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I am full of grief and coffee


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Youve probably answered this before, but what is your PC? Im guessing you got at least 2 cores of cpu that are overclocked like crazy. My i7 literally groans at 1k parts. i cant imagine a 3.5k part ship.

It's not even an i3. It's one of those old 2.53Ghz "Core 2 quad duo extreme" things that predate those.

#EDIT: Good grief. Forgot to put the youtube vid in my coffee thread.

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Good god, I'm slipping. Here's the video of me landing the tower on the Mun.

I like how it shows how effective the handmade landing gear is. And how you only realize how big it is when Jeb steps out.

Now I go coma until tomorrowsday get.

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Ladies and gents,

... we have Dunafall. Enjoy.

The trial run is more than halfway over, now. All that is left is to refuel, launch, land on Ike, refuel again, and head home to Kerbin. Next vid will be landing that tower at KSP. If I can manage it, I want to set her down right on top of the VAB.

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You know whackjob every time I watch one of your videos and I see your monstrosities in flight and hear you laugh... I get the most wonderful picture in my imagination of an evil genius.

That said you mentioned in one of your videos that one of your towers you could have lifted but it would have taken hours to make orbit... That has me wondering, just how long was your longest launch? I've seen you lift some pretty big ships so I can imagine a while, specially considering that I have seen over half an hour personally.

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That has me wondering, just how long was your longest launch?

Longest launch I ever did was two hours fifteen minutes (I think?) realtime. I was pushing 6,000 parts on that build. It still failed to achieve orbit... was one of my very early creations.

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The problem is that PhysX, KSP's physics engine, isnt capable of multi-threading. I7's are octo-core proceesors, but because of this problem, KSP can only use a single one of these for physics calculations, which are the most difficult ones to be done in flight. The preformance is mostly based on how fast your single processor is clocked, and adding more wont help.

Edit: Wait... im sure this was in reply to something else, which seems to be gone. It doesn't make much sense now.

Edited by Spyritdragon
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More grief. More coffee.

I decided to start a new career mode.

... and accidentally overwrote my sandbox save. The lander tower is gone. [EXPLETIVE PREEMPTIVELY DELETED]

Ah well. No time to be bummed. What's done is done and there's no un-done-ing it. Brush beard, truck on.

I need a new project.

Edited by Whackjob
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More grief. More coffee.

I decided to start a new career mode.

... and accidentally overwrote my sandbox save. The lander tower is gone. [EXPLETIVE PREEMPTIVELY DELETED]

Ah well. No time to be bummed. What's done is done and there's no un-done-ing it. Brush beard, truck on.

I need a new project.

You could have a go at doing something awesome with planes for a change from rockets :)

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