engine on the ship combined (excluding payload) of less than a set of four mainsails. Its the asparagus setup - these rely on dumping excess weight during the climb and use just one set of engines for the entire trip up. There is no carrying weight of engines or fuel tanks that aren't in use so it's very weight efficient. This is a nice vid explaining how they work

Give it a shot, tis awesome :D And good luck


is what I use for 50t loads to the stations I have at 100km

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Your first and second stage appear to be nearly identical, am I right?

If that's the case, the design makes little sense. A one-stage rocket weighing 1T with a TWR of 2.0 will get you just as far as a 2T, two stage rocket with an initial TWR of 1.0. That second stage is just dead weight until activated, and really offers no benefit whatsoever. The stages have to become lighter and more efficient as they go up.

Also, as you need the most thrust at the beginning of your flight, those SRB's on your second stage are a complete waste. Just more dead weight.

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i already improved it and those SRB's at the top act like stabilizers so i don't flip over when i enter the next stage as that has happened many times in the past few days also i can't eject them as it causes exploding

also no offense but i needed the SRB's in order to reach orbit in my improved version

Edited by Helix935
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