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  • 3 weeks later...
You don't need 4 rotors on the Chinook. 2 is fine if they are rotating in different directions. That way the torque is kiLled.

It has 4 to cancel out the pitching caused by only two rotors when rolling. This is because the rotors work best when they are beside each other, not in tandem.

Example: Two rotors beside each other.


To roll one rotor pitches up and the other pitches down. Rotate this configuration 90 degrees and rolling will cause it to pitch and along with the torque of the command pod, it will flip.

Edited by Giggleplex777
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Been there, done that.

I built this a week ago!

Holy boop, Giggleplex, I thought you didn't outclass me as a builder by that much, and that my aeronautical engineer background gave me a bit of an edge if only I dedicated the time. Scratch that, you have your physics more than right, and your output is amazing. :0.0:

Rune. And I'm from the country where De La Cierva was born. You sir, have my undying respect.

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To roll one rotor pitches up and the other pitches down. Rotate this configuration 90 degrees and rolling will cause it to pitch and along with the torque of the command pod, it will flip.

That's why rotor blades have free movement up, down, and side to side to uniformly spin. So advancing and retreating blades equalize lift.

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Next stop, the Gyrodyne. :D

That one is a bit less impressive, aerodynamically speaking. Auto-rotation is a fancy trick. But go ahead, by all means!

That's why rotor blades have free movement up, down, and side to side to uniformly spin. So advancing and retreating blades equalize lift.

If only we had hinges in stock...

Rune. Because you can't use another part as such, right?

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That one is a bit less impressive, aerodynamically speaking. Auto-rotation is a fancy trick. But go ahead, by all means!

Surprisingly, my attempts to build a gyrodyne were less successfully than the autogyro. The mass of the powered rotors are the biggest problem. They offset the center of mass so much that the forward flight engine has to be very high above the fuselage; making it susceptible to exhaust damage from the rotors. I think I should make something like the Rotodyne - jet (or in KSP, rocket) powered rotors at take off and they would autorotate during level flight.

I have also tried to build a stock cyclogyro, but without much success, of course.


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I tried to make a helicopter this way and it only hops around and then finally rolls hard to the right and explodes. I have the hinge made correctly, but the problem is determining the ratio of control surface to wing pieces and the angle of the wings. If I continue to stack control surfaces and wing pieces, it makes the helicopter bounce around more but there is no actual lift. It is a Chinook style, like this "x---x". The rotor blade style I tried is angled flat, and uses the swept wings along with control surfaces in the direction that each engine side is pushing. I used 2 engines per blade, 4 per rotor, 8 total. Rotor RPM at WOT is about 100. Time before destruction is about 25 seconds at WOT while tethered. Rotor diameter is about 2 and 1/3 swept wings. I have tried as many as 10 stacked swept wings and control surfaces, I have tried to angle the front rotor mast to the the left and then to the right, and I have tried to take some weight out of the helicopter without success. Does this method allow for reliable, controlled flight of a helicopter?

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How in the name Kod do these things work? Do you use the jet engines to rotate the wings and have struts to hold them in place? Wouldn't that like, not work?

Hahahaha! It looks like witchcraft at first, I know. The thing is, some parts (the structural cone in this case, but also the structural fuselage and others), can do 360 turns along their axis without breaking their attachment points (and with surprisingly little resistance), and then they reset their position or something. Whatever it is, they don't break. Because KSP, and science! So, you can use them as rotating joints to put the rotor in. I think Meticulous Mitch was one of the discoverers of this tech, way back in 0.17 or so, but the control schemes keep getting better and better.

There was also this bearing made with landing gear, but that has always been more complicated and failure-prone. And the fact that stuff like that keeps popping up is why I love this game.

Rune. Now go check out the stock cargo bay that has popped up, THAT is awesome.

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Hahahaha! It looks like witchcraft at first, I know. The thing is, some parts (the structural cone in this case, but also the structural fuselage and others), can do 360 turns along their axis without breaking their attachment points (and with surprisingly little resistance), and then they reset their position or something. Whatever it is, they don't break. Because KSP, and science! So, you can use them as rotating joints to put the rotor in. I think Meticulous Mitch was one of the discoverers of this tech, way back in 0.17 or so, but the control schemes keep getting better and better.

There was also this bearing made with landing gear, but that has always been more complicated and failure-prone. And the fact that stuff like that keeps popping up is why I love this game.

Rune. Now go check out the stock cargo bay that has popped up, THAT is awesome.

Vincentlaw discovered it in 0.16, MeticulousMitch just used landing gear bearings. Also, it is the Structural Pylons that move, the cones do not.

Edited by Giggleplex777
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