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[WIN/MAC/LINUX] KSP Trajectory Optimization Tool v1.6.9 [New MATLAB Version!]

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I'm sorry to hear that. Can you be more specific? Do you get an error message?

Unfortunately, he's really the only one who can support KSPTOT for Mac, as I didn't put it together, nor do I have a Mac to test it on. Do you have access to a Windows PC? That would probably be easier for you, to be honest.

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Arrowstar looks like you need to create the first Wiki page to make it accessible for others to edit. Also maybe new build this weekend?

Also wondering about whether it would be a good idea to show Ascending/Descending parts of a child body orbit in slightly different colors? For example:


It's very subtle in Orbit Viewer but you can see how the planetary orbits are white and grey to show which parts of the orbit are above/below the ecliptic (relative to Earth here it seems since that orbit is full white).

Edited by Gaiiden
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hello, I am having some trouble installing matlab on a mac mini. All matlabs made after 2013a work, but ksptot will not run. I am using a mac mini mid 2011 running OS X 10.10 . I have tried contacting bk2w, but I have not gotten a response.

Sorry, I didn't notice that you'd sent a PM. Somehow I turned off the notification for that, and got out of the habit of manually checking.

I'm unable to replicate your problem, but I did find a few articles from MathWorks that might help:

- http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/160070-how-do-i-install-r2013a-student-on-yosemite suggests that a problem with your Java installation might also be causing the problem.

- http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/101399-why-do-i-receive-the-error-exception-in-thread-main-com-google-inject-provisionexception-when-in looks like it addresses this error message for older version of Matlab, don't know if it's still an issue for OS X 10.10


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Arrowstar looks like you need to create the first Wiki page to make it accessible for others to edit. Also maybe new build this weekend?

Thanks for the heads up, I just created the first wiki page. :)

Sorry about the delay on getting the experimental release out, life has gotten really busy for some reason. I'll see what I can do before the end of this weekend. :)

Also wondering about whether it would be a good idea to show Ascending/Descending parts of a child body orbit in slightly different colors? For example:

Unfortunately, that would require a major rewrite of the orbit drawing code so it probably won't happen. It does look nice though. :)

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Gaiiden, ask and ye shall receive:

I'm happy to announce the release of KSP Trajectory Optimization Tool v1.3.3. The change log is as follows:

  • Fixed a bug that occurred occasionally when propagating a mission plan;
  • Added a "Get Orbit for Active Vessel" feature to Get Orbit context menus.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

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I added a feature request via the GitHub issues tracker, but if that's not where you want them let me know.

Also the Wiki still isn't set up properly to allow other GitHub users to edit it. The only thing I can see in Settings for my own GitHub projects is an option to restrict Wiki editing to collaborators only. See if you have that checked and if so, unchecking it should do the trick. Unless that's how you want it in which case you'll need to add me as a collaborator (account name Gaiiden)

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I've been trying to debug the KSPTOTConnect issue on Lin64. netstat reveals that port 8282 is simply never opened (although 8295 is opened). It's not anything obvious like int confusion or not calling Listen().. I checked. :) I saw mention that the networking code was upgraded around 1.1.7; is it possible to get an older copy of KSPTOTConnect, with its presumably simpler networking code?

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Bug report - I loaded an orbit from .sfs file and it's complaining about negative RAAN.


Here's the persistent.sfs file: http://www./download/v6hcmu0v79w49cd/persistent.sfs

Here's the relevant orbit info (from "MunBus" ship), which does indeed have a -70.28 LAN:

SMA = 731567.530860148
ECC = 0.000911811590690869
INC = 0.0656603513430807
LPE = 54.3259111739771
LAN = -70.2848238807203
MNA = 3.64078311693114
EPH = 6781341.32857992
REF = 1

The orbit is perfectly normal in game:


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Hello! Arrowstar, when i run the KSPTOT 1.3.3 (In fact display 1.3.2) projectMain.m, a warning occurs:

Warning: Name is nonexistent or not a directory: zArchive

> In path at 109

In addpath at 86

In projectMain at 9

and i comment it, warning disappeared. So, does "zArchive" important ?

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Did you miss my last post asking about GitHub wiki and submitting feature requests?

I must have Please repeat it here? :)

Yes, it is.

Okay. Please just run the executable directly. :)

Ok, that will work fine as a workaround. It would be nice if KSPTOT did that automatically.

I'll add it into the next release.

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Repeated as requested (I didn't originally because it was actually only a few posts up...)

I added a feature request via the GitHub issues tracker, but if that's not where you want them let me know.

Also the Wiki still isn't set up properly to allow other GitHub users to edit it. The only thing I can see in Settings for my own GitHub projects is an option to restrict Wiki editing to collaborators only. See if you have that checked and if so, unchecking it should do the trick. Unless that's how you want it in which case you'll need to add me as a collaborator (account name Gaiiden)

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Also the Wiki still isn't set up properly to allow other GitHub users to edit it. The only thing I can see in Settings for my own GitHub projects is an option to restrict Wiki editing to collaborators only. See if you have that checked and if so, unchecking it should do the trick. Unless that's how you want it in which case you'll need to add me as a collaborator (account name Gaiiden)

Okay, try now? I unchecked that box in settings. :)

I did see your feature request, but I've been fairly busy lately so no time to get to things. I'll try to investigate more closely when I have a chance. :)

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Okay, try now? I unchecked that box in settings. :)

looks good will add stuff next time I get a chance

I did see your feature request, but I've been fairly busy lately so no time to get to things. I'll try to investigate more closely when I have a chance. :)

no rush. I just wanted to make sure you were okay with feature requests posted there

Not sure. What's OPM?

outer planets mod by captrobau

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