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Industrial Flames & Explosions, Inc. - Version 1.4.2 Now Available!


What rocket do you guys use most frequently?  

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  1. 1. What rocket do you guys use most frequently?

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These rockets are awesome. However you need to go through part by part, set some sort of standard thrust/weight/capacity per sq/m and redo all of the cfgs. After that, you should scale back on the delta V and release an experts pack or something.

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Would that be possible to add retro rockets to these rockets? That\'s about the only thing they\'re missing (I found retros to look really, really cool).

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Hey everyone,

I know it\'s been a while since I posted an update, and I\'m sorry. Getting situated with my new job was a little bit more difficult than I expected. However, I\'m please to announce that Orion is almost finished! Over the past few days, I\'ve been working non-stop during what free time I do have to really get this thing finished. As you can see from the picture below, the modeling and texturing of the decoupler, heat shield, command pod, parachute, and docking system are completed! The only things I have left to finish are the fuel tanks, engine, RCS system, and the solar arrays. I\'m not setting an official release date, but I\'m trying my hardest to get all of the modeling and texturing done this weekend. That way, I only need to worry about configuring the parts.


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I really don\'t support how high poly that is - the RCS nozzles being modeled seems very unnecessary...

Are they unnecessary? Probably... I just figured I might as well go all out, since I\'m remodeling the entire spacecraft.

Also, I thought you said you were gonna let Winston finish his?

If I\'m not mistaken, I\'m pretty sure I didn\'t mention anything about releasing my update before Winston\'s...

What the fuck did I do wrong?

Seriously? You did nothing wrong...

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I really don\'t support how high poly that is - the RCS nozzles being modeled seems very unnecessary...

Sorry if this comes off as a bit ignorant about the subject, but what exactly is wrong with having a higher polygon count?

I\'d assume having more polygons would allow a more detailed part.

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Sorry if this comes off as a bit ignorant about the subject, but what exactly is wrong with having a higher polygon count?

I\'d assume having more polygons would allow a more detailed part.

More lag, I think.

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Alright, here\'s another update. I was able to finish all of the modeling and texturing today, and she looks great! I can\'t wait to release it to you guys! @Winston: How\'s the progress on your spacecraft?







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Between this Silisko\'s working sensors and r4m0n\'s Autopilot script I think I\'m going to die from excitement while waiting for the releases. :\'( But as they say 'Rome wasn\'t built in a day' and neither is a rocket (unless Jeb is building them, then it\'s more like an hour). So looking forward to this!!!! ;D

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