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Industrial Flames & Explosions, Inc. - Version 1.4.2 Now Available!


What rocket do you guys use most frequently?  

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  1. 1. What rocket do you guys use most frequently?

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I just started to mess with this add on. What does one do if they have an issue with the payload fairings for this addon? Seems that every time I go and mess with them one half will disappear and not allow me to add it back. I keep getting left sides all the time.

Try adjusting the symmetry. The Intrepid V fairings need to have 2x symmetry, and the Intrepid SLS fairings need 4x symmetry.

  IonStorm said:

This is fantastic. I have three questions: With v0.13 can you make a version an Intrepid V Heavy? Have you considered making a two engine Centaur stage? Do you have any suggestions on making an Intrepid V 411 stable? With these one could have the entire family: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atlas_V#Versions

[list type=decimal]

[li]It\'s on my to-do list... I ran some tests with the heavy configuration before the Intrepid V was released, but it had a lot of issues that needed to be worked out. I didn\'t want those issues to postpone the release, so I just put the Intrepid V Heavy on hold for a little bit.[/li]

[li]Dual engine Centaurs have never been used before, so I naturally went with the single engine version for the Intrepid V. However, I can add it to my to-do list.[/li]

[li]It\'s impossible...[/li]

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  JordanCox2 said:

  • [li]It\'s on my to-do list... I ran some tests with the heavy configuration before the Intrepid V was released, but it had a lot of issues that needed to be worked out. I didn\'t want those issues to postpone the release, so I just put the Intrepid V Heavy on hold for a little bit.[/li]

Good choice. Better is the enemy of good.

  JordanCox2 said:

  • [li]Dual engine Centaurs have never been used before, so I naturally went with the single engine version for the Intrepid V. However, I can add it to my to-do list.[/li]

Agreed. In NASA-speak, call it a 'desirement.'

  JordanCox2 said:

  • [li]It\'s impossible...[/li]

I figured. At least without adding a stupid number of SAS and RCS units.

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Do you think you could make a new chute for the lander if that isn\'t already planned? The default doesn\'t really go at all. Also if it lands in water it\'s completely submerged so I think my kerbals are gonna drown.

EDIT: I has some fuel left so I pointed the lander down into the water and it kept going deeper into the ocean. Is Kerbal Marine Program in our future?

I\'d post a picture but I play windowed.

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  Gojira said:

why the hell

did you rebalance everything

i liked it the way it was :c

Why did I rebalance everything?

  • [li]A lot of people thought my rockets were 'too easy' to fly. I agreed, and made them a little more challenging... But seriously, if you know what you\'re doing, they\'re still easy to fly.[/li]
    [li]Now that Altair has been released, there is no need to overpower the Orion CSM, since it\'s not being used as a Munar Lander anymore.[/li]
    [li]The Soteria, Odyssey and Centaur stages contained too much fuel and the Atlas IV engine was a little too powerful.[/li]
    [li]The 5 Segment SRB was still too powerful, but I only reduced the thrust by a little bit.[/li]

If the rebalance is too much of an issue, just download version 1.3 again and overwrite the files. If more people think the rebalance is a problem, I\'ll fix it in the next release.

  Bigred2989 said:

Do you think you could make a new chute for the lander if that isn\'t already planned? The default doesn\'t really go at all. Also if it lands in water it\'s completely submerged so I think my kerbals are gonna drown.

EDIT: I has some fuel left so I pointed the lander down into the water and it kept going deeper into the ocean. Is Kerbal Marine Program in our future?

I\'d post a picture but I play windowed.

Since we can\'t launch multiple vehicles, rendezvous, dock, etc., I had to make it possible for the Altair ascent stage to return back to Kerbin... I\'d be hearing a lot more complaints if people couldn\'t bring their kerbalnauts home after a successful Munar landing :\'( This is just a temporary solution until we are able to do those things. As for the submerged thing... Yeah, it happens. I\'m not concerned about it, since I always assumed missions ended when kerbalnauts land/splashdown. It was either that, or explosion upon impact ::)

I\'ll work on a parachute for the ascent stage and make it look like a docking system. Then, when we\'re able to dock, I\'ll just change the module type in the Part.cfg file. I\'ll release it in the next update.

  Aiyel said:

I love the modeling on the Altair.... but... is it *supposed* to be able to acheive Kerbin orbit by itself?

See my reply to Bigred2989\'s post.

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Guest ThatCrazyPilot
  JordanCox2 said:

I don\'t have any in mind at the moment... I am, however, playing around with the idea of building a rover :P


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Finally got around to landing Altair. I must admit, It\'s significantly harder than any other lander that I\'ve used. The decent engine, however, can\'t take much stress. Landing at 3.4 m/s, at 10 degrees, then OFF COMES THE ENGINE.


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Guest ThatCrazyPilot
  Mastado said:

Finally got around to landing Altair. I must admit, It\'s significantly harder than any other lander that I\'ve used. The decent engine, however, can\'t take much stress. Landing at 3.4 m/s, at 10 degrees, then OFF COMES THE ENGINE.


Welcome to KSP

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  Gojira said:

Jordan, you should honestly try to make a Kliper. That would look like sex to my eyes.

  Mastado said:

This. A thousand hundred million times this.


Read my posts, starting from this link. This idea has already been discussed.

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