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[WIN/MAC/LINUX] KSP Trajectory Optimization Tool v1.6.10 [Major LVD Improvements!]

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Another interesting idea, maybe:

Add a feature to MA or somewhere that can provide a scan in periapsis radius during an aerobrake maneuver.  The scan or calculation determined, from the current trajectory information, what the minimum and maximum periapsis radii are such that the ship remains in the atmosphere or escapes the SOI of the body.  In other words, something that tells the player the range of "successful" aerobrakes.  

I thought of this while trying to re-optimize my current mission and having the optimizer have great difficulty in keeping me either in SOI or outside of my current mission profile which might be too aggressive.  Optimizer takes a while and I had to manually edit the constraints on the periapsis until I finally got it to a happy place.  Since I fly without mech-jeb, though, knowing what range I can work with would be really helpful, certainly the maximum periapsis for capture within the SOI.  

I'd suggest the following implementation: project the current trajectory to the SOI change, then apply a radial shift (i.e. keep constant inclination) so as to scan through the possible radii without changing too many variables.  Even coupling this to a graphical output showing post-aerobrake apoapsis vs periapsis radius would be hella cool.

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  On 8/21/2016 at 1:42 AM, DivisionByZero said:

That's basically the process.  I used the fictitious UT and dummy setup because I was making sure I could make the launch window which was tight, but this is it.  It would be a nifty feature for folks who want to/have to split a burn a whole bunch.  I had six burns because I was moving 140 t on a single poodle and needed 1000 m/s total.  It adds up as more and more orbits go out even past Mun.


So really, the only steps that could be automated in that process are steps 4-7.  And since those only involve a few mouse clicks and calculations, I'm not sure I see the value.  Unless there's some aspect of what you're doing that maybe I'm not fully grasping?

  On 8/21/2016 at 3:57 AM, DivisionByZero said:

Another interesting idea, maybe:

Add a feature to MA or somewhere that can provide a scan in periapsis radius during an aerobrake maneuver.  The scan or calculation determined, from the current trajectory information, what the minimum and maximum periapsis radii are such that the ship remains in the atmosphere or escapes the SOI of the body.  In other words, something that tells the player the range of "successful" aerobrakes.  

I thought of this while trying to re-optimize my current mission and having the optimizer have great difficulty in keeping me either in SOI or outside of my current mission profile which might be too aggressive.  Optimizer takes a while and I had to manually edit the constraints on the periapsis until I finally got it to a happy place.  Since I fly without mech-jeb, though, knowing what range I can work with would be really helpful, certainly the maximum periapsis for capture within the SOI.  

I'd suggest the following implementation: project the current trajectory to the SOI change, then apply a radial shift (i.e. keep constant inclination) so as to scan through the possible radii without changing too many variables.  Even coupling this to a graphical output showing post-aerobrake apoapsis vs periapsis radius would be hella cool.


I can look into something like this.  Could you maybe draw up what you'd like to see?

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So I'm back again after an unintended break and setting things up mod-wise for my install. I will, of course, be using this, but I found an interesting mod here that applies more realistic characteristics to the game's atmospheres which I'd like to be able to use, though only if TOT can account for the new numbers. I seem to remember that the way TOT pulls numbers from KSP should allow it to collect the new numbers, but I would like some confirmation before I start using both and find that maybe I wasn't so correct after all...



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  On 8/24/2016 at 10:34 AM, SpacedInvader said:

So I'm back again after an unintended break and setting things up mod-wise for my install. I will, of course, be using this, but I found an interesting mod here that applies more realistic characteristics to the game's atmospheres which I'd like to be able to use, though only if TOT can account for the new numbers. I seem to remember that the way TOT pulls numbers from KSP should allow it to collect the new numbers, but I would like some confirmation before I start using both and find that maybe I wasn't so correct after all...




So long as the mod only modifies the game structures that are there and doesn't implement completely new math for the atmosphere models, it should work. Create a bodies file before and after you install the mod to compare and see if anything changes. :-) 

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Hi everyone,

I'm happy to preview the upcoming version of KSPTOT, v1.5.6 prelease 1.  The download here available here:


The change log for this pre-release is shown below:

  • Added hyperbolic velocity unit vector constraints to Mission Architect
  • Added hyperbolic velocity unit vector component tasks to Mission Architect Graphical Analysis
  • Added ability in Mission Architect for impulsive maneuvers to be split by burn duration as well as delta-v
  • Fixed bugs in Mission Architect's Convert Impulsive Maneuver and Split Impulsive Maneuver functions
  • Added a solar beta angle task to Mission Architect Graphical Analysis

Please let me know if you have any questions or find any bugs!  Thanks. :)

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Tried to run the latest version from the OP download link, but it said it can't find version 9 of matlab, even though I have a version installed, which was working for the previous version of TOT.

Does the new version of TOT need a new version of matlab?

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  On 8/26/2016 at 12:37 AM, guitarxe said:

Tried to run the latest version from the OP download link, but it said it can't find version 9 of matlab, even though I have a version installed, which was working for the previous version of TOT.

Does the new version of TOT need a new version of matlab?


Did you download the correct version of the MCR from the original post?  The version hasn't changed in a few releases now. Go download it again and see if it works. :-) 

  On 8/26/2016 at 2:21 AM, Drew Kerman said:

Example use cases?


The hyperbolic velocity constraints are useful for injecting into a solar orbit in the direction of another body, say after doing some kind of lunar gravity assist maneuver. 

The solar beta angle is useful fordetermining how much sunlight is on your spacecraft over an orbit. High beta angles mean you can see the sun at all times. Low beta angles mean your central body will eclipse the sun at some point. 

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  On 8/21/2016 at 3:22 PM, Arrowstar said:

So really, the only steps that could be automated in that process are steps 4-7.  And since those only involve a few mouse clicks and calculations, I'm not sure I see the value.  Unless there's some aspect of what you're doing that maybe I'm not fully grasping?

I can look into something like this.  Could you maybe draw up what you'd like to see?


see if this link to a google sheet works:



sorry for the delay, I actually wanted to see about some estimates for the thing to give you an idea.  The calculation is based around an estimated delta-V for an aerobrake maneuver that I found in this PDF set of slides:


There's an analytical formula that I used there, but for something as aggressive as the typical KSP maneuver, and something with more computational horsepower such as KSPTOT, you could make a more accurate calculation.


Anyway, what the spreadsheet does is assume a spacecraft on a hyperbolic trajectory approaching Kerbin.  The SMA is fixed and then the radius of periapsis is changed.  From the variable periapsis, the atmospheric properties of the planet and the ballistic coefficient of the vessel, one can calculate everything needed in the result by Forget.  This is the one plot in the google spreadsheet which will be called figure 1.

The velocities for an orbit just inside the SOI can be calculated for the given periapsis - for the spreadsheet I just used a rough value for convenience.  Similarly, an orbital velocity for something that doesn't leave the atmosphere can be calculated.  These give the limiting delta-Vs of the maneuver for capture vs. burning up.  Those two values would be used to solve for limiting values of periapsis based on the results shown in figure 1.  For instance, I would calculate a range of allowable peripasis between 27.5 and 35km altitudes to achieve capture but not be trapped in the atmosphere.

With this knowledge, the user could pick target constraints for the periapsis more intelligently.  Also, you might pass this information to the optimizer if you *know* the user is requesting an aerobrake/capture maneuver.

The main point is to provide more intelligent constraints to the user/program for aerobrake maneuvers.

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Was looking at the discussion regarding high normal figures for the default porkchop plots, and the suggestion to match planes before burning to lower the values.

Sorry if this is a noob question, but how would I align my orbital plane around a body like Kerbin to match a planetary orbital plane like Dres?  You mention inclination and RAAN, which I would have in an initial Kerbin orbit. How would I match that with my destination?


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  On 9/1/2016 at 2:39 PM, Gilph said:


Was looking at the discussion regarding high normal figures for the default porkchop plots, and the suggestion to match planes before burning to lower the values.

Sorry if this is a noob question, but how would I align my orbital plane around a body like Kerbin to match a planetary orbital plane like Dres?  You mention inclination and RAAN, which I would have in an initial Kerbin orbit. How would I match that with my destination?



The goal isn't to set up your orbital plane at Kerbin so that it's aligned with an orbital plane at Dres.  The goal is to set up your orbital plane at Kerbin such that the departure burn to Dres is cheapest.  The best way to do that is to use the pork chop plot and the "compute departure" button to find out what the hyperbolic orbit is to depart Kerbin to Dres at the optimal time, and then launch your spaceship into that orbit from the surface of Kerbin.  The two values you need to match are inclination and RAAN.  For a circular parking orbit around Kerbin, you don't need to worry about the other four.

Does that help any?  I know this stuff can be tricky so keep asking questions and I'll try to help as much as I can.  Pictures and screenshots are a great way to make yourself clearer, by the way. :)

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  On 9/1/2016 at 11:22 PM, Arrowstar said:

The goal isn't to set up your orbital plane at Kerbin so that it's aligned with an orbital plane at Dres.  The goal is to set up your orbital plane at Kerbin such that the departure burn to Dres is cheapest.  The best way to do that is to use the pork chop plot and the "compute departure" button to find out what the hyperbolic orbit is to depart Kerbin to Dres at the optimal time, and then launch your spaceship into that orbit from the surface of Kerbin.  The two values you need to match are inclination and RAAN.  For a circular parking orbit around Kerbin, you don't need to worry about the other four.

Does that help any?  I know this stuff can be tricky so keep asking questions and I'll try to help as much as I can.  Pictures and screenshots are a great way to make yourself clearer, by the way. :)


It does, and you are the best.

One of my goals was to do a better job of getting a good burn out of my parking orbit overall.  I do tend to launch early so I can refuel and get things ready, so I usually don't directly launch into an aligned orbit with my target.  But, when it's time to go, my initial burns that are calculated in MA are usually pretty bad, meaning they are off by a lot. I've been through all of the docs and tutorials, and can actually get a good burn about 1 in 7 times, so I think I'm doing the right high level process.

But, your postings a few pages ago about doing some adjusting of inclination and RAAN to reduce the normal vector was interesting, as I never really thought about the assumptions you have to make when the porkchop and compute departures are calculated.  It's really great that you can import the current orbit initial state into MA, but I guess I should do more to get a more favorable initial state by adjusting the initial state inclination and RAAN to better values and then get a better burn result from MA.

Thanks again.

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Hey all the KSP TOT users out there -

I'm going to start off by saying that I play with RSS and have had a lot of the same issues as previously discussed in this thread and have found that I get much better results (for instance with using the Rendezvous Maneuver Planner to go to the Moon) by modifying the bodies.ini file to change all of the 'epoch' entries to '0.0000000' from the -31542641.784000002 they import as. So, from the beginning, I'm using a modified bodies.ini file however I have found this modification gives much better results. That being said...

I've been trying to get the hang of using the tool with RSS and have so far had some limited success. My biggest lack of understanding is how to properly use the pokchop plot tool - I'm used to computing departures using MechJeb and that's usually pretty simple...just make sure you're in the plane of the ecliptic, hit the Advanced Transfer to Another Planet, select the minimum dV graphically from the plot, create the node and away you go. For example, computing a burn from Earth to Mercury, MechJeb predicts ~5.3km/s prograde, ~17m/s radial, and ~116m/s normal, for a total dV of ~5.32km/s. Additionally, I have the solver set to optimize Departure Delta-V only.

Orbit Parameters are as follows:

SMA: 6.549

Ecc: 0.00117

Inc: 28.505

RAAN: 359.904

Arg. Peri.: 156.537

Epoch: 235760150.9223

I've tried to reproduce the same windows and nodes in KSP TOT and I don't know how to plug in the information required for it to find the same or similar window. Initially, I just grab the current UT from KSP for both the earliest departure and earliest arrival, set the departure and arrival bodies, hit Compute Porkchop Plot, and the best KSP TOT comes up with is ~9.6 km/s total dV.

My next move is to head over into the Compute Departure Burn section, set departure and arrival times from KSP UT, right click on departure time and select Find Earliest Arrival for Delta-V (Adjust Departure) and away it goes and will sometimes find something reasonable (<7km/s and actually pretty close to MechJeb's 5.3km/s).

One of my questions is, and I guess I'll start here: why does KSP TOT not pick up this much more optimal departure burn to begin with?

Once I have what I think is a reasonable departure Delta-V in the Compute Departure Burn section, my first check is to just upload that maneuver to KSP to check it's predicted encounter - and more often then not, its complete junk. The is further substantiated by when I head over the the Mission Architect, set all of the initial states, coasts, and DV maneuvers per the Computer Departure Burn info, and then optimize to Minimize Distance to Body, it optimizes the maneuver back to the ~10km/s that the Porkchop Planner first said. I upload that maneuver and its better, but still not nearly as accurate as MechJeb and costs almost twice the dV!


Anyway - long winded post, but I'd appreciate any help! Thanks and cheers!

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I know this is sort of an edge case, but I thought I'd post it here even so.  I'm running RSS, which posed no issue with the bodies.ini export until I also added the RSS Expanded pack.  This pack adds a whole ton of new bodies and makes a few modifications to existing ones.  With this pack, three systems are turned into binary objects - Pluto/Charon, Orcus/Vanth, and Ida/Dactyl.  The KSPTOT export is failing, and I believe it is failing due to how these are implemented in the mod.  The systems are modeled as being within the SoI of a barycentre, which is a dummy object.  There are three barycentre objects in the mod, and three times in the ksptot.log file I see this error occurring:

Read doubles from KSPTOT Connect failed: SIZE must be greater than 0.
    file: 'F:\Apps\v90\mcr\toolbox\shared\instrument\@icinterface\fread.m'
    name: 'fread'
    line: 163

My conjecture is that the barycentres are being modeled as objects with a size of zero, which is causing the script to object.  I have a working bodies.ini for the major planets in the system, which is enough to keep me occupied, but if you happen to see an easy fix for this to allow a full export it'd make my day.  

The remainder of the log is here (this sequence repeats three times:

Read doubles from KSPTOT Connect failed: SIZE must be greater than 0.
    file: 'F:\Apps\v90\mcr\toolbox\shared\instrument\@icinterface\fread.m'
    name: 'fread'
    line: 163

    file: 'C:\Users\****\AppData\Local\Temp\****\mcrCache9.0\KSPTra0\helpe...'
    name: 'readDoublesFromKSPTOTConnect'
    line: 53

    file: 'C:\Users\****\AppData\Local\Temp\****\mcrCache9.0\KSPTra0\helpe...'
    name: 'getBodiesINIFileFromKSP'
    line: 8

    file: 'C:\Users\****\AppData\Local\Temp\****\mcrCache9.0\KSPTra0\KSPTr...'
    name: 'createNewBodiesFileFromKSP_Callback'
    line: 0

    file: 'F:\Apps\v90\mcr\toolbox\matlab\guide\gui_mainfcn.m'
    name: 'gui_mainfcn'
    line: 95

    file: 'C:\Users\****\AppData\Local\Temp\****\mcrCache9.0\KSPTra0\KSPTr...'
    name: 'mainGUI'
    line: 42

    file: 'F:\Apps\v90\mcr\toolbox\matlab\graphics\+matlab\+graphics\+inte...'
    name: '@(hObject,eventdata)mainGUI('createNewBodiesFileFromKSP_Callbac...'
    line: 0


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hey Arrowstar, I don't know how the child body markers are rendered so this might not be possible but if it is, I would really appreciate the ability to colorize them with RGB values in the bodies.ini file. It's a very selfish request so please don't take it on if it's possible but a lot of trouble. I can certainly do without it, but I have finally automated the process of creating body diagrams for my flight tracker (these, click the << >> at the bottom left to move back and forth in time) and the only thing I have to do manually is colorize the dots and add the image map hotspots. Just throwing it out there, don't worry if you must decline.

Edited by Drew Kerman
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Ok, legit bug time @Arrowstar - I modeled Moho's orbit to learn how long it takes to orbit once and after using its starting orbit from the RMS and coasting with one revolution back to the original TA I have two different values. The Final Mission State tells me Moho's orbital period is 2215754.220s (which matches the wiki) however when I right-click on the coast event and choose "Copy Duration (sec) of Selected Event" it gives me a value of 2213538.46546464. Is this a bug or am I not understanding properly the use of this feature?

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  On 9/7/2016 at 10:29 PM, TMarkos said:

I know this is sort of an edge case, but I thought I'd post it here even so.  I'm running RSS, which posed no issue with the bodies.ini export until I also added the RSS Expanded pack.  This pack adds a whole ton of new bodies and makes a few modifications to existing ones.  With this pack, three systems are turned into binary objects - Pluto/Charon, Orcus/Vanth, and Ida/Dactyl.  The KSPTOT export is failing, and I believe it is failing due to how these are implemented in the mod.  The systems are modeled as being within the SoI of a barycentre, which is a dummy object.  There are three barycentre objects in the mod, and three times in the ksptot.log file I see this error occurring:

Read doubles from KSPTOT Connect failed: SIZE must be greater than 0.
    file: 'F:\Apps\v90\mcr\toolbox\shared\instrument\@icinterface\fread.m'
    name: 'fread'
    line: 163

My conjecture is that the barycentres are being modeled as objects with a size of zero, which is causing the script to object.  I have a working bodies.ini for the major planets in the system, which is enough to keep me occupied, but if you happen to see an easy fix for this to allow a full export it'd make my day.  

The remainder of the log is here (this sequence repeats three times:

Read doubles from KSPTOT Connect failed: SIZE must be greater than 0.
    file: 'F:\Apps\v90\mcr\toolbox\shared\instrument\@icinterface\fread.m'
    name: 'fread'
    line: 163

    file: 'C:\Users\****\AppData\Local\Temp\****\mcrCache9.0\KSPTra0\helpe...'
    name: 'readDoublesFromKSPTOTConnect'
    line: 53

    file: 'C:\Users\****\AppData\Local\Temp\****\mcrCache9.0\KSPTra0\helpe...'
    name: 'getBodiesINIFileFromKSP'
    line: 8

    file: 'C:\Users\****\AppData\Local\Temp\****\mcrCache9.0\KSPTra0\KSPTr...'
    name: 'createNewBodiesFileFromKSP_Callback'
    line: 0

    file: 'F:\Apps\v90\mcr\toolbox\matlab\guide\gui_mainfcn.m'
    name: 'gui_mainfcn'
    line: 95

    file: 'C:\Users\****\AppData\Local\Temp\****\mcrCache9.0\KSPTra0\KSPTr...'
    name: 'mainGUI'
    line: 42

    file: 'F:\Apps\v90\mcr\toolbox\matlab\graphics\+matlab\+graphics\+inte...'
    name: '@(hObject,eventdata)mainGUI('createNewBodiesFileFromKSP_Callbac...'
    line: 0



This actually means that KSPTOT never received any information from KSPTOTConnect.  Can I get some instructions, starting with a clean KSP install, that would walk me through how to reproduce your issue?

  On 9/8/2016 at 2:45 AM, Drew Kerman said:

hey Arrowstar, I don't know how the child body markers are rendered so this might not be possible but if it is, I would really appreciate the ability to colorize them with RGB values in the bodies.ini file. It's a very selfish request so please don't take it on if it's possible but a lot of trouble. I can certainly do without it, but I have finally automated the process of creating body diagrams for my flight tracker (these, click the << >> at the bottom left to move back and forth in time) and the only thing I have to do manually is colorize the dots and add the image map hotspots. Just throwing it out there, don't worry if you must decline.


Colors are computed by taking the average color of the colormap you assign in the bodies.ini file.  It would probably be a pain in the neck to allow for custom color functionality, to be honest.  How much time is it taking you to work through changing the colors?

  On 9/8/2016 at 8:39 PM, Drew Kerman said:

Ok, legit bug time @Arrowstar - I modeled Moho's orbit to learn how long it takes to orbit once and after using its starting orbit from the RMS and coasting with one revolution back to the original TA I have two different values. The Final Mission State tells me Moho's orbital period is 2215754.220s (which matches the wiki) however when I right-click on the coast event and choose "Copy Duration (sec) of Selected Event" it gives me a value of 2213538.46546464. Is this a bug or am I not understanding properly the use of this feature?


It may be bug... can I see a MAT file with the issue in it?

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  On 9/8/2016 at 8:43 PM, Arrowstar said:

Colors are computed by taking the average color of the colormap you assign in the bodies.ini file.  It would probably be a pain in the neck to allow for custom color functionality, to be honest.  How much time is it taking you to work through changing the colors?


Not enough time to warrant you doing anything that you would call "a pain in the neck", especially when it would mainly only benefit myself :) No worries

  On 9/8/2016 at 8:43 PM, Arrowstar said:

It may be bug... can I see a MAT file with the issue in it?


Sure, here ya go

Edited by Drew Kerman
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  On 9/8/2016 at 8:45 PM, Drew Kerman said:

Sure, here ya go


Okay, it's a bug.  I should be taking the time difference between the last entry in the state log of the selected event and the last entry in the state log of the prior event, but it looks like I'm doing last entry minus first entry in the same event.  I will fix and push out a pre-release.

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  On 9/8/2016 at 8:43 PM, Arrowstar said:

This actually means that KSPTOT never received any information from KSPTOTConnect.  Can I get some instructions, starting with a clean KSP install, that would walk me through how to reproduce your issue?


Sure, the sequence is:

I was able to pull a successful bodies.ini with the first three (plus other likely inconsequential mods) installed, but after installing the latter two I was not able to make it work.  

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  On 9/8/2016 at 9:02 PM, TMarkos said:

Sure, the sequence is:

I was able to pull a successful bodies.ini with the first three (plus other likely inconsequential mods) installed, but after installing the latter two I was not able to make it work.  


Thanks.  Can you check to see if there's an error message in your KSP log file (this is not related to the ksptot.log file that I have KSPTOT produce)?

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  On 9/8/2016 at 9:03 PM, Arrowstar said:

Thanks.  Can you check to see if there's an error message in your KSP log file (this is not related to the ksptot.log file that I have KSPTOT produce)?


I don't see any obvious error messages but I'll include a full dump of the log it made during the attempt:

[LOG 17:19:21.187] [KSPTOT Connect] accepted connection [0] from IP:
[LOG 17:19:21.188] [KSPTOT Connect] new connection
[LOG 17:19:21.259] [KSPTOT Connect] [CONNECTION][0][READING] received complete message head
[LOG 17:19:21.259] [KSPTOT Connect] [CONNECTION][0][READING] data Size: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.260] [KSPTOT Connect] message from [0]: GetCelestialBodyData n 0
[LOG 17:19:21.261] [KSPTOT Connect] about to handle msg
[LOG 17:19:21.265] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Sun
[LOG 17:19:21.266] [KSPTOT Connect] Sun: 9
[LOG 17:19:21.266] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Sun
[LOG 17:19:21.266] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Earth
[LOG 17:19:21.267] [KSPTOT Connect] Earth: 40
[LOG 17:19:21.267] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Earth
[LOG 17:19:21.268] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Mercury
[LOG 17:19:21.268] [KSPTOT Connect] Mercury: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.269] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Mercury
[LOG 17:19:21.269] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Venus
[LOG 17:19:21.269] [KSPTOT Connect] Venus: 38
[LOG 17:19:21.270] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Venus
[LOG 17:19:21.270] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Callisto
[LOG 17:19:21.271] [KSPTOT Connect] Callisto: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.271] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Callisto
[LOG 17:19:21.272] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Jupiter
[LOG 17:19:21.272] [KSPTOT Connect] Jupiter: 44
[LOG 17:19:21.273] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Jupiter
[LOG 17:19:21.273] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Titan
[LOG 17:19:21.273] [KSPTOT Connect] Titan: 33
[LOG 17:19:21.274] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Titan
[LOG 17:19:21.274] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Phobos
[LOG 17:19:21.275] [KSPTOT Connect] Phobos: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.275] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Phobos
[LOG 17:19:21.276] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Io
[LOG 17:19:21.276] [KSPTOT Connect] Io: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.276] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Io
[LOG 17:19:21.277] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Europa
[LOG 17:19:21.277] [KSPTOT Connect] Europa: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.277] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Europa
[LOG 17:19:21.278] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Moon
[LOG 17:19:21.278] [KSPTOT Connect] Moon: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.279] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Moon
[LOG 17:19:21.279] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Mars
[LOG 17:19:21.279] [KSPTOT Connect] Mars: 35
[LOG 17:19:21.280] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Mars
[LOG 17:19:21.280] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Deimos
[LOG 17:19:21.280] [KSPTOT Connect] Deimos: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.281] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Deimos
[LOG 17:19:21.281] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Ganymede
[LOG 17:19:21.282] [KSPTOT Connect] Ganymede: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.282] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Ganymede
[LOG 17:19:21.282] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Saturn
[LOG 17:19:21.283] [KSPTOT Connect] Saturn: 43
[LOG 17:19:21.283] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Saturn
[LOG 17:19:21.283] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Mimas
[LOG 17:19:21.284] [KSPTOT Connect] Mimas: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.284] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Mimas
[LOG 17:19:21.285] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Enceladus
[LOG 17:19:21.285] [KSPTOT Connect] Enceladus: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.286] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Enceladus
[LOG 17:19:21.286] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Tethys
[LOG 17:19:21.287] [KSPTOT Connect] Tethys: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.287] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Tethys
[LOG 17:19:21.288] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Dione
[LOG 17:19:21.288] [KSPTOT Connect] Dione: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.288] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Dione
[LOG 17:19:21.289] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Rhea
[LOG 17:19:21.289] [KSPTOT Connect] Rhea: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.290] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Rhea
[LOG 17:19:21.290] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Iapetus
[LOG 17:19:21.291] [KSPTOT Connect] Iapetus: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.291] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Iapetus
[LOG 17:19:21.291] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Uranus
[LOG 17:19:21.292] [KSPTOT Connect] Uranus: 39
[LOG 17:19:21.292] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Uranus
[LOG 17:19:21.293] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Neptune
[LOG 17:19:21.293] [KSPTOT Connect] Neptune: 42
[LOG 17:19:21.294] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Neptune
[LOG 17:19:21.294] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Triton
[LOG 17:19:21.295] [KSPTOT Connect] Triton: 18
[LOG 17:19:21.295] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Triton
[LOG 17:19:21.295] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Pluto
[LOG 17:19:21.296] [KSPTOT Connect] Pluto: 18
[LOG 17:19:21.296] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Pluto
[LOG 17:19:21.297] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Charon
[LOG 17:19:21.297] [KSPTOT Connect] Charon: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.298] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Charon
[LOG 17:19:21.298] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Vesta
[LOG 17:19:21.298] [KSPTOT Connect] Vesta: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.299] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Vesta
[LOG 17:19:21.299] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Lutetia
[LOG 17:19:21.300] [KSPTOT Connect] Lutetia: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.300] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Lutetia
[LOG 17:19:21.301] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Juno
[LOG 17:19:21.301] [KSPTOT Connect] Juno: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.301] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Juno
[LOG 17:19:21.302] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Ceres
[LOG 17:19:21.302] [KSPTOT Connect] Ceres: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.303] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Ceres
[LOG 17:19:21.303] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Pallas
[LOG 17:19:21.304] [KSPTOT Connect] Pallas: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.304] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Pallas
[LOG 17:19:21.304] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Ida
[LOG 17:19:21.305] [KSPTOT Connect] Ida: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.305] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Ida
[LOG 17:19:21.306] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Dactyl
[LOG 17:19:21.306] [KSPTOT Connect] Dactyl: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.306] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Dactyl
[LOG 17:19:21.307] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: ChuryumovGerasimenko
[LOG 17:19:21.307] [KSPTOT Connect] ChuryumovGerasimenko: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.308] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: ChuryumovGerasimenko
[LOG 17:19:21.308] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Metis
[LOG 17:19:21.308] [KSPTOT Connect] Metis: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.309] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Metis
[LOG 17:19:21.309] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Adrastea
[LOG 17:19:21.310] [KSPTOT Connect] Adrastea: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.310] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Adrastea
[LOG 17:19:21.310] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Amalthea
[LOG 17:19:21.311] [KSPTOT Connect] Amalthea: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.311] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Amalthea
[LOG 17:19:21.311] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Pan
[LOG 17:19:21.312] [KSPTOT Connect] Pan: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.312] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Pan
[LOG 17:19:21.313] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Daphnis
[LOG 17:19:21.313] [KSPTOT Connect] Daphnis: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.313] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Daphnis
[LOG 17:19:21.314] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Hyperion
[LOG 17:19:21.314] [KSPTOT Connect] Hyperion: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.314] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Hyperion
[LOG 17:19:21.315] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Phoebe
[LOG 17:19:21.315] [KSPTOT Connect] Phoebe: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.315] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Phoebe
[LOG 17:19:21.316] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Pandora
[LOG 17:19:21.316] [KSPTOT Connect] Pandora: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.317] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Pandora
[LOG 17:19:21.317] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Prometheus
[LOG 17:19:21.317] [KSPTOT Connect] Prometheus: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.318] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Prometheus
[LOG 17:19:21.318] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Epimetheus
[LOG 17:19:21.319] [KSPTOT Connect] Epimetheus: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.319] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Epimetheus
[LOG 17:19:21.319] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Janus
[LOG 17:19:21.320] [KSPTOT Connect] Janus: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.320] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Janus
[LOG 17:19:21.320] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Chariklo
[LOG 17:19:21.321] [KSPTOT Connect] Chariklo: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.321] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Chariklo
[LOG 17:19:21.322] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Halley
[LOG 17:19:21.322] [KSPTOT Connect] Halley: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.322] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Halley
[LOG 17:19:21.323] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Titania
[LOG 17:19:21.323] [KSPTOT Connect] Titania: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.323] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Titania
[LOG 17:19:21.324] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Miranda
[LOG 17:19:21.324] [KSPTOT Connect] Miranda: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.325] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Miranda
[LOG 17:19:21.325] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Ariel
[LOG 17:19:21.325] [KSPTOT Connect] Ariel: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.326] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Ariel
[LOG 17:19:21.326] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Umbriel
[LOG 17:19:21.326] [KSPTOT Connect] Umbriel: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.327] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Umbriel
[LOG 17:19:21.327] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Oberon
[LOG 17:19:21.328] [KSPTOT Connect] Oberon: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.328] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Oberon
[LOG 17:19:21.328] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Proteus
[LOG 17:19:21.329] [KSPTOT Connect] Proteus: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.329] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Proteus
[LOG 17:19:21.330] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Styx
[LOG 17:19:21.330] [KSPTOT Connect] Styx: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.331] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Styx
[LOG 17:19:21.331] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Nix
[LOG 17:19:21.332] [KSPTOT Connect] Nix: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.332] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Nix
[LOG 17:19:21.332] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Kerberos
[LOG 17:19:21.333] [KSPTOT Connect] Kerberos: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.333] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Kerberos
[LOG 17:19:21.334] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Hydra
[LOG 17:19:21.334] [KSPTOT Connect] Hydra: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.335] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Hydra
[LOG 17:19:21.335] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Orcus
[LOG 17:19:21.335] [KSPTOT Connect] Orcus: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.336] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Orcus
[LOG 17:19:21.336] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Vanth
[LOG 17:19:21.337] [KSPTOT Connect] Vanth: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.337] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Vanth
[LOG 17:19:21.337] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Makemake
[LOG 17:19:21.338] [KSPTOT Connect] Makemake: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.338] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Makemake
[LOG 17:19:21.339] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Sedna
[LOG 17:19:21.339] [KSPTOT Connect] Sedna: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.339] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Sedna
[LOG 17:19:21.340] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: PlutoCharon
[LOG 17:19:21.340] [KSPTOT Connect] PlutoCharon: 6
[LOG 17:19:21.341] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: PlutoCharon
[LOG 17:19:21.341] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: PlutoCharonOrbit
[LOG 17:19:21.342] [KSPTOT Connect] PlutoCharonOrbit: 6
[LOG 17:19:21.342] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: PlutoCharonOrbit
[LOG 17:19:21.343] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: OrcusVanth
[LOG 17:19:21.343] [KSPTOT Connect] OrcusVanth: 6
[LOG 17:19:21.343] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: OrcusVanth
[LOG 17:19:21.344] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: OrcusVanthOrbit
[LOG 17:19:21.344] [KSPTOT Connect] OrcusVanthOrbit: 6
[LOG 17:19:21.344] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: OrcusVanthOrbit
[LOG 17:19:21.345] [KSPTOT Connect] Transmitting Data Of Length: 15018
[LOG 17:19:22.561] [KSPTOT Connect] Transmitting Data Of Byte Length: 120144
[LOG 17:19:22.562] [KSPTOT Connect] about to close stream
[LOG 17:19:22.563] [KSPTOT Connect] about to close connection 0
[LOG 17:19:22.564] [KSPTOT Connect] Shutting down message receiving
[LOG 17:19:22.564] [KSPTOT Connect] waiting for writing thread to terminate
[LOG 17:19:22.565] [KSPTOT Connect] Shutting down message sending
[LOG 17:19:22.566] [KSPTOT Connect] Closing socket
[LOG 17:19:22.566] [KSPTOT Connect] Removing disconnected connection 0

To save you hunting, the barycentre objects are listed near the end of the stream.  

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  On 9/8/2016 at 8:45 PM, Drew Kerman said:

Not enough time to warrant you doing anything that you would call "a pain in the neck", especially when it would mainly only benefit myself :) No worries

Sure, here ya go


Okay, here's a pre-release with a fix, hopefully.  Please test and make sure it works for you. :)


  On 9/8/2016 at 9:28 PM, TMarkos said:

I don't see any obvious error messages but I'll include a full dump of the log it made during the attempt:

[LOG 17:19:21.187] [KSPTOT Connect] accepted connection [0] from IP:
[LOG 17:19:21.188] [KSPTOT Connect] new connection
[LOG 17:19:21.259] [KSPTOT Connect] [CONNECTION][0][READING] received complete message head
[LOG 17:19:21.259] [KSPTOT Connect] [CONNECTION][0][READING] data Size: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.260] [KSPTOT Connect] message from [0]: GetCelestialBodyData n 0
[LOG 17:19:21.261] [KSPTOT Connect] about to handle msg
[LOG 17:19:21.265] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Sun
[LOG 17:19:21.266] [KSPTOT Connect] Sun: 9
[LOG 17:19:21.266] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Sun
[LOG 17:19:21.266] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Earth
[LOG 17:19:21.267] [KSPTOT Connect] Earth: 40
[LOG 17:19:21.267] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Earth
[LOG 17:19:21.268] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Mercury
[LOG 17:19:21.268] [KSPTOT Connect] Mercury: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.269] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Mercury
[LOG 17:19:21.269] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Venus
[LOG 17:19:21.269] [KSPTOT Connect] Venus: 38
[LOG 17:19:21.270] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Venus
[LOG 17:19:21.270] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Callisto
[LOG 17:19:21.271] [KSPTOT Connect] Callisto: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.271] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Callisto
[LOG 17:19:21.272] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Jupiter
[LOG 17:19:21.272] [KSPTOT Connect] Jupiter: 44
[LOG 17:19:21.273] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Jupiter
[LOG 17:19:21.273] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Titan
[LOG 17:19:21.273] [KSPTOT Connect] Titan: 33
[LOG 17:19:21.274] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Titan
[LOG 17:19:21.274] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Phobos
[LOG 17:19:21.275] [KSPTOT Connect] Phobos: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.275] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Phobos
[LOG 17:19:21.276] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Io
[LOG 17:19:21.276] [KSPTOT Connect] Io: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.276] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Io
[LOG 17:19:21.277] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Europa
[LOG 17:19:21.277] [KSPTOT Connect] Europa: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.277] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Europa
[LOG 17:19:21.278] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Moon
[LOG 17:19:21.278] [KSPTOT Connect] Moon: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.279] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Moon
[LOG 17:19:21.279] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Mars
[LOG 17:19:21.279] [KSPTOT Connect] Mars: 35
[LOG 17:19:21.280] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Mars
[LOG 17:19:21.280] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Deimos
[LOG 17:19:21.280] [KSPTOT Connect] Deimos: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.281] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Deimos
[LOG 17:19:21.281] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Ganymede
[LOG 17:19:21.282] [KSPTOT Connect] Ganymede: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.282] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Ganymede
[LOG 17:19:21.282] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Saturn
[LOG 17:19:21.283] [KSPTOT Connect] Saturn: 43
[LOG 17:19:21.283] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Saturn
[LOG 17:19:21.283] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Mimas
[LOG 17:19:21.284] [KSPTOT Connect] Mimas: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.284] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Mimas
[LOG 17:19:21.285] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Enceladus
[LOG 17:19:21.285] [KSPTOT Connect] Enceladus: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.286] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Enceladus
[LOG 17:19:21.286] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Tethys
[LOG 17:19:21.287] [KSPTOT Connect] Tethys: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.287] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Tethys
[LOG 17:19:21.288] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Dione
[LOG 17:19:21.288] [KSPTOT Connect] Dione: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.288] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Dione
[LOG 17:19:21.289] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Rhea
[LOG 17:19:21.289] [KSPTOT Connect] Rhea: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.290] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Rhea
[LOG 17:19:21.290] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Iapetus
[LOG 17:19:21.291] [KSPTOT Connect] Iapetus: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.291] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Iapetus
[LOG 17:19:21.291] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Uranus
[LOG 17:19:21.292] [KSPTOT Connect] Uranus: 39
[LOG 17:19:21.292] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Uranus
[LOG 17:19:21.293] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Neptune
[LOG 17:19:21.293] [KSPTOT Connect] Neptune: 42
[LOG 17:19:21.294] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Neptune
[LOG 17:19:21.294] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Triton
[LOG 17:19:21.295] [KSPTOT Connect] Triton: 18
[LOG 17:19:21.295] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Triton
[LOG 17:19:21.295] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Pluto
[LOG 17:19:21.296] [KSPTOT Connect] Pluto: 18
[LOG 17:19:21.296] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Pluto
[LOG 17:19:21.297] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Charon
[LOG 17:19:21.297] [KSPTOT Connect] Charon: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.298] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Charon
[LOG 17:19:21.298] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Vesta
[LOG 17:19:21.298] [KSPTOT Connect] Vesta: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.299] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Vesta
[LOG 17:19:21.299] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Lutetia
[LOG 17:19:21.300] [KSPTOT Connect] Lutetia: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.300] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Lutetia
[LOG 17:19:21.301] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Juno
[LOG 17:19:21.301] [KSPTOT Connect] Juno: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.301] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Juno
[LOG 17:19:21.302] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Ceres
[LOG 17:19:21.302] [KSPTOT Connect] Ceres: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.303] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Ceres
[LOG 17:19:21.303] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Pallas
[LOG 17:19:21.304] [KSPTOT Connect] Pallas: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.304] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Pallas
[LOG 17:19:21.304] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Ida
[LOG 17:19:21.305] [KSPTOT Connect] Ida: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.305] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Ida
[LOG 17:19:21.306] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Dactyl
[LOG 17:19:21.306] [KSPTOT Connect] Dactyl: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.306] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Dactyl
[LOG 17:19:21.307] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: ChuryumovGerasimenko
[LOG 17:19:21.307] [KSPTOT Connect] ChuryumovGerasimenko: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.308] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: ChuryumovGerasimenko
[LOG 17:19:21.308] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Metis
[LOG 17:19:21.308] [KSPTOT Connect] Metis: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.309] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Metis
[LOG 17:19:21.309] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Adrastea
[LOG 17:19:21.310] [KSPTOT Connect] Adrastea: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.310] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Adrastea
[LOG 17:19:21.310] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Amalthea
[LOG 17:19:21.311] [KSPTOT Connect] Amalthea: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.311] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Amalthea
[LOG 17:19:21.311] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Pan
[LOG 17:19:21.312] [KSPTOT Connect] Pan: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.312] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Pan
[LOG 17:19:21.313] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Daphnis
[LOG 17:19:21.313] [KSPTOT Connect] Daphnis: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.313] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Daphnis
[LOG 17:19:21.314] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Hyperion
[LOG 17:19:21.314] [KSPTOT Connect] Hyperion: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.314] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Hyperion
[LOG 17:19:21.315] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Phoebe
[LOG 17:19:21.315] [KSPTOT Connect] Phoebe: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.315] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Phoebe
[LOG 17:19:21.316] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Pandora
[LOG 17:19:21.316] [KSPTOT Connect] Pandora: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.317] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Pandora
[LOG 17:19:21.317] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Prometheus
[LOG 17:19:21.317] [KSPTOT Connect] Prometheus: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.318] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Prometheus
[LOG 17:19:21.318] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Epimetheus
[LOG 17:19:21.319] [KSPTOT Connect] Epimetheus: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.319] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Epimetheus
[LOG 17:19:21.319] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Janus
[LOG 17:19:21.320] [KSPTOT Connect] Janus: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.320] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Janus
[LOG 17:19:21.320] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Chariklo
[LOG 17:19:21.321] [KSPTOT Connect] Chariklo: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.321] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Chariklo
[LOG 17:19:21.322] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Halley
[LOG 17:19:21.322] [KSPTOT Connect] Halley: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.322] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Halley
[LOG 17:19:21.323] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Titania
[LOG 17:19:21.323] [KSPTOT Connect] Titania: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.323] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Titania
[LOG 17:19:21.324] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Miranda
[LOG 17:19:21.324] [KSPTOT Connect] Miranda: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.325] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Miranda
[LOG 17:19:21.325] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Ariel
[LOG 17:19:21.325] [KSPTOT Connect] Ariel: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.326] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Ariel
[LOG 17:19:21.326] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Umbriel
[LOG 17:19:21.326] [KSPTOT Connect] Umbriel: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.327] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Umbriel
[LOG 17:19:21.327] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Oberon
[LOG 17:19:21.328] [KSPTOT Connect] Oberon: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.328] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Oberon
[LOG 17:19:21.328] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Proteus
[LOG 17:19:21.329] [KSPTOT Connect] Proteus: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.329] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Proteus
[LOG 17:19:21.330] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Styx
[LOG 17:19:21.330] [KSPTOT Connect] Styx: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.331] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Styx
[LOG 17:19:21.331] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Nix
[LOG 17:19:21.332] [KSPTOT Connect] Nix: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.332] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Nix
[LOG 17:19:21.332] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Kerberos
[LOG 17:19:21.333] [KSPTOT Connect] Kerberos: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.333] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Kerberos
[LOG 17:19:21.334] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Hydra
[LOG 17:19:21.334] [KSPTOT Connect] Hydra: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.335] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Hydra
[LOG 17:19:21.335] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Orcus
[LOG 17:19:21.335] [KSPTOT Connect] Orcus: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.336] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Orcus
[LOG 17:19:21.336] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Vanth
[LOG 17:19:21.337] [KSPTOT Connect] Vanth: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.337] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Vanth
[LOG 17:19:21.337] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Makemake
[LOG 17:19:21.338] [KSPTOT Connect] Makemake: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.338] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Makemake
[LOG 17:19:21.339] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Sedna
[LOG 17:19:21.339] [KSPTOT Connect] Sedna: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.339] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Sedna
[LOG 17:19:21.340] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: PlutoCharon
[LOG 17:19:21.340] [KSPTOT Connect] PlutoCharon: 6
[LOG 17:19:21.341] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: PlutoCharon
[LOG 17:19:21.341] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: PlutoCharonOrbit
[LOG 17:19:21.342] [KSPTOT Connect] PlutoCharonOrbit: 6
[LOG 17:19:21.342] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: PlutoCharonOrbit
[LOG 17:19:21.343] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: OrcusVanth
[LOG 17:19:21.343] [KSPTOT Connect] OrcusVanth: 6
[LOG 17:19:21.343] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: OrcusVanth
[LOG 17:19:21.344] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: OrcusVanthOrbit
[LOG 17:19:21.344] [KSPTOT Connect] OrcusVanthOrbit: 6
[LOG 17:19:21.344] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: OrcusVanthOrbit
[LOG 17:19:21.345] [KSPTOT Connect] Transmitting Data Of Length: 15018
[LOG 17:19:22.561] [KSPTOT Connect] Transmitting Data Of Byte Length: 120144
[LOG 17:19:22.562] [KSPTOT Connect] about to close stream
[LOG 17:19:22.563] [KSPTOT Connect] about to close connection 0
[LOG 17:19:22.564] [KSPTOT Connect] Shutting down message receiving
[LOG 17:19:22.564] [KSPTOT Connect] waiting for writing thread to terminate
[LOG 17:19:22.565] [KSPTOT Connect] Shutting down message sending
[LOG 17:19:22.566] [KSPTOT Connect] Closing socket
[LOG 17:19:22.566] [KSPTOT Connect] Removing disconnected connection 0

To save you hunting, the barycentre objects are listed near the end of the stream.  


Thanks!  I'll take a look this weekend.

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