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I am full of grief and coffee


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Lol, That's insane!! What amused me (now that I've got somewhat used to your monster creations) is that with all that size you went with the small kethane drills!

Is that for onland re-fuelling, or will that whole thing lift off and become and orbiting fuel station?

(how many people tried to close the nav ball in the last pic from that post? , loling@self)

Small drills, but eight of them. Better placement. It's a tower lander. The whole thing lands on a small planet or mun, refuels, takes off again.

Coincidentally, I'm redoing the Arkingthaad tower lander. Going for a midrange size, between the light and the heavy. And this one I will post the craft file for. When it's done. Some screenies:


Now, you might be saying to yourself, "Can those legs even handle all that bloody mass?!"


Turns out yes.

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Not a clue. Maybe. Lemmie see how many parts it is...

#EDIT: The tower itself, sans boosters, is a svelte 571 parts. :)

#EDIT2: Shakedown run of the orbit placement boosters and landing gear.

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#EDIT3: This thing would look BEASTLY on Duna. Ok! Time to add the orbit boost engines!

Edited by Whackjob
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Quick report... my old arch-nemesis, the spontaneous resonant stress fracture.. has reared its ugly head again. The shearing is happening, to my complete surprise, between the end connections of the rockomax 32 cans in the boosters! Did not expect that. So I redid the boosters. I seriously buffed up their rigidity. The cost... it is now at 3,600 parts.

Time for another test run! This will be the last of the night for me.

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Thank you for the encouragement, all!

Tomorrow, when all is complete, and I do a final manned shakedown run (Mun, Duna, Ike, Kerbin, probably) and return, I will post the craft file. Anyone know a good place where the file will remain persistent for a good long time? And finally, one more picture, showing off my strutwork.


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Thank you for the encouragement, all!

Anyone know a good place where the file will remain persistent for a good long time? And finally, one more picture, showing off my strutwork.

Look at all them struts! 3,600 parts is insane. I wonder if that is some sort of record. If not, it must be close.

I recommend dropbox. I've still got stuff in there I used for uni last year.

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I love this thread. It's the Whackjob equivalent of cutting a tree in half to count the rings. All of my progress is here. I am exceedingly appreciative of the moderators that permit it to stay and live on.

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3600 parts, and a Mun - Duna - Ike - return... you are insane :P. I cant begin to imagine the processing load. How many parts does it even take for your PC to lag?

That's not a crazy mission when you consider Kethane is involved. As far as parts goes... at 1000, I see a little slowdown. 2,000, and it gets a little noticeable. At 3,600, I launch and then I go make dinner.

Whack has the patience.

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