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[WIN/MAC/LINUX] KSP Trajectory Optimization Tool v1.6.10 [Major LVD Improvements!]

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Hi everyone! I'm pleased to announce the release of KSP TOT v1.1.8! Major features for this release include:

  • A new aerobraking event for Mission Architect;
  • A huge set of new options in Mission Animator; and
  • Lots of little bug fixes and tweaks.

Warning: Previous Mission Architect .MAT files may be incompatible with this new version.

See the OP for the download. :)

Please let me know if you have any questions. :)

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Hello arrowstar.

I just wanted to chime in and say THANKS for such a great and useful mod..... Really great stuff....

I have been trying to find, or see if someone could build a mod or mods that would be able to

a) be able to show a kerbal 'solar system map' that could be tied directly into true 'kerbal' time. example would be like http://www.solarsystemscope.com/

B) have the ability to show a selected body in some form of a map view, true 3D or a simpler 2d rectangular standard projection map and showed the sun / kerbol light on it. Where is it dark, daylight, twilight, etc... again based on 'true' kerbal time / epoch / etc....

These would allow for to not only plan our trajectories, but also allow us to know what conditions / rotations / ability to have sun light / etc...

Just some far out there 'wishes' , but looks like you can do anything in these regards...

Thanks and look forward to any and all new goodies you be putting out....


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I can't seem to get a connection over network from KSPTOT to KSPTOTCONNECT. I'm getting connection refused, KSPTOT is on Win8.1 KSP is on Xubuntu64. It's not being blocked by a firewall, and I've added the IPs of both computers to the whitelist

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You'll want to play around with the Graphical Analysis tool in Mission Architect

Correct. In particular, you'll want the Eclipse task and maybe the latitude/longitude tasks. The eclipse task will tell you when you're in night or day light, and lat/long is self-explanatory. :)

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I can't seem to get a connection over network from KSPTOT to KSPTOTCONNECT. I'm getting connection refused, KSPTOT is on Win8.1 KSP is on Xubuntu64. It's not being blocked by a firewall, and I've added the IPs of both computers to the whitelist

Anything in the KSP debuglog (alt+F2) while attempting to connect? Everything KSPTOT related in the log should begin with something like [KSPTOTConnect]. Normally it should log incomming connection requests. If there is nothing in the log then it is most probably a Network/Firewall problem.

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Today I tried to get the departure information with RSS again.Here are the pictures.


I just use the "Kerbin Departure Information" instead of "Fyby Maneuver Sequencer".

But the problems are the same as yesterday's. How should I deal with it?

Your problem is that in Mission architect your initial orbit is equatorial. As such, the delta-V includes that needed to change the plane of the orbit. I'll post a quick guide and steps to correct for this a little later today. It takes a little bit more time though.

In RSS the delta-V needed to chane your orbital plane is MASSIVE. You need to launch into an inclined orbit from the start.(CORRECTLY inclined too which is the really difficult part.

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Your problem is that in Mission architect your initial orbit is equatorial. As such, the delta-V includes that needed to change the plane of the orbit. I'll post a quick guide and steps to correct for this a little later today. It takes a little bit more time though.

In RSS the delta-V needed to chane your orbital plane is MASSIVE. You need to launch into an inclined orbit from the start.(CORRECTLY inclined too which is the really difficult part.

Thank you for your help. I tried to change the plane at first. Then I found another problem.

Let's see the information first [Kerbin-Eve-Kerbin-Jool]:

Burn Information to Depart Kerbin
Total Delta-V = 3.645 km/s
Prograde Delta-V = 3639.326 m/s
Orbit Normal Delta-V = -206.638 m/s
Radial Delta-V = 0.000 m/s
Burn True Anomaly = 294.594 deg
Burn Information to Depart Eve
Total Delta-V = 0.000 km/s
Prograde Delta-V = -0.041 m/s
Orbit Normal Delta-V = -0.000 m/s
Radial Delta-V = 0.000 m/s
Burn True Anomaly = 0.000 deg
Burn Information to Depart Kerbin
Total Delta-V = 2.138 km/s
Prograde Delta-V = 2137.568 m/s
Orbit Normal Delta-V = 0.000 m/s
Radial Delta-V = -0.000 m/s
Burn True Anomaly = 0.000 deg



It looks more correct than before. The "Depart Kerbin" delta-v is right.

However,it needs 5.8km/s delta-v in total,going to Jupiter directly without flyby just needs 6.3km/s delta-v!

I've heard that earth-venus-earth-jupiter[-seturn] trajectory only needs 3.5km/s delta-v!

What's wrong with the trajectory which I planned?

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I think your problem is the second Kerbin(Earth) encounter. That's where you're getting the extra dV from. It's very situational when that is useful. The encounters aren't enough to give your spacecraft the speed it needs to reach Jupiter, so you're having to do a second burn during the second encounter. I think your initial info might be wrong. I've spent 20 minutes doing different sequences and so on to get to Jupiter and I can't get it so low. They all require additional burns here and there.

Unfortunately we can't do Earth -> Earth -> Jupiter sequences as NASA did with Juno.

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Hi everyone! I'm pleased to announce the release of KSP TOT v1.1.8! Major features for this release include:

  • A new aerobraking event for Mission Architect;
  • A huge set of new options in Mission Animator; and
  • Lots of little bug fixes and tweaks.

Warning: Previous Mission Architect .MAT files may be incompatible with this new version.

See the OP for the download. :)

Please let me know if you have any questions. :)

Haven't had a chance to download yet, but does aerobraking support FAR/NEAR, or just stock aerodynamics?

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I think your problem is the second Kerbin(Earth) encounter. That's where you're getting the extra dV from. It's very situational when that is useful. The encounters aren't enough to give your spacecraft the speed it needs to reach Jupiter, so you're having to do a second burn during the second encounter. I think your initial info might be wrong. I've spent 20 minutes doing different sequences and so on to get to Jupiter and I can't get it so low. They all require additional burns here and there.

Unfortunately we can't do Earth -> Earth -> Jupiter sequences as NASA did with Juno.

In fact,the BEST "Earth => Venus => Earth" trajectory can give the spacecraft the speed that can escape the Sun with ONLY 3.8km/s delta-v.

But the problem is that it is so difficult to get the transfer window!

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What's the Periapse at the second encounter with Earth then? You could try making a mid-course maneuver between Venus -> Earth and solve that for the best delta-V option that gets you to Jool using Mission Architect. This could lower your periapse and give you a greater boost(possibly). I don't have the time right now but I looked yesterday and I entered the exact time values etc. as you and got a completely different result.

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Hey-ho! I love this piece of software and am going to use it in a mission-control type setup. My question is: Can I turn up the refresh rate on the KSPTOT MCC Realtime monitors above 1Hz? Pulling data from ksp isn't an issue (can set transmission rate to 100 no problem) but the UI doesn't get rendered often enough. How can I turn up the refresh rate to 5 or 6Hz?

Additionally, what are the so-called "RTS Process Exec Mode" setting? Please Help!

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I'm having a strange problem here, I'm using 6.4x Kerbin, and trying to load the bodies from KSP over network, and the bodies file is coming across corrupted/unreadable. File is attached.

epoch = 117.000000
sma = 110.000000
ecc = 0.000000
inc = 0.000000
raan = 0.000000
arg = 0.000000
mean = 0.000000
gm = 0.000000
radius = 0.000000
atmoHgt = 84958194620.955994
atmoPressSL = 584227.280000
atmoScaleHgt = 700000.000000
rotperiod = 756000.000000
rotini = 0.000000
bodycolor = gray
canBeCentral = 1
canBeArriveDepart = 0
parent =
parentID = -1
name = S
id = 0

epoch = 105.000000
sma = 110.000000
ecc = 0.000000
inc = 87038977.638400
raan = 0.000000
arg = 0.000000
mean = 0.000000
gm = 0.000000
radius = 179.908754
atmoHgt = 144742.211207
atmoPressSL = 3840.000000
atmoScaleHgt = 91.182367
rotperiod = 21600.000000
rotini = 90.000000
bodycolor = gray
canBeCentral = 1
canBeArriveDepart = 1
parent = S
parentID = 0
name = Kerb
id = 1

epoch = 117.000000
sma = 110.000000
ecc = 0.000000
inc = 76800.000000
raan = 0.000000
arg = 0.000000
mean = 0.000000
gm = 0.000000
radius = 97.402828
atmoHgt = 2672.262033
atmoPressSL = 1280.000000
atmoScaleHgt = 0.000000
rotperiod = 348298.525539
rotini = 230.000000
bodycolor = gray
canBeCentral = 0
canBeArriveDepart = 1
parent = Kerb
parentID = 1
name = M
id = 2

epoch = 117.000000
sma = 115.000000
ecc = 0.000000
inc = 300800.000000
raan = 0.000000
arg = 6.000000
mean = 78.000000
gm = 38.000000
radius = 51.566200
atmoHgt = 72.445504
atmoPressSL = 384.000000
atmoScaleHgt = 0.000000
rotperiod = 5201712.000000
rotini = 230.000000
bodycolor = gray
canBeCentral = 0
canBeArriveDepart = 1
parent = Kerb
parentID = 1
name = Minm
id = 3

epoch = 104.000000
sma = 111.000000
ecc = 0.000000
inc = 33684085.145600
raan = 0.200000
arg = 7.000000
mean = 70.000000
gm = 15.000000
radius = 179.908754
atmoHgt = 6916.266164
atmoPressSL = 1600.000000
atmoScaleHgt = 14.000000
rotperiod = 1266757.920000
rotini = 190.000000
bodycolor = gray
canBeCentral = 0
canBeArriveDepart = 1
parent = S
parentID = 0
name = Mo
id = 4

epoch = 118.000000
sma = 101.000000
ecc = 0.000000
inc = 62929181.081600
raan = 0.010000
arg = 2.100000
mean = 15.000000
gm = 0.000000
radius = 179.908754
atmoHgt = 335386.876645
atmoPressSL = 4480.000000
atmoScaleHgt = 127.655320
rotperiod = -5249203.920000
rotini = 0.000000
bodycolor = gray
canBeCentral = 0
canBeArriveDepart = 1
parent = S
parentID = 0
name = E
id = 5

epoch = 110.000000
sma = 97.000000
ecc = 0.000000
inc = 132647393.689600
raan = 0.051000
arg = 0.060000
mean = 135.500000
gm = 0.000000
radius = 179.908754
atmoHgt = 12338.878090
atmoPressSL = 2048.000000
atmoScaleHgt = 54.709422
rotperiod = 22160.665800
rotini = 90.000000
bodycolor = gray
canBeCentral = 0
canBeArriveDepart = 1
parent = S
parentID = 0
name = Du
id = 6

epoch = 107.000000
sma = 101.000000
ecc = 0.000000
inc = 20480.000000
raan = 0.030000
arg = 0.200000
mean = 0.000000
gm = 0.000000
radius = 97.402828
atmoHgt = 762.368202
atmoPressSL = 832.000000
atmoScaleHgt = 0.000000
rotperiod = 160886.087811
rotini = 0.000000
bodycolor = gray
canBeCentral = 0
canBeArriveDepart = 0
parent = Du
parentID = 6
name = I
id = 7

epoch = 111.000000
sma = 108.000000
ecc = 0.000000
inc = 440150786.048000
raan = 0.050000
arg = 1.304000
mean = 52.000000
gm = 0.000000
radius = 5.729578
atmoHgt = 21053297.415325
atmoPressSL = 38400.000000
atmoScaleHgt = 182.364750
rotperiod = 8935.907472
rotini = 0.000000
bodycolor = gray
canBeCentral = 1
canBeArriveDepart = 1
parent = S
parentID = 0
name = Jo
id = 8

epoch = 104.000000
sma = 101.000000
ecc = 0.000000
inc = 173740.000000
raan = 0.000000
arg = 0.000000
mean = 0.000000
gm = 0.000000
radius = 179.908754
atmoHgt = 80432.969269
atmoPressSL = 3200.000000
atmoScaleHgt = 72.945898
rotperiod = 98978.646991
rotini = 90.000000
bodycolor = gray
canBeCentral = 0
canBeArriveDepart = 1
parent = Jo
parentID = 8
name = Layt
id = 9

epoch = 108.000000
sma = 108.000000
ecc = 0.000000
inc = 275780.000000
raan = 0.000000
arg = 0.000000
mean = 0.000000
gm = 0.000000
radius = 51.566200
atmoHgt = 8521.045112
atmoPressSL = 1920.000000
atmoScaleHgt = 0.000000
rotperiod = 198278.710901
rotini = 0.000000
bodycolor = gray
canBeCentral = 0
canBeArriveDepart = 1
parent = Jo
parentID = 8
name = Va
id = 10

epoch = 111.000000
sma = 112.000000
ecc = 0.000000
inc = 822400.000000
raan = 0.235000
arg = 15.000000
mean = 10.000000
gm = 25.000000
radius = 51.566200
atmoHgt = 101.991904
atmoPressSL = 416.000000
atmoScaleHgt = 0.000000
rotperiod = 1021276.658277
rotini = 230.000000
bodycolor = gray
canBeCentral = 0
canBeArriveDepart = 1
parent = Jo
parentID = 8
name = B
id = 11

epoch = 108.000000
sma = 111.000000
ecc = 0.000000
inc = 438400.000000
raan = 0.000000
arg = 0.025000
mean = 0.000000
gm = 0.000000
radius = 179.908754
atmoHgt = 115823.211921
atmoPressSL = 3840.000000
atmoScaleHgt = 0.000000
rotperiod = 396400.576796
rotini = 0.000000
bodycolor = gray
canBeCentral = 0
canBeArriveDepart = 1
parent = Jo
parentID = 8
name = Ty
id = 12

epoch = 108.000000
sma = 121.000000
ecc = 0.000000
inc = 201600.000000
raan = 0.550000
arg = 12.000000
mean = 80.000000
gm = 10.000000
radius = 51.566200
atmoHgt = 0.339403
atmoPressSL = 83.200000
atmoScaleHgt = 0.000000
rotperiod = 15077.000000
rotini = 5.000000
bodycolor = gray
canBeCentral = 0
canBeArriveDepart = 0
parent = E
parentID = 5
name = Gil
id = 13

epoch = 111.000000
sma = 108.000000
ecc = 0.000000
inc = 1151296.000000
raan = 0.170850
arg = 4.250000
mean = 2.000000
gm = 15.000000
radius = 51.566200
atmoHgt = 29.596661
atmoPressSL = 281.600000
atmoScaleHgt = 0.000000
rotperiod = 1691609.026567
rotini = 25.000000
bodycolor = gray
canBeCentral = 0
canBeArriveDepart = 1
parent = Jo
parentID = 8
name = P
id = 14

epoch = 101.000000
sma = 115.000000
ecc = 0.000000
inc = 261371828.499200
raan = 0.145000
arg = 5.000000
mean = 280.000000
gm = 90.000000
radius = 179.908754
atmoHgt = 882.022247
atmoPressSL = 883.200000
atmoScaleHgt = 14.000000
rotperiod = 8166.744000
rotini = 25.000000
bodycolor = gray
canBeCentral = 0
canBeArriveDepart = 1
parent = S
parentID = 0
name = Dr
id = 15

epoch = 111.000000
sma = 111.000000
ecc = 0.000000
inc = 576760448.000000
raan = 0.260000
arg = 6.150000
mean = 50.000000
gm = 260.000000
radius = 179.908754
atmoHgt = 3054.588295
atmoPressSL = 1344.000000
atmoScaleHgt = 60.000000
rotperiod = 137963.088000
rotini = 25.000000
bodycolor = gray
canBeCentral = 0
canBeArriveDepart = 1
parent = S
parentID = 0
name = Eel
id = 16

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Hey-ho! I love this piece of software and am going to use it in a mission-control type setup. My question is: Can I turn up the refresh rate on the KSPTOT MCC Realtime monitors above 1Hz? Pulling data from ksp isn't an issue (can set transmission rate to 100 no problem) but the UI doesn't get rendered often enough. How can I turn up the refresh rate to 5 or 6Hz?

Additionally, what are the so-called "RTS Process Exec Mode" setting? Please Help!

The refresh rate is locked for performance reasons. However, after the last major update to KSPTOT connect, I may be able to get more out of it. I'll look later next week. For now, though, sorry.:-(

Can you show me a screenshot of the setting?

Btw, please take some screenshots of you using the software for mission control stuff. I'd love to see it! :-)

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Hey guys, I'm looking for calls for feature suggestions for the next version of Mission Architect. I've been thinking of the following and would like to get feedback on them plus other ideas you might have:

1) Kethane/ Karbonite sensor modelling,

2) Low thrust maneuver modelling

What other ideas do you guys have? I'd love to hear them!

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Does anyone know what the "split coast at..." option in the Mission Architect does? It lets me coast to a given UT, as far as I can see. But I could also do that with a normal coast. So whats the difference?

It's just a convenience thing. You could do it by yourself but this does it for you. :-)

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Hey guys, I'm looking for calls for feature suggestions for the next version of Mission Architect. I've been thinking of the following and would like to get feedback on them plus other ideas you might have:

1) Kethane/ Karbonite sensor modelling,

2) Low thrust maneuver modelling

What other ideas do you guys have? I'd love to hear them!

Low thrust maneuver modeling would be a great workaround for stock engine limitations, especially if it can convert an extended maneuver into an "equivalent" maneuver node. If one exists, anyway.

Can you explain what you mean by sensor modeling? Is this e.g. predicting how long it would take to map a planet?

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