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Lotus Corporation Mission Log [Image Heavy]


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Lotus Corporation

"Peace through Profit"

The Lotus Corporation (founded as Lotus Industries) was once one of the largest producers of snack foods and pesticide on Kerbin. Some of its most popular snacks being "Lukewarm Pockets" and "Bang-Tarts", along with its most popular consumer pesticide "Weed Murderer". After a legal dispute in which some of its food products sweetener was replaced with pesticide, Lotus Industries attempted to flee charges enact justice by founding its own city-state and incorporated itself into the Lotus Corporation. With no where to expand and its products outlawed around Kerbin, the Lotus Corporation looks to the stars to find a new beginning.



Nammu: Orbiters around Kerbin

An: Crewed orbiters around Kerbin

Nanna: Orbiters around Mun and Minmus

Ningal: Landers on Mun and Minmus

Inanna: Rovers on Mun and Minmus

Utu: Orbiters around Kerbol

Enki: Crewed orbiters and landers on Mun and Minmus

Ninurta: Space station around Kerbin

Odin: Orbiters around Duna

Vili: Landers on Duna

Thor: Orbiters around Ike

Baldr: Landers on Ike

Zeus: Orbiters around Eve

Hera: Landers on Eve

Apollo: Orbiters around Gilly

Artemis: Landers on Gilly

Enlil: Space station around Mun

Ninhursag: Colony on Mun

Ninlil: Space station around Minmus

Ereshkigal: Colony on Minmus





Mission Log:

Mission 01: Nammu 1 (Low Kerbin orbiter)

Mission 02: Nammu 2 (Kerbin equatorial orbiter)

Mission 03: Nammu 3 (Kerbin polar orbiter)

Mission 04: An 1 (Crewed low Kerbin orbiter)

Mission 05: Nammu 4 (Kerbin synchronous orbiter)

Mission 06: An 2 (Crewed low Kerbin orbiter)

Mission 07: An 3 (Crewed low Kerbin orbiter)

Mission 08: An 4, An 5 (Crewed low Kerbin orbiters)

Mission 09: Nanna 1 (Munar equatorial orbiter)

Mission 10: Nanna 2 (Munar polar orbiter)

Mission 11: Ningal 1 (Munar lander)

Mission 12: Nanna 3 (Minmus equatorial orbiter)

Mission 13: Nanna 4 (Minmus polar orbiter)

Mission 14: Ningal 2 (Minmus lander)

Mission 15: Inanna 1 (Munar rover)

Mission 16: Inanna 2 (Minmus rover)

Mission 17: Utu 1 (Kerbolar equatorial orbiter)

Mission 18: Enki 1 (Crewed Munar orbiter)

Mission 19: Enki 2 (Crewed Minmus orbiter)

Mission 20: Enki 3 (Crewed Munar lander)

Mission 21: Enki 4 (Crewed Minmus lander)

Mission 22: Ninurta 1 (Kerbin space station)



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Mission 01

Objective: Low Kerbin orbit of 80 km

Payload: Nammu 1 (Probodobodyne QBE, OX-STAT Photovoltaic Panels, Z-100 Rechargable Battery Bank, Communotron 16, Double-C Accelerometer, 2HOT Thermometer)

Launch Vehicle: Atum 1 (RC-001S Remote Guidance Unit, LV-T45 Liquid Fuel Engine, LV-909 Liquid Fuel Engine, FL-T200 Fuel Tank, FL-T800 Fuel Tank, Advanced S.A.S Module, TR-18A Stack Decoupler, TR-2V Stack Decoupler, SP-W 2x3 Photovoltaic Panels)

Mass at Launch: 8.25 t

Mission Report: No faults detected at launch, second stage of Atum 1 launch vehicle deorbited safely, all systems of Nammu 1 fully functional.

Mission Status: Success

Nammu 1 at launch pad:


Several seconds after liftoff:


Dropping the first stage:


Second stage deploys solar panels:


Nammu 1 decouples from the second stage:


Second stage deorbits itself:


Nammu 1 in orbit:


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Mission 02

Objective: Kerbin equatorial orbit of 300 km

Payload: Nammu 2 (Probodobodyne OKTO, OX-4L 1x6 Photovoltaic Panels, Z-100 Rechargable Battery Bank, Clamp-O-Tron Jr., Communotron 88-88, Double-C Accelerometer, 2HOT Thermometer)

Launch Vehicle: Atum 2 (RC-001S Remote Guidance Unit, LV-T45 Liquid Fuel Engine, LV-909 Liquid Fuel Engine, FL-T400 Fuel Tank, FL-T800 Fuel Tank, Advanced S.A.S Module, TR-18A Stack Decoupler, TR-2V Stack Decoupler, SP-W 2x3 Photovoltaic Panels)

Mass at Launch: 11.72 t

Mission Report: No faults detected at launch, second stage of Atum 2 launch vehicle deorbited safely, all systems of Nammu 2 fully functional.

Mission Status: Success

Nammu 2 at launch pad:


After final injection burn:


Second stage deorbits itself:


Nammu 2 in orbit:


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Mission 03

Objective: Kerbin polar orbit of 300 km

Payload: Nammu 3 (Probodobodyne OKTO, OX-4L 1x6 Photovoltaic Panels, Z-100 Rechargable Battery Bank, Clamp-O-Tron Jr., Communotron 88-88, Double-C Accelerometer, 2HOT Thermometer)

Launch Vehicle: Atum 2 (RC-001S Remote Guidance Unit, LV-T45 Liquid Fuel Engine, LV-909 Liquid Fuel Engine, FL-T400 Fuel Tank, FL-T800 Fuel Tank, Advanced S.A.S Module, TR-18A Stack Decoupler, TR-2V Stack Decoupler, SP-W 2x3 Photovoltaic Panels)

Mass at Launch: 11.72 t

Mission Report: No faults detected at launch, second stage of Atum 2 launch vehicle deorbited safely, all systems of Nammu 3 fully functional.

Mission Status: Success

Ascent of Nammu 3:


Orbital insertion burn:


Nammu 3 decouples from the second stage:


Nammu 3 in orbit:


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Mission 04

Objective: Crewed low Kerbin orbit of 80 km

Payload: An 1 (Command Pod Mk1, Mk16 Parachute)

Launch Vehicle: Atum 3 (LV-T45 Liquid Fuel Engine, LV-909 Liquid Fuel Engine, Toroidal Aerospike Rocket, FL-T400 Fuel Tank, FL-T800 Fuel Tank, Advanced S.A.S Module, TR-18A Stack Decoupler)

Mass at Launch: 19.91 t

Mission Report: No faults detected at launch, third stage of Atum 3 launch vehicle deorbited safely, An 1 safely deployed parachute and splashdown.

Mission Status: Success

An 1 at launch pad:


Dropping the second stage:


Orbital insertion burn:


Just enjoying the view:


Reentry of An 1:


Parachute deployed:




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Mission 05

Objective: Kerbin synchronous orbit

Payload: Nammu 4 (Probodobodyne OKTO, OX-4L 1x6 Photovoltaic Panels, Z-100 Rechargable Battery Bank, Clamp-O-Tron Jr., Communotron 88-88, Double-C Accelerometer, 2HOT Thermometer)

Launch Vehicle: Atum 3 (RC-001S Remote Guidance Unit, LV-T45 Liquid Fuel Engine, LV-909 Liquid Fuel Engine, Toroidal Aerospike Rocket, FL-T400 Fuel Tank, FL-T800 Fuel Tank, Advanced S.A.S Module, TR-18A Stack Decoupler, TR-2V Stack Decoupler, SP-W 2x3 Photovoltaic Panels)

Mass at Launch: 19.33 t

Mission Report: No faults detected at launch, third stage of Atum 3 launch vehicle deorbited safely, all systems of Nammu 4 fully functional.

Mission Status: Success

Nammu 4 at launch pad:


Dropping the first stage:


Seconds before orbital insertion burn:


Nammu 4 decouples from the third stage:


Third stage begins deorbiting itself:


Third stage reentry:


Nammu 4 in orbit:


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Mission 06

Objective: Crewed low Kerbin orbit of 80 km

Payload: An 2 (Command Pod Mk1, Mk16 Parachute)

Launch Vehicle: Atum 4 (LV-T45 Liquid Fuel Engine, LV-909 Liquid Fuel Engine, FL-T400 Fuel Tank, FL-T800 Fuel Tank, FL-R25 RCS Fuel Tank, Advanced S.A.S Module, RV-105 RCS Thruster Block, TR-18A Stack Decoupler, TVR-200 Stack Bi-Coupler)

Mass at Launch: 22.95 t

Mission Report: No faults detected at launch, RCS was fully functional, third stage of Atum 4 launch vehicle deorbited safely, An 2 safely deployed parachute and splashdown.

Mission Status: Success

An 2 at launch pad:


Dropping the second stage:


Testing RCS:


Dropping the third stage:




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Mission 07

Objective: Crewed low Kerbin orbit of 80 km

Payload: An 3 (Mk1-2 Command Pod, Mk16-XL Parachute)

Launch Vehicle: Ra 1 (Rockomax "Poodle" Liquid Engine, Rockomax "Skipper" Liquid Engine, Rockomax "Mainsail" Liquid Engine, Rockomax X200-16 Fuel Tank, Rockomax X200-32 Fuel Tank, Rockomax Jumbo-64 Fuel Tank, Advanced S.A.S Module, Large, Rockomax Brand Decoupler)

Mass at Launch: 81.7 t

Mission Report: No faults detected at launch, third stage of Ra 1 launch vehicle deorbited safely, An 3 safely deployed parachute and splashdown.

Mission Status: Success

An 3 at launch pad:


Dropping the first stage:


An 3 in orbit:


Dropping the third stage:






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Mission 08

Objective: Crewed low Kerbin orbit of 100 km with rendezvous and docking

Payload: An 4 (Mk1-2 Command Pod, Mk16-XL Parachute, Clamp-O-Tron Shielded Docking Port), An 5 (Mk1-2 Command Pod, Mk16-XL Parachute, Clamp-O-Tron Shielded Docking Port)

Launch Vehicle: Ra 1 (Rockomax "Poodle" Liquid Engine, Rockomax "Skipper" Liquid Engine, Rockomax "Mainsail" Liquid Engine, Rockomax X200-16 Fuel Tank, Rockomax X200-32 Fuel Tank, Rockomax Jumbo-64 Fuel Tank, Stratus-V Roundified Monopropellant Tank, Advanced S.A.S Module, Large, RV-105 RCS Thruster Block, Rockomax Brand Decoupler)

Mass at Launch: 82.94 t

Mission Report: No faults detected at launch, An 4 and 5 rendezvoused and docked successfully, An 4 and 5 safely deployed parachute and splashdown.

Mission Status: Success

An 4 in orbit awaiting rendezvous:


An 5 rendezvous with An 4:


Seconds before docking:




Preparing to deorbit:


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Mission 09

Objective: Munar equatorial orbit of 100 km

Payload: Nanna 1 (Probodobodyne OKTO, OX-4L 1x6 Photovoltaic Panels, Z-100 Rechargable Battery Bank, Clamp-O-Tron Jr., Communotron 88-88, Double-C Accelerometer, 2HOT Thermometer)

Launch Vehicle: Atum 4 (RC-001S Remote Guidance Unit, LV-T45 Liquid Fuel Engine, LV-909 Liquid Fuel Engine, FL-T400 Fuel Tank, FL-T800 Fuel Tank, Advanced S.A.S Module, TR-18A Stack Decoupler, TVR-200 Stack Bi-Coupler, TR-2V Stack Decoupler, SP-W 2x3 Photovoltaic Panels)

Mass at Launch: 21.62 t

Mission Report: No faults detected at launch, third stage of Atum 4 launch vehicle deorbited safely, all systems of Nanna 1 fully functional.

Mission Status: Success

Nanna 1 at launch pad:


Leaving Kerbin:


Arriving at Mun:


Nanna 1 decouples from third stage:


Third stage deorbiting:


Seconds before impact:


Nanna 1 in orbit:


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Mission 10

Objective: Munar polar orbit of 100 km

Payload: Nanna 2 (Probodobodyne OKTO, OX-4L 1x6 Photovoltaic Panels, Z-100 Rechargable Battery Bank, Clamp-O-Tron Jr., Communotron 88-88, Double-C Accelerometer, 2HOT Thermometer)

Launch Vehicle: Atum 4 (RC-001S Remote Guidance Unit, LV-T45 Liquid Fuel Engine, LV-909 Liquid Fuel Engine, FL-T400 Fuel Tank, FL-T800 Fuel Tank, Advanced S.A.S Module, TR-18A Stack Decoupler, TVR-200 Stack Bi-Coupler, TR-2V Stack Decoupler, SP-W 2x3 Photovoltaic Panels)

Mass at Launch: 21.62 t

Mission Report: No faults detected at launch, third stage of Atum 4 launch vehicle deorbited safely, all systems of Nanna 2 fully functional.

Mission Status: Success

Beginning trans-Munar injection burn:


Final orbital insertion burn:


Nanna 2 in orbit:


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Mission 11

Objective: Munar landing

Payload: Ningal 1 (Probodobodyne OKTO, LV-1 Liquid Fuel Engine, Oscar-B Fuel Tank, LT-5 Micro Landing Strut, OX-4W 2x3 Photovoltaic Panels, Z-100 Rechargable Battery Bank, Clamp-O-Tron Jr., Communotron 16, Double-C Accelerometer, PresMat Barometer, GRAVMAX Negative Gravioli Detector, 2HOT Thermometer)

Launch Vehicle: Atum 4 (LV-T45 Liquid Fuel Engine, LV-909 Liquid Fuel Engine, FL-T400 Fuel Tank, FL-T800 Fuel Tank, Advanced S.A.S Module, TR-18A Stack Decoupler, TVR-200 Stack Bi-Coupler, TR-2V Stack Decoupler)

Mass at Launch: 21.8 t

Mission Report: No faults detected at launch, Ningal 1 safely touchdown on Munar surface, all systems of Ningal 1 fully functional.

Mission Status: Success

Ningal 1 arriving at Mun:


Kerbin eclipsing Kerbol:


The eclipse ends:


Ningal 1 on Munar surface:


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Mission 12

Objective: Minmus equatorial orbit of 30 km

Payload: Nanna 3 (Probodobodyne OKTO, OX-4L 1x6 Photovoltaic Panels, Z-100 Rechargable Battery Bank, Clamp-O-Tron Jr., Communotron 88-88, Double-C Accelerometer, 2HOT Thermometer)

Launch Vehicle: Atum 4 (RC-001S Remote Guidance Unit, LV-T45 Liquid Fuel Engine, LV-909 Liquid Fuel Engine, FL-T400 Fuel Tank, FL-T800 Fuel Tank, Advanced S.A.S Module, TR-18A Stack Decoupler, TVR-200 Stack Bi-Coupler, TR-2V Stack Decoupler, SP-W 2x3 Photovoltaic Panels)

Mass at Launch: 21.62 t

Mission Report: No faults detected at launch, third stage of Atum 4 launch vehicle deorbited safely, all systems of Nanna 3 fully functional.

Mission Status: Success

Nanna 3 arriving at Minmus:


Third stage seconds before impact as it deorbits itself:


Nanna 3 in orbit:


Classified Report: Unknown signal from unknown source.

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Mission 13

Objective: Minmus polar orbit of 30 km

Payload: Nanna 4 (Probodobodyne OKTO, OX-4L 1x6 Photovoltaic Panels, Z-100 Rechargable Battery Bank, Clamp-O-Tron Jr., Communotron 88-88, Double-C Accelerometer, 2HOT Thermometer)

Launch Vehicle: Atum 4 (RC-001S Remote Guidance Unit, LV-T45 Liquid Fuel Engine, LV-909 Liquid Fuel Engine, FL-T400 Fuel Tank, FL-T800 Fuel Tank, Advanced S.A.S Module, TR-18A Stack Decoupler, TVR-200 Stack Bi-Coupler, TR-2V Stack Decoupler, SP-W 2x3 Photovoltaic Panels)

Mass at Launch: 21.62 t

Mission Report: No faults detected at launch, third stage of Atum 4 launch vehicle deorbited safely, all systems of Nanna 4 fully functional.

Mission Status: Success

Nanna 4 in orbit:


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Mission 14

Objective: Minmus landing

Payload: Ningal 2 (Probodobodyne OKTO, LV-1 Liquid Fuel Engine, Oscar-B Fuel Tank, LT-5 Micro Landing Strut, OX-4W 2x3 Photovoltaic Panels, Z-100 Rechargable Battery Bank, Clamp-O-Tron Jr., Communotron 16, Double-C Accelerometer, PresMat Barometer, GRAVMAX Negative Gravioli Detector, 2HOT Thermometer)

Launch Vehicle: Atum 4 (LV-T45 Liquid Fuel Engine, LV-909 Liquid Fuel Engine, FL-T400 Fuel Tank, FL-T800 Fuel Tank, Advanced S.A.S Module, TR-18A Stack Decoupler, TVR-200 Stack Bi-Coupler, TR-2V Stack Decoupler)

Mass at Launch: 21.8 t

Mission Report: No faults detected at launch, Ningal 2 safely touchdown on Minmus surface, all systems of Ningal 2 fully functional.

Mission Status: Success

Ningal 2 in synchronous orbit above landing site:


Ningal 2 on Minmus surface:


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I've noticed that you used Sumerian mythology as the basis for your naming scheme. It's quite different from the usual Greco-Roman stuff.

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I've noticed that you used Sumerian mythology as the basis for your naming scheme. It's quite different from the usual Greco-Roman stuff.

Yeah, right now I have a system planned out for naming using pantheons for each of the planets.

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Mission 12

Objective: Minmus equatorial orbit of 30 km

Payload: Nanna 3 (Probodobodyne OKTO, OX-4L 1x6 Photovoltaic Panels, Z-100 Rechargable Battery Bank, Clamp-O-Tron Jr., Communotron 88-88, Double-C Accelerometer, 2HOT Thermometer)

Launch Vehicle: Atum 4 (RC-001S Remote Guidance Unit, LV-T45 Liquid Fuel Engine, LV-909 Liquid Fuel Engine, FL-T400 Fuel Tank, FL-T800 Fuel Tank, Advanced S.A.S Module, TR-18A Stack Decoupler, TVR-200 Stack Bi-Coupler, TR-2V Stack Decoupler, SP-W 2x3 Photovoltaic Panels)

Mass at Launch: 21.62 t

Mission Report: No faults detected at launch, third stage of Atum 4 launch vehicle deorbited safely, all systems of Nanna 3 fully functional.

Mission Status: Success

Nanna 3 arriving at Minmus:


Third stage seconds before impact as it deorbits itself:


Nanna 3 in orbit:


Classified Report: Unknown signal from unknown source.

Uh oh what could that signal be?
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Mission 15

Objective: Mun landing and exploration

Payload: Inanna 1 (Probodobodyne OKTO2, Cubic Octagonal Strut, OX-STAT Photovoltaic Panels, Z-100 Rechargable Battery Bank, RoveMax Model 2, Communotron 16, Double-C Accelerometer, PresMat Barometer, GRAVMAX Negative Gravioli Detector, 2HOT Thermometer)

Launch Vehicle: Atum 4 (LV-T45 Liquid Fuel Engine, LV-909 Liquid Fuel Engine, FL-T400 Fuel Tank, FL-T800 Fuel Tank, Advanced S.A.S Module, TR-18A Stack Decoupler, TVR-200 Stack Bi-Coupler)

Mass at Launch: 22.17 t

Mission Report: No faults detected at launch, Inanna 1 safely touchdown on Munar surface, all systems of Inanna 1 fully functional.

Mission Status: Success

Inanna 1 at launch pad:


Preparing for descent:


Touching down with sky crane:


Inanna 1 on Munar surface:


Exploring the surface:


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Mission 16

Objective: Minmus landing and exploration

Payload: Inanna 2 (Probodobodyne OKTO2, Cubic Octagonal Strut, OX-STAT Photovoltaic Panels, Z-100 Rechargable Battery Bank, RoveMax Model 2, Communotron 16, Double-C Accelerometer, PresMat Barometer, GRAVMAX Negative Gravioli Detector, 2HOT Thermometer)

Launch Vehicle: Atum 4 (LV-T45 Liquid Fuel Engine, LV-909 Liquid Fuel Engine, FL-T400 Fuel Tank, FL-T800 Fuel Tank, Advanced S.A.S Module, TR-18A Stack Decoupler, TVR-200 Stack Bi-Coupler)

Mass at Launch: 22.17 t

Mission Report: No faults detected at launch, Inanna 2 safely touchdown on Minmus surface, all systems of Inanna 2 fully functional.

Mission Status: Success

Inanna 2 touching down with sky crane:


Inanna 2 on Minmus surface:


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